South Park Season 8 Soundtrack
South Park Season 8 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S8:EP1 Good Times with Weapons
The song plays as a type of theme music when they pretend to be ninjas in a Japanese anime series.
S8:EP2 Up the Down Steroid
Montage of Cartman studying handicapped behavior to accurately and convincingly imitate it when he competes in the Special Olympics.
The music plays during Jimmy's steroid rage, during which he attacks his girlfriend and mother before bursting into tears.
S8:EP3 The Passion of the Jew
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP4 You Got F'd in the A
The Orange County Crew show off their dancing skills, while this song played on a boombox.
Randy Marsh teaches Stan how to dance to this song.
Song played on the boombox.
S8:EP5 Awesom-O
Butters spends time with his new robot friend / (9m) Butters and AWESOM-O in Los Angeles. / (11m) Butters sings a sad version of this song after losing AWESOM-O.
Butters sings this while brushing his teeth.
Butters sings AWESOM-O a song before bedtime.
Cartman dances around like Britney Spears.
(should be deleted. this song was not performed by Chicago.)
Note: only meant to be here once
S8:EP6 The Jeffersons
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP7 Goobacks
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP8 Douche and Turd
Song by P. Diddy that uses intimidation to encourage Stan Marsh to vote.
S8:EP9 Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP10 Pre-School
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP11 Quest for Ratings
S8:EP12 Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
No songs available for this episode.
S8:EP13 Cartman's Incredible Gift
No songs available for this episode.