Twin Peaks (1990) Season 3 Soundtrack
Twin Peaks (1990) Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 The Return: Part One
Evil Dale Cooper drives a Mercedes-Benz down a dark road and stops at Otis' house.
S3:EP2 The Return: Part Two
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar as Shelly talks to her friends about her daughter's boyfriend; James spots Shelly across the bar; end credits.
S3:EP3 The Return: Part 3
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar; end credits.
S3:EP4 The Return: Part Four
Janey-E makes breakfast for Cooper and Sonny Jim.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar; end credits.
S3:EP5 The Return - Part 5
Montage of Las Vegas sights.
Gene phones Lorraine to inform her they still have eyes on their target; Lorraine hesitates before sending a text message on her Blackberry.
As they drive, Becky stares up at the sky while enjoying the drugs Steven gave her.
Lawrence Jacoby starts his Dr. Amp radio broadcast.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar as an employee asks Richard to stop smoking; when Charlotte asks Richard for a light, he grabs her and squeezes her throat.
Cooper is told to stop loitering by the statue outside his workplace; end credits.
S3:EP6 The Return - Part 6
A security guard tells Cooper to head home; [0:17] repeats as Cooper starts scribbling on his work files.
Ike "The Spike" Stadtler examines photos of Lorraine and Cooper, then stabs an ice pick into them; [0:48] repeats as Lorraine is stabbed to death by Ike.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar; end credits.
S3:EP7 The Return: Part Seven
After hours at The Bang Bang Bar; one of the employees sweeps the floor as Jean-Michel receives a call.
Late night at the Double R Diner; a man steps in, asks if anyone has seen Billy, then leaves; end credits.
S3:EP8 The Return: Part Eight
Performed at The Roadhouse.
July 16, 1945 - An atomic bomb is set off in White Sands, NM, followed by a montage of various images.
A black and white scene of a woman in 30s garb listening to a gramophone.
August 5, 1956 - Plays at the KPJK radio station in the New Mexico Desert; the Woodsman enters the radio station, then kills the receptionist and disc jockey.
S3:EP9 The Return: Part Nine
America the Beautiful (Live)
US Air Force Band of the West, Major David A. Alpar, TCDA Director's Chorus & Samuel A. Ward
While Cooper and Janey-E wait in the to speak with the Las Vegas police detectives, he starts staring at the American flag in the corner of the room.
Bobby, Frank and Hawk visit Betty Briggs to ask about Garland's last meeting with Agent Cooper.
Performed at The Bang Bang Club as Ella tells her friend about being fired from her job for being high and complains about a rash.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar; end credits.
S3:EP10 The Return: Part Ten
Carl plays a guitar and sings while sitting outside the trailer park manager's office, until he sees a red mug thrown out the window of the Burnett trailer.
As they lie in bed after having sex, Janey-E tells Dougie that she loves him.
Johnny sits at a table with a talking toy bear, as Sylvia goes to meet her grandson, Richard, who demands she give him money.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar; end credits.
S3:EP11 The Return: Part Eleven
Cooper is driven out to the desert to meet with the Mitchum brothers.
Song played by the restaurant pianist, as the Mitchum brothers make a toast with Cooper; played at a different tempo as the lady from the casino thanks Cooper for 'saving her life'; a group of waiters bring the trio food; end credits.
S3:EP12 The Return: Part Twelve
After the incident at the grocery store, Hawk drives out to check on Sarah Palmer.
Lawrence Jacoby starts another of his Dr. Amp radio broadcasts.
S3:EP13 The Return: Part Thirteen
Sonny Jim plays on his new jungle gym as Janey-E and Cooper watch from the house.
Evil Cooper arrives at The Farm; Ray tells Renzo that he had killed Cooper.
James Hurley performs a song at The Bang Bang Bar as Renee watches from the audience.
S3:EP15 The Return: Part Fifteen
Ed goes to the Double R Diner to tell Norma that Nadine has set him free, but she tells him she needs to speak with Walter; Norma informs Walter she wants him to buy her out; continues as Ed asks Norma to marry him.
Evil Cooper drives to a convenience store, then a Woodsman leads him to a room upstairs; Evil Cooper tells a Woodsman he's looking for Phillip Jeffries.
In the woods near the trailer park, Gersten tries to talk Steven out of committing suicide as Cyril happens upon them while walking his dog.
Played at The Bang Bang Bar as James and Freddie stop by Renee's table to say hello; Chuck takes offence and starts beating up James until Freddie uses his powered hand to knock out Chuck.
S3:EP16 The Return, Part 16
Evil Cooper drives down a dark road with Richard Horne, to one of the sets of coordinates he was given.
Diane heads to Gordon's room after sending Evil Cooper a text message.
Performed at The Bang Bang Bar as Audrey and Charlie sit at the bar.
Audrey gets up from the bar and dances at The Bang Bang Bar; Monique's husband starts a bar fight; [song continues in reverse] end credits.
S3:EP17 The Return: Part Seventeen
Performed at The Roadhouse.
S3:EP18 The Return: Part Eighteen
Diane and Cooper have sex.