Counterpart Season 2 Soundtrack
Counterpart Season 2 Soundtrack
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S2:EP1 Inside Out
Claude eats a piece of toast, tosses some dishes on the floor, then leaves just before Quayle and his team arrive.
S2:EP2 Outside In
Ian sits in a cafe watching Nomi talk with a woman outside; Nomi sits down in the cafe and strikes up a conversation with Ian.
Ian's team breaks into an apartment and finds a Indigo associate dead.
S2:EP3 Something Borrowed
Baldwin sits outside a nightclub waiting for Greta to emerge, then watches as she kisses and walks off with another woman.
Clare listens to music as she jogs through the park to meet with Claude.
La Wally : La Wally, Act I: Ebben? Ne Andro Lontana
Alexander Rahbari, BRT Philharmonic Orchestra, Brussels & Miriam Gauci
Claude Alpha returns to his apartment and watches as Claude Prime has sex with a woman.
Howard Prime goes to Estate Coffee to meet with Remy.
Emily Prime goes to Langston Motors to speak with Richard Langston about her Other.
S2:EP4 Point of Departure
West Berlin, 1984 - Emily and her mother talk about wedding rings and lies, as they go on a girl's holiday.
Peter arrives home to find Clare eating dinner, then joins her.
Ian returns to Moritz's lab and finds him dead, then a team arrives and arrests him.
S2:EP5 Shadow Puppets
Flashback to Ian and Nomi lay in bed, where he admits to liking Erykah Badu, then she says she needs more of him for their relationship to work.
Howard Alpha is taken to speak with Yanek.
S2:EP6 Twin Cities
1987 - Mira's brother complains about her choice in music.
1987 - Montage of Yanek and his friends setting up experiments to study the parallel worlds.
1987 - Police arrive at Yanek's home to arrest his son.
S2:EP7 No Strings Attached
Peter arrives home and informs Clare that he quit his job and they need to leave; Howard Prime finds the Qualye residence empty; Peter and Clare drive up to the Indigo house.
S2:EP8 In from the Cold
Baldwin goes to Nadia Alpha's house and has flashbacks to her death.
Anna sings to Howard while working on his bullet wound.
S2:EP9 You to You
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP10 Better Angels
No songs available for this episode.