Ringer Season 1 Soundtrack
Ringer Season 1 Soundtrack
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S1:EP1 Pilot
Brigett hides from masked attacker; repeats as the scene replays.
Bridget meets Gemma at the loft.
Siobhan leaves a diner and meets with Bridget.
Bridget returns home to find Juliet making out with her boyfriend.
Bridget apologizes to Siobhan for her past problems.
Bridget phones Malcolm & tells him that Siobhan killed herself; montage of Bridget taking Siobhan's place.
Bridget chats with Malcolm, a member of her AA group.
Bridget looks through Siobhan's home.
Bridget warns Henry that his wife suspects he's cheating on her.
Gemma exclaims over the pregnancy news.
S1:EP2 She's Ruining Everything
Andrew & Bridget discuss how well the party came together; Gemma comments on Olivia; Henry corners Bridget and tells her Gemma found his key to the Dandridge.
Bridget returns to Siobhan's home & searches through her belongings.
Bridget gets advice from Malcolm on what to do with her attacker's body.
Andrew comments that 'Siobhan' was acting like her old self; Bridget sneaks out of bed and texts Malcolm that she's leaving.
Flashback of a drunk Bridget telling a bartender she'll car her sister if he hand over her car keys.
Bridget returns to the loft to find the party preparations underway.
Bridget wakes up and finds a note from Andrew.
Victor comments on how 'Siobhan' seems to be trying to keep people out of the loft; Andrew asks Bridget who was was just talking with.
Andrew sees Bridget comforting Juliet.
Bridget chats with friends of Siobhan's, then asks a guy to not sit on the 'antique' chest.
S1:EP3 If You Ever Want A French Lesson
Bodaway continues to question Malcom about Bridget.
Malcolm is beaten up by Bodaway's thugs.
Bridget gives Gemma the tickets to Swan Lake.
Bridget visits the building at 227 Pratt Street.
Bridget & Gemma turn down drinks, then Gemma tells her that Andrew is a good man.
Gemma takes Bridget into a private fashion show set up by Andrew.
Shiobhan meets Tyler Barrett at a bar.
Bridget remember the attack at the loft as Andrew returns home.
Shiobhan (aka Cora Farrell) chats with Tyler and gives him her number; repeats as Siobhan & Tyler make out until she becomes nauseous.
Bridget tries to find out more about the hitman's cellphone.
Bridget goes to Andrew's office to explain about visiting the divorce attorney.
Andrew & 'Siobhan' promise to be honest with each other; Siobhan phones Henry while looking at a positive pregnancy test.
S1:EP4 It's Gonna Kill Me, But I'll Do It
Bridget returns home from shopping.
Flashback to Henry & Siobhan together on her last birthday.
Tyler rescues Siobhan from hotel management.
The group is served dinner on the beach.
Bridget arrives at the Hampton beach house.
Siobhan apologizes to Tyler for how things ended the other night.
Bridget asks Gemma what's happening with her & Henry.
Gemma asks 'Siobhan' about Bridget.
S1:EP5 A Whole New Kind Of Bitch
Malcolm imagines escaping the club.
Gemma watches video of a New Year's party.
Juliet sees Bridget talking with Charlie at her NA meeting.
Bridget & Andrew track Juliet down at Barfield's.
Gemma informs Bridget of the consequences if she doesn't sleep with Henry.
Malcolm tries to escape.
Juliet returns home to discover her room's been searched, then takes out her anger on Siobhan's belongings.
Bridget meets Henry at a bar to warn him about Gemma's plan.
Bodaway's men use drugs on Malcolm in an attempt to find out where Bridget is.
Bridget phones Malcolm for help as she contemplates taking drugs.
Andrew & Bridget return to the apartment & find 'Whore' written across Siobhan's photo, the place trashed & Juliet and Erica passed out in the living room.
Juliet helps Bridget clean the lipstick off Siobhan's picture; Henry refuses to let Andrew enter his home, then he walks through his messy home.
S1:EP6 The Poor Kids Do It Everyday
Victor asks Bodaway about Malcolm & Bridget.
Bridget meets Charlie at a coffee shop and gives him Juliet's stash.
Victor's partner gives him the results of the DNA on the cigarette butts.
Henry dumps garbage in a commercial area; Bridget hesitates when disposing of Juliet's stash, then calls Charlie for support.
Bridget tucks in Juliet as Andrew arrives home.
Henry cleans up the blood in his apartment.
Flashback to Bridget leaving her fingerprints on the evidence from Gemma's apartment; Siobhan is told 'the Gemma problem' was taken care of.
S1:EP7 Oh Gawd, There's Two Of Them?
Henry helps open the Hamilton Art Pavillion; Henry tells Bridget he feels guilty about not trying harder with Gemma.
Henry leaves the opening; Bridget spots Malcolm.
Flashback to Malcolm presenting Bridget with a cake to celebrate her being three months sober, then the two of them kissing.
Bridget tells Andrew she doesn't want to lose him;
Malcolm get off a bus in Wyoming
At a party, Juliet helps her drunk friend, Monica.
