Beth Thornley Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Everyone Falls

Ringer • s1e21 • It's Called Improvising, Bitch!2011
Victor arrests Catherine.

One Tree Hill • s8e19 • Where Not To Look For Freedom2003
Brooke gets a call from Clothes Over Bros; Alex shows Chase her new glasses; Haley plays with Lydia; Brooke tells Victoria that her ex-company offered her a job as vice president.
Wash U Clean

Magic Mike2012
Second song at the sorority show.

One Tree Hill • s8e21 • Fligthless Bird, American Mouth2003
Lauren devours her gift basket then tries to take a sexy photo of herself before getting locked out of her room, then runs into Taryn in the elevator.
Home By Now

Life • s1e8 • Farthingale2007
Crews & Reese investigate a death and inform the widows. (NBC Rewind).
Party Dress (feat. Beth Thornley)

Ringer • s1e5 • A Whole New Kind Of Bitch2011
Andrew & Bridget return to the apartment & find 'Whore' written across Siobhan's photo, the place trashed & Juliet and Erica passed out in the living room.
Night Light

Second song at the party as Megan pierces an ear for someone.