Nikita Season 1 Soundtrack
Nikita Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Nikita hangs out at a pool party & makes contact with her target.
Nikita remembers Daniel proposes to her.
Nikita gets ready after receiving information on Division's next target.
Nikita looks at the pig mask from the robbery.
S1:EP2 2.0
Flashback to Alex trying to get drugs from her dealer.
Flashback to Nikita reviving Alex after she tries to overdose.
S1:EP3 Kill Jill
Flashback of Nikita telling Alex about the importance of Operations.
S1:EP4 Rough Trade
Flashback to Nikita asking Michael why he's so loyal to Percy.
S1:EP5 The Guardian
Alex & Nikita message back & forth about Owen as Owen lies injured on a bed at Nikita's place.
S1:EP6 Resistance
Michael takes Alex back to Division; Owen contemplates the morphine near his bed.
Flashback of Alex telling Nikita to train her; Nikita returns to find Owen gone; Owen retrieves the harddrive her buried.
S1:EP7 The Recruit
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP8 Phoenix
Nikita talks with Anna Harcourt's ex-boyfriend.
S1:EP9 One Way
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP10 Dark Matter
Nikita swims in a pool as Owen sneaks up on her.
Nikita tells Owen that Percy replaced the engineer, then she shoots the drive the Owen gives her.
S1:EP11 All The Way
Alex tries on different outfits as Amanda observes & criticizes.
Michael checks in with Alex at the wedding reception; Division searches for Nikita.
S1:EP12 Free
Alex goes to her neighbor Nathan's party.
Alex meets Nathan at a club; flashback to Alex listening to music under her bed when she was younger.
S1:EP13 Coup De Grace
Nikita researches the Princess' necklace online.
S1:EP14 The Next Seduction
Flashback of Nikita in bed with Emil Voss.
Nikita meets with Gogol.
Nikita tell Alex she has to live outside the lie; Alex kisses Nathan; Nikita walks alone by the water.
S1:EP15 Alexandra
Alex helps a girl, Irina, from her old life.
Nikita goes to the club looking for Alex.
S1:EP16 Echoes
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP17 Covenants
Ari tells Kasim about the Knights Of Shi'ra as Nikita attacks Kasim's men.
Michael tells Nikita he should have listened to her five years ago; they kiss.
S1:EP18 Into The Dark
The Guardian & the strike team arrive at the church to capture Owen.
Nikita informs Owen that Michael got him a supply of the Regimen drugs; Owen apologizes to Nikita for killing Daniel.
S1:EP19 Girl's Best Friend
Nikita sneaks into the Ungara compound.
Alex talks with a bodyguard as Jaden flirts with Kalume.
Jaden tries to stop Kal from going to the lab.
Jaden asks Kalume to dance.
Michael gives Nikita ice for her arm and they talk about old times.
S1:EP20 Glass Houses
Michael briefs his some of his team members at a diner.
S1:EP21 Betrayals
Birkoff listens to music as Michael arrives to talk with him.
Nikita takes out the guys trying to kill Malcolm Mitchell.
S1:EP22 Pandora
Nikita & Michael drive off.