Bridget meets with Charlie to talk about Gemma.
S1:EP8 Maybe We Can Get A Dog Instead?
While Olivia & Andrew are distracted, Tyler confronts Bridget about their affair.
Opening shot of the city & Bridget in a hospital bed.
Malcolm takes drugs; Juliet takes a call from Henry and informs him that Siobhan lost the baby.
Flashback to Malcolm encougaring Bridget to phone Siobhan; Andrew agrees with Bridget that they should help Malcolm; Malcolm thanks Bridget for her help; Juliet joins The Young Samaritan club that Mr. Carpenter runs; Bridget takes Malcolm to see Charlie.
Bridget apologizes to Andrew for losing the baby, then she gets a message from Malcolm asking her to meet him.
S1:EP9 Shut Up And Eat Your Balogna
Bridget meets with Charlie and asks why he's helping her.
Bridget enters the Rectory club & sees Charlie getting a drink there and being called 'John'.
Bridget tells Charlie it was a mistake to ask him to dispose of the gun.
Malcolm asks Charlie to get rid of his alcohol-containing mouthwash.
Charlie tells Bridget he can't get the gun back to her immediately; Malcolm tries to get into Charlie's basement as Bridget texts him to get out.
Andrew tells Bridget he wants to take her to Turks and Caicos.
Malcolm searches Charlie's jacket; Bridget goes to church; Malcolm looks at Charlie's mail.
Siobhan calls Charlie for an update.
S1:EP10 That's What You Get For Trying To Kill Me
Siobhan tries to explain to Tyler what happened with Andrew.
Siobhan tries to explain to Tyler what happened with Andrew, then shows him her black eye.
Bridget & Andrew make love.
Bridget wonders why Charlie was after Siobhan & Gemma.
Siobhan sets up the crime scene; Malcolm thanks Andrew for letting him spend the night; Andrew tells Bridget that Charlie & Gemma were found dead.
Juliet skypes with Andrea and tells her that Mr. Carpenter raped her.
Tyler phones Siobhan and asks if she's pregnant.
S1:EP11 It Just Got Normal
Siobhan watches Bridget having a shower.
People start arriving for the fundraiser; Andrew tells Juliet to get dressed and join the party.
Bridget punches Mr. Carpenter.
Bridget asks Juliet to tell her what's wrong.
Juliet & Andrea discuss leaving the party; Henry confronts Bridget, then tells her to stay out of her life.
A drunk Juliet makes loud comments to Mr. Carpenter.
Victor shows a waitress pictures of John & Bridget.
Bridget & Andrew meet with Jeff & Greer for dinner.
Bridget reassures Andrew he's not to blame for what happened to Juliet; Siobhan apologizes to Henry & tells him she loves him.
S1:EP12 What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag?
Henry accuses Siobhan of being Bridget.
Bridget figures out who Soloman is, then calls him to make an appointment.
Siobhan sells her wedding ring.
Bridget & Juliet discuss Catherine, then Bridget tells her a story about the problems between her own parents.
Juliet & Bridget return home to find Juliet's mother, Catherine, in their bathtub.
Andrew finds Catherine burning photos in his living room.
Bridget asks Juliet if she wants blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Siobhan shows Henry that Bridget is living as her, then tells him she's still pregnant with their child.
S1:EP13 It's Easy To Cry When This Much Cash Is Involved
Juliet & Tessa meet up with Mr. Carpenter to celebrate their success.
Katherine advises Juliet on what to wear to the court, then Bridget tells Juliet she's really brave for testifying.
Siobhan watches Bridget search through her office.
Bridget asks Soloman questions about their previous encounters; Soloman takes Bridget to an office in Harlem.
Juliet & Tessa tell Mr. Carpenter recount how they tricked Andrea.
Henry meets Gemma's father for a drink.
Tyler phones a guy at the Security Exchange Commission about Martin Charles; Bridget & Soloman return to Siobhan's office and find footprints coming from the storage closet; Siobhan has Henry listen to a recording.
Henry & Siobhan lounge in bed together.
S1:EP14 Whores Don't Make That Much
Malcolm tells Bridget she can't go back to being herself yet; Juliet tells her mom that the plan is falling apart.
Flashback of Bridget showing up at Sean's funeral & Siobhan slapping her.
Bridget cries while looking at Sean's photo; flashback to Bridget babysitting Sean as Siobhan & Dylan argue.
Bridget tells Dylan that Sean's death was an accident and that she forgives him.
Flashback to Dylan, Sean & Bridget driving home from the circus & getting into a car accident.
Tessa arrives at school in a brand new car; Juliet confronts Tessa about flaunting her money.
Bridget watches Dylan with his familiy.
Andrew asks Bridget if she's with him to fight Catherine for custody of Juliet; Bridget gets a call from Malcolm.
S1:EP15 P.S. You're An Idiot
Siobhan has a sonogram & is told she's having twins.
Juliet asks her father if she's a bad person.
Malcolm tells Bridget about the invoice while she's trying on wedding gowns.
