Legion Season 2 Soundtrack
Legion Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Chapter 9
S2:EP1 Chapter 9
Montage of David and Syd kissing and having sex.
Melanie breathes in drugged vapors, then relaxes on her bed.
David's mind revisits the club and sees Lenny and Oliver; David stares at a sleeping Syd; end credits.
S2:EP2 Chapter 10
S2:EP2 Chapter 10
Oliver and Lenny sing a duet as they attack the guards at Division 3; Cary hears singing coming from the hallway; Oliver arrives at Melanie's room.
'Chapter 4 / Umwelt'; "We are the only animal on earth that goes mad."
Flashback to Cary and Kerry singing along to the tv; Cary finally re-materializes.
Kerry starts singing to help Cary get out.
S2:EP3 Chapter 11
S2:EP3 Chapter 11
End credits.
S2:EP4 Chapter 12
S2:EP4 Chapter 12
Montage of Syd being born and growing up with her mother; as her mother hosts a gathering, a young Syd tries on a variety of clothing.
A teenage Syd removes her gloves, heads to a club and dances in the middle of the crowd.
David observes another cycle of Syd's memories, as he tries to figure out what she wants him to know.
David struggles to walk through a snowstorm, then wanders through the art gallery from Syd's memories, before telling her he figured her out; [0:43] continues as another montage of Syd's life plays, then David tells a young Syd that he will never give up.
End credits.
S2:EP5 Chapter 13
S2:EP5 Chapter 13
Lenny stares up at the ceiling of the room she's imprisoned in; Oliver and Amahl Farouk drive down the road in a Bentley Continental.
Flashback to Oliver and Lenny singing while attacking the Division 3 guards.
Chapter Six - Conspiracy.
Sparklers flash as a disembodied Amy sings to David; [0:52] repeats as Oliver sings.
Oliver uses telekinetic powers to lift Amy and pin her to a table, then uses the device to transform her into Lenny; Lenny tries to calm down David after he figures out what happened to his sister; end credits.
S2:EP6 Chapter 14
S2:EP6 Chapter 14
Montage of homeless people on the street; a homeless David randomly yells while pushing a cart down an alley; in another reality, David works at Mary's Sunshine Dairy stacking boxes, as Amy phones with a reminder to take his medication.
Office worker David is serenaded by a mouse.
Montage of different Davids; Amy lays flowers on David's grave; David begs Amy not to put him in Clockworks.
Montage of everything that has happened since David went to Clockworks; end credits.
S2:EP7 Chapter 15
S2:EP7 Chapter 15
Ptonomy whispers into his delusion eggs before placing them near sleeping Division 3 agents; an egg hatches; Clark dreams that he's being followed through the hallways by Vermillion.
Ptonomy looks around at the binary-covered walls, then notices he's not alone.
S2:EP8 Chapter 16
S2:EP8 Chapter 16
Oliver/Farouk drives out to Chez d'Rest to visit his old driver.
In a dream state, the Driver takes Farouk to where she left his body.
Montage of David putting representatons of characters on a three dimensional landscape; scenes of the characters in real life where David placed them.
David wanders through the desert; Oliver drives Farouk out to the desert, while reciting Allen Ginsberg's poem 'America'.
End credits.
S2:EP9 Chapter 17
S2:EP9 Chapter 17
Thirteen Days Earlier - montage of Melanie spending time alone in her room; Syd pays Melanie a visit.
Lenny introduces herself to the new Janine; one of the hopheads recognizes Lenny and suggests they party.
Lenny parties with the hopheads.
Lenny has flashes of the desert, then asks her friends if they've even seen an electric octopus.
S2:EP10 Chapter 18
S2:EP10 Chapter 18
Syd and David lie in bed together; Syd tells Clark that she's going after David.
Kerry fights the guys in blue who climbed out of a hole in the desert ground.
Last scene when Farouk meets David
S2:EP11 Chapter 19
S2:EP11 Chapter 19
Animated sequence of David and Farouk fighting in the desert.
Home movie of scenes with Oliver reading Vachel Lindsay's "The Dandelion, then Melanie and Oliver in bed.
Montage of David and Syd alone in their rooms.
Farouk calls a mouse to him, then whispers in it's ear; the mouse goes into a sleeping Syd's room and passes on Farouk's message; Chapter Twelve: Trial Of The Shadow King.
David joins Lenny and tells her that Syd is no longer his concern; Clark tells Syd to pray; end credits.