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The O.C. Season 3 Soundtrack

2003-602 songs-3.7M views

S3:EP1 The Aftermath

    The gang go sailing on Jimmy's boat and spend the day on the beach together.

    As Seth and Ryan discuss "Teen Wolf," Sandy breaks the news that there's a warrant for Ryan's arrest.

    Ryan looks for Trey in the ICU, but he is gone. He finds him at the bus station and waves goodbye to Trey as the bus pulls away.

    Seth and Summer urge the group to not worry about what will happen and to have some fun, Marissa has an idea.

    Marissa and Summer sit poolside at Marissa's place, talking about the strange turn of event's and Trey's welfare.

S3:EP2 The Shape Of Things To Come

S3:EP3 The End Of Innocence

S3:EP4 The Last Waltz

    Marissa and Ryan find a song on the radio to be their song, and they slow dance.

    Summer tells Seth she has something important to tell him.

    Seth and Summer enter the Harbor High dance, and Taylor takes credit for how well it turned out.

    Seth calls Ryan from the dance and counsels him not to worry about Marissa.

    Marissa enters her new highschool and all the students stare, later Marissa gets harassed by a tough girl in the hall. The song also plays as Ryan considers joining Marissa at the dance.

    Summer is at the dance when she sees Taylor sneak off into the hallway.

    Marissa and her new friends walk into the school dance at Newport Union.

S3:EP5 The Perfect Storm

S3:EP6 The Swells

    Ryan asks if he should worry about her & Johnny, and Marissa tells Ryan that she can talk to Johnny about Trey.

    Sandy and Kristen discuss selling the Newport Group. Seth and Summer make plans for Ryan but get intercepted by Taylor.

    Seth calls Ryan from a payphone & asks him to come back. At the party, Marissa & Johnny find his girlfriend in bed with another guy.

    At the dawn patrol party, Summer apologizes to Ryan for her over-reaction at Chili's house.

    Marissa walks off with Johnny at Chili's house and Summer calls Seth, Later Summer tells Seth to send Ryan to Chili's house but Taylor outlaws cells phones at the lock-in.

S3:EP7 The Anger Management

S3:EP8 The Game Plan

    The song plays as Marissa tries to fill out her college application but gets discouraged by memories of her past.

    The song plays at the beach as Chili talks to Johnny before the surf competition and tells Marissa he can get her a job on the surf tour.

    In the student lounge, Seth wants to go to Brown and Ryan calls Johnny to make an alley to convince Marissa.

    The song plays while Seth tells Sandy he wants to go to Brown, Ryan and Marissa talk about their future, and the gang talks about college over left-overs.

    Over breakfast, Ryan, Seth and Summer talk about which colleges they hope to attend and Marissa breaks the news that she doesn't plan to go to college.

S3:EP9 The Disconnect

    Men Ryan calls Marissa from outside the strip club late at night.

    The song plays in the student lounge as Summer reveals to Seth that she really wants to go to Brown.

    Sandy finds Matt in the club and fires him for being irresponsible and screwing up the presentation.

    Ryan follows Matt into "The Big Easy," a strip club.

    The song plays as Ryan gets a lap dance at the strip club and Marissa calls him from Johnny's place.

    Ryan, Seth & Marissa give Johnny a ride to his place before school.

    Summer and Seth write their essays to Brown together. Ryan and Marissa look for each other at their houses and then finally talk on the phone and tell the truth about the past few days to each other.

S3:EP10 The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-vahkkah

S3:EP11 The Safe Harbor

S3:EP12 The Sister Act

S3:EP13 The Pot Stirrer

    This song plays at a club where Marissa runs into her sister and Johnny together.

    This song plays as Kaitlin's party starts hoppin'. Ryan and Summer arrive, and Ryan tells Marissa about Kaitlin.

    Kaitlin's birthday party is being set up at Dr. Robert's house. Marissa helps set up while Kaitlin swims, and flirts with Johnny.

    Bird You hear this song as Julie Cooper and Dr. Roberts secretly meet at a bar.

    At Matt Ramsey's apartment, this song plays as Bill and Sandy work out a deal for the hospital.

    This song first comes on while Seth and Ryan talk in the Cohen's kitchen about Seth's college options. A little while later it plays at Kaitlin and Johnny are walking and talking on the pier, and finally it is played at the very end of the episode, as each character is left all alone, and Seth lights up.

S3:EP14 The Cliffhanger

    As Seth smokes pot in his room, he is listening to this song, only to be surprised by Summer.

    At Alforno's, you hear this song as Julie spies on Dr. Roberts and Laura Cross.

    This song plays as Chili tells Johnny he needs to confront Marissa.

    This song first plays as Johnny confesses his love to Marissa on the pier. It is heard again as a drunken Johnny re-reads the letter from Marissa, and throws it in the fire, while at the beach with Kaitlin. It plays one last time as Ryan and Marissa come to rescue Johnny, and Johnny falls.

    This song plays while Ryan and Marissa talk about Seth's pot problem in the student lounge, and leads into Kaitlin's surf lesson with Johnny.

