2023 91 Songs
Opening scenes
No songs available for this episode.
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ABC Halloween promo
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No songs available for this episode.
Playing at Granny's during Gold and Belle's date.
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Timeless Love Stories promo
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John Williams & London Symphony Orchestra
Greg's ringtone when he is in the hospital
The dwarfs whistle
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No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
Song on the radio when Owen and his father are camping in the woods at the beginning of the episode.
Snow shooting arrows in the woods.
Played in Granny's during Gold and Lacey's date.
Comes on the jukebox in "The Rabbit Hole". Lacey gets up to change it.
Introduction to "The Rabbit Hole" and Lacey
At Granny's Diner, Lacey and Mr. Gold have dinner when Lacey leaves the table; Mr. Gold goes to the restroom to look for her.
When Tamara is picking food at Granny's Diner and hits Emma when she was going out.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
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