Catherine warns Mr. Carpenter not to threaten Juliet, then they kiss.
Andrew follows Bridget when she steps away from the wedding planning.
Catherine complains to Mr. Carpenter that Juliet is still choosing Andrew over her.
Juliet tells Catherine her concerns about Mr. Carpenter & Tessa's beating.
Malcolm searches through Henry's stuff & finds an invoice regarding Siobhan's office.
Catherine & Mr. Carpenter arrive at a motel.
S1:EP16 You're Way Too Pretty To Go To Jail
Flashback of Shaylene agreeing to help him build a case against Bodaway.
Bridget sees Tyler rushing from the hotel and goes to follow, but is sidetracked by Henry's appearance.
Bridget sees a couple kissing at The Soho Diamond & recalls exchanging 'I Love You's with Andrew.
Flashback to Bridget flirting with Victor.
Bridget goes to Tyler's hotel room & finds him dead.
Bridget leaves the hotel as the police arrive; Malcolm calls Victor to says he wants to press charges against Bodaway; Bridget leaves Malcolm a message about Tyler's murder.
S1:EP17 What We Have Is Worth The Pain
One of Bodaway's girls notices Victor watching them.
Juliet IMs with Cash, then meets with Tessa who realizes that Cash was the guy that attacked her.
Bridget & Soloman track Malcolm's cellphone to an abandoned building.
Siobhan admits to Henry that she was sleeping with Tyler.
Bridget leaves another message for Malcolm, then discovers her old cellphone missing.
Bridget tells Victor that Andrew took the bullet meant for her.
Bridget distracts the hotel desk clerk while Soloman gets information; Juliet meets a guy, Cash, in the lobby of her mom's hotel.
Olivia eavesdrops as Siobhan tells Andrew she doesn't love him & he deserves to be in jail; Siobhan tells Henry that Andrew bought her act; Olivia makes plans to get out of town;
S1:EP18 That Woman's Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life
Andrew wakes up to find Bridget sitting by his bed.
Juliet packs up her things as Bridget tries to convince her that they only want her to leave to protect her.
Soloman searches Olivia's apartment.
Victor tells Bridget & Andrew about the body they found, and his theory about Malcolm & the hitman.
Bridget finds Juliet at the beach house, then Juliet tells her about Catherine's plan to get her trust fund back.
Juliet arrives at the hospital & Bridget tells Juliet how Andrew saved her life; while in bed with Siobhan, Henry gets a call from Juliet about Andrew; Victor contemplates the tarot card the shooter dropped.
S1:EP19 Let's Kill Bridget
Henry is questioned by the police; a snipe takes aim at Bridget.
Flashback to Shaylene tells Bridget about her mystery man.
Catherine meets with Tobias Schecht regarding Andrew's Palm Spring property.
Bridget admits to Victor that the gunman tried to kill her a few months ago; Catherine calls the gunman's phone.
Catherine & Andrew reminisce about their time at the Palm Springs house, then she kisses him.
Victor asks Bridget is she trusts him.
Victor tells Bridget that Eknath was thrown out of Bodaway's organization, then Bridget suggests that she testifies against Bodaway 'as Bridget'; continues as Victor turns down Bridget's offer to testify.
S1:EP20 If You're Just An Evil Bitch Then Get Over It
Henry is informed that a hotel maid has come forward that puts him in Tyler's room just before his death.
Andrew finds Catherine in the apartment with slit wrists.
Victor finds Remy's secret room & finds a frozen body; Siobhan is startled by Briget's arrival at Henry's apartment.
Catherine has a heart-to-heart with Juliet.
Victor discovers that Catherine put the hit on Siobhan/Bridget; Bridget & Catherine have tea together; Bridget realizes that Catherine hired the hitmen, then passes out.
S1:EP21 It's Called Improvising, Bitch!
Victor arrests Catherine.
Siobhan watches from the closet, then goes into labor, as Oksana does drugs & has sex with a client.
Flashback of Olivia telling Catherine about the Ponzi scheme & Catherine confessing she paid a guy to kill Siobhan.
Flashback to Catherine & Olivia meeting up.
While still hiding in the closet, Siobhan watches Okasana overdose.
Flashback of Catherine confronting Siobhan about sending Juliet to boarding school.
Bridget finds the gunman's phone in Catherine's purse; Catherine writes a suicide letter signed by Siobhan then practices a surprised response to news of Bridget's death; continues as Catherine fills the tub and sets the stage for Bridget's death.
S1:EP22 I'm The Good Twin
Flashback to Shaylene warning Bridget to take it easy with her partying.
Siobhan confronts Henry about his getting a paternity test on the twins.
Soloman shows Bridget a video proving that Siobhan didn't drown; Bridget confronts Henry about Siobhan's whereabouts & why she faked her death.
Flashback to John & Siobhan making a deal with Jimmy.
Bridget talks to her NA group.
Bridget dreams of Bodaway coming to her wedding reception.
Bridget & Andrew get married.
Bridget tells Juliet the truth; Andrew punches Henry.
At their party, Andrew accuses Bridget of having an affair with Henry.