S3:EP15 The Heavy Lifting

S3:EP16 The Road Warrior

S3:EP17 The Journey

S3:EP18 The Undertow

    This song plays at the beginning of the of the episode while Seth, Ryan, Summer and Sadie are hanging out at The Cohen's house playing video games.

    You hear this song when Jim confronts Ryan at Jess' house after he walks in on their embrace. Jim and Ryan get physical and Ryan leaves the party.

    This song plays as Ryan arrives at Jess' house. Jess has locked herself inside of the pool house and won't speak to anyone except Ryan.

    You hear this song at the Bait Shop where Summer talks to Marissa about her love life with Seth, or lack thereof.

    This songs plays at Jess' Party when things get out of hand. Jess' friend Kim calls Ryan for help, interrupting his date with Sadie.

    You first hear this song while Marissa sits on the lifeguard tower thinking about calling Volchok. It plays for a second time when Marissa calls Summer, but she doesn't answer. Again, it plays when Sadie walks out on her date with Ryan, dissapointed that he will be cutting it short to go see Jess. Finally the songs plays at the end of the episode where Seth and Summer, Ryan and Sadie, and Marissa and Volchok hook up with eachother.

    This song plays while Ryan aggressively works out with a punching bag, and thinks about Trey.

S3:EP19 The Secrets And Lies

    In the Harbor Student Lounge, Seth and Summer trade off on an arcade game while discussing if they should tell Ryan about Marissa and Volchok. They decide to keep quiet.

    This song plays at the beginning of the Episode at the Bait Shop. Seth and Summer analyze Ryan and Sadie's body language, trying to determine how into eachother they are, then they see Volchok and Marissa making out.

    You first hear this song in the Diner as Ryan and Sadie's date is interrupted by Volchok's buddies, seated at the table next to them, loudly talking about Marissa. It plays again when Ryan comes back and tells Volchok's buddies to tell Volchok to meet him under the pier the next day.

    This song plays as Sadie and Ryan are making out in the poolhouse, and get interrupted by Seth. Seth tells Ryan through the door that Marissa and Volchok have been hooking up, and kills the mood. It plays for a second time after Sadie leaves, and Seth has his tail between his legs.

    You hear this song at the Bait Shop when Marissa unsucessfully tries to buy a drink.

    This song plays as Ryan gets Sadie to stay, and Marissa takes her first bump.

S3:EP20 The Day After Tomorrow

    In the student lounge, Summer asks Ryan if he's seen Seth, and she finds out that he hasn't invited her yet to the celebration dinner. Then, Ryan talks to Seth about Sadie, and going away to college.

    This songs plays at Volchok's apartment, as he is talking to Marissa on the telephone while she is at school.

    This song plays at the end of the episode. A heartbroken Summer rips up her college collage and is consoled by Marissa. Seth and Ryan sit silently in the pool house, defeated.

    You first hear this song as Sadie reads Ryan's palm, and they make out. The second time it plays, Seth and Summer are in the Rangerover talking about Sadie and Ryan. Summer gets mad when Seth accuses Ryan of being to young to know what he wants in a relationship, applying it to their own.

    You hear this song at the "Sweatshirt Party" on the beach. Seth tells Summer he isn't going to Brown, and Ryan tells Marissa he is always "there" for her, while Sadie feels left out of the festivities.

    This song first plays as Seth and Summer try on winter clothes in preparation for attending college at Brown. It continues as Ryan and Sadie make out before talking about college. You hear it again as Ryan sees Seth in the Cohen Kitchen, and they talk about college. Later in the episode the song plays as Seth, Ryan and Summer look in the mail for their college acceptance letters. Finally, you hear it while Seth is on the phone with Brown, trying to find out if his letter of denial was a mistake.

S3:EP21 The Dawn Patrol

    This song plays as Volchok and his rowdy friends wake Marissa up as she is sleeping at Volchok's pad.

    You hear this songs as Ryan leaves the Diner after inviting his mom to his graduation, and Seth sits in his room, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

    Again at Volchok's party, this song plays as Marissa saves Heather from getting gang raped in the van.

    This song plays from the Jukebox in a bar in Albuquerque. Ryan and Chloe talk about his mom and then they slow dance.

    The party at Volchok's continues. Marissa notices one of Volchok's friends putting a white substance in a beer he then gives to Heather.

    Ryan leaves Albuquerque, Sandy puts some files in a safe, Marissa comes to her mother crying and Taylor tries to cheer up Summer.

S3:EP22 The College Try

    This song plays during a dinner event at the Newport Bay Yacht Club that Sandy and Kirsten attend. Dr. R introduces Sandy to some other Doctors while Kirsten and Julie talk.

    This song plays during a party at Wes' place at Berkeley. Marissa and Wes talk about her relationship with Ryan. Marissa then sees Ryan and talks to him about his tour of the architecture building.

    You hear this song when Seth and Summer take a walking tour of the Brown University campus. Seth tries to talk to Summer about their relationship, but Summer is unwilling to hear what Seth has to say for himself.

