2023 91 Songs
Manfred leaves Dallas for Midnight, TX.
Manfred checks out the local diner and meets Creek, who introduces him to the Midnighters.
Olivia teases Fiji about her attraction to Bobo; Manfred and Creek arrive at the picnic.
Manfred drops by the grocery store to grab a few things, then his chat with Creek is interrupted by her father's arrival.
Creek and Manfred grab a drink in his trailer, then she talks him into reading her palm.
Creek listens to music while cleaning, as Manfred runs down the street to warn her about the tiger.
Olivia and Lemuel walk through town follow the scent of blood, then shoot at the tiger on Manfred's trailer.
Sheriff Livingstone heads out to his car, which explodes when he starts it; Lowry and two of his gang members watch from afar as the Sheriff's car explodes, then they drive off.
Creek gets dressed, kisses Manfred and tells him she's late for dinner and needs to leave; Creek refuses Manfred's offer to walk her home.
At Home Cookin', Olivia comments to Lem on how the vampires are taking over the diner, then she meets Pia and decides to head home; Manfred asks Olivia if she trusts Lem's friends.
Pia drags Lem onto the dancefloor and asks if he remembers Buenos Aires, as Manfred and Olivia arrive to inform him about Tiffany; Lem pulls Olivia aside to comment on her dislike of his friends.
Flashback montage of the carnage after Lem and Zach attack Lem's former owner and his friends.
Flashback to Zach and Pia giving Lem a girl to 'lift his spirits'; Lem tells the girl how to leave and that he can't go on killing.
Flashback to Lem and Xylda going to talk with Zach.
Lem tells Zach his people can't stay in Midnight; Zach makes a toast Lem; Olivia asks Pia what's going on with Lem and Zach.
A guy sees a blonde woman sitting on a picnic table and pulls over to offer her a ride.
Creek asks Manfred about his scar as they shower together.
Bobo phones Fiji to tell her he's on the way to her place, as she sets up for their dinner.
After find the red Cadillac, Manfred hears singing, leading him to the blonde washing up in a bathroom.
Fiji waits for Bobo to arrive as her cat tells her she's been stood up; Bobo calls Fiji to say he needs to cancel on their dinner.
After Bobo attempts to compliment Fiji, she informs him that she didn't come to the bar for him; Manfred talks his way out of a bar fight after mistakenly going after the wrong blonde.
Creek questions Manfred about his visit to The Booby Trap; Creek spots Connor trying to get in the saloon.
Fiji and Bobo kiss.
Fiji asks Bobo for some time after finding out about his past; Creek shows up at Manfred's place and tells him she's impressed at how he tried to make things right with his past, then says she wants to spend the night with him.
Reverend Sheehan joins Manfred at the diner and asks how his night was; Connor picks up an order at the diner and bitterly complains about Creek no longer being at home or the gas station; a guy asks the Reverend and Manfred if they've seen his friend Erin.
The Midnighters reunite; Manfred consoles a grieving Creek; Erin thanks Fiji for removing her scar.
Creek tells her father she never wants to see him again; the Midnighters gather as Fiji performs a farewell ceremony for the victims; Creek breaks down in tears in Manfred's arms.
Manfred comes to the diner to work on his website while keeping an eye on Creek; Manfred and Fiji discuss how the town feels different since the death of Shawn.
After Creek comments on her hovering, Madonna convinces Creek she needs to take a break.
Manfred offers to walk Creek home but tells him no; Madonna tells Creek to take the next day off; Chuy apologises to everyone; Olivia and Lemuel head home for the evening.
A guy drags away the faceless body of the priest; Xylda argues with Manfred as he drives away from Midnight.
Olivia stops by the diner to check on Creek, then comments on Rev. Sheehan's unusual dinner choice.
(Flashback) Fiji arrives to Mignight, she catches sight of Jeremy for the first time as she's welcomed by her aunt and her cat, Mr. Snuggly.
Creek tells Manfred the reason why she came back, he then asks her where got cut on her forehead; Mr. Snuggly voices his irritation at Manfred and Creek expressing themsleves, alerting them that he can speak.
(Flashback) As they celebrate their 3 month anniversary, Jeremy and Fiji say "I love you' to one another; Fiji and Jeremy decide to have sex with Fiji being a virgin as they begin Jeremy begin burn from the inside out.
Manfred awakens from Fiji's spell; the group realize that Fiji is missing.
Couples dance at Olivia and Lemuel's wedding reception; Fiji suggests to Bobo they temporarily leave the reception.
Manfred stares off in reverie when Creek comes to him and tells him none of all the good that has happen would be possible without him then asks him to dance; (continues) Manfred lies awake in bed as Creek sleeps.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3Common Side Effects
2025 13 Songs
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