    You hear this song when Ryan calls The Cohens from Berkeley and talks to Kirsten. The song plays in the background at the house party Ryan calls from and can only be heard when Ryan is on screen. This song can be heard up to the point when Kirsten talks to Ryan about Theresa.

    You first hear this song play during another party at Wes' house. Wes tells Marissa that he partied too hard during his freshman year causing his grades to suffer, and Marissa tells Wes how her family fell apart and that she got kicked out of school. This song plays for a second time when Marissa is at Volchok's apartment while he is asleep and sees that he rented "The Sound Of Music" DVD. Marissa then climbs into bed to cuddle with Volchok.

S3:EP23 The Party Favor

    You hear this song as Ryan and Marissa talk about their prom dates in the student lounge. Marissa lets Ryan know her and Volchok are still together.

    This song plays at the Diner where Summer thinks she is meeting someone from Brown, and instead it is Seth asking her to prom. Marissa asks Volchok, and Ryan asks Theresa. Summer says "No".

    This song plays as Seth and Ryan walk on the pier and talk about prom. Seth is trying to figure out how to ask Summer to be his date, and is also trying to convince Ryan to ask someone. Their conversation is cut short when they see Volchok making out with someone who isn't Marissa.

    You hear this song as Marissa and Summer look at an old photo with Seth and Ryan, then they go to the Cohen's house to take pre-prom photos. Summer leaves Seth's confession napkin on Sandy's desk. The song plays again at the end of the episode as Marissa sit alone drinking on the Pier, Ryan and Theresa talk about the "new Marissa" and the "new Ryan", and then almost kiss.

    You hear this song at the Bait Shop prom afterparty. People are getting rowdy, Marissa is bummed out, Seth checks on Summer and Anna convinces him to tell her the truth.

    This is the first song that plays at the prom. Anna and Seth try to make Summer jealous, and Summer does the same to them. Summer takes Volchok's flask and proceeds to get drunk. Volchok gets bored and goes to smoke some pot.

    The "slow dance" at the prom. During this song Summer continues drinking, Marissa looks around for Volchok, and Anna tries to convince Seth to continue on with "the plan".

    You first hear this song as Marissa and Summer are getting ready for prom. They are listening to this CD, which is supposed to be by "Big Korea", Summer's prom date. It plays for a second time at senior prom as Theresa gets a call from the guy she is "sort of" seeing, but decides to stay with Ryan, and Ryan finds Volchok making out with another girl.

S3:EP24 The Man Of The Year

    You hear this song when Marissa initiates her plan to help Kaitlin out at Knightley School. Marissa strolls across the campus dressed as a student on her way to meet Trevor.

    You hear this song while Seth and Summer make out in Seth's room. Summer interrupts to tell Seth about the letter, but can't bring herself to say it.

    This different version of the previous song first plays as Ryan is driving Volchok to the hospital. It plays for a second time as Volchok is brought into the hospital and Ryan is left to reflect in the parking lot. This song plays again at the end of the episode as Seth is taken away from the Newport Bay Yacht Club in handcuffs by the police.

    This song first plays after Seth finds Kirsten drunk and passed out. Seth tucks her into bed and cleans up after her. This song plays for a second time when Kirsten goes into Seth's room to reconcile. Seth is upset with Sandy still, but Kirsten convinces him to attend Sandy's "Man of the Year" ceremony.

    This song plays as Marissa ties Trevor up in a storage closet at Knightley in preparation for her striptease for him. Marissa steals Trevor's pants to get to his keys, leaves him in the closet and locks the door on her way out.

    This song begins the episode as Ryan realizes he beat up Volchok pretty bad. You hear this song again when Volchok blackmails Ryan into being his lookout when he steals a car. Volchok tries to hotwire the car as Ryan yells at him that a patrol car is on its way. Volchok speeds off in the stolen car, and Ryan runs away from the scene.

S3:EP25 The Graduates

    This songs plays as Seth, Summer, Marissa and Ryan break into the model home that Ryan once burnt down to swim in the pool, and stroll down memory lane before they go their separate ways.

    This song plays while Ryan and Marissa are on the road, saying goodbye.

    This song first plays at the beginning of the episode when Seth arrives home. Sandy talks to Kirsten, trying to figure out if Seth is lying to them, and Ryan tries to convince Seth to tell the truth about burning down the Newport Group offices. It plays again as Marissa tells Ryan she is going to help him get rid of Volchok. The song plays one last time as Ryan's mom says goodbye and leaves the Cohen's house in a cab.

    This song plays during the big graduation scene. Names are called, diplomas are handed out. Taylor gives her big speech.

    This song first plays as Kaitlin is decorating her new room. Julie comes in and tells her to turn down the bass. It comes on a little later in the scene after Kaitlin bossily proclaims that she will "rule Harbor".

    This song first plays as Summer, Taylor and Marissa are setting up for graduation and talking about Seth. It plays for a second time as the graduating seniors are gathered in the student lounge, getting ready to start the ceremony. You hear this song one more time as Ryan and Marissa join Seth and Summer at the end of the line of students, preparing to graduate.



Christopher Tyng, Richard Marvin





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