Breaking Bad Season 2 Soundtrack
Breaking Bad Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Seven Thirty-Seven
Jesse purchases a gun outside the hot dog stand.
S2:EP2 Grilled
Skyler and Marie hand out missing flyers of Walt in the streets.
S2:EP3 Bit by a Dead Bee
Playing in the grocery store when Walt removes his clothes.
Walt takes the bus and returns to the hospital.
S2:EP4 Down
Jesse parks his bike and meets Walt in the convenience store.
Jesse is talking to Badger on a payphone outsid the convenience store when he founds out his bike is stolen.
Skyler leaves the convenience store and smokes a cigarette in the car. Plays into the end credits.
S2:EP5 Breakage
Playing in Jesse's new car as he pulls up outside Jane's apartments.
Playing in the background at Marie and Hank's house during Walt's family visit.
During the montage where Badger, Combo, and Skinny Pete sell the meth.
S2:EP6 Peekaboo
Walt meets Gretchen at a fancy restaurant and pleads for time to "clear this up."
S2:EP7 Negro Y Azul
Mariachi band playing during the teaser.
Walt introduces himself as "Heisenberg" to Badger, Combo & Skinny Pete at the museum.
Hank and the DEA meet with Tortuga.
S2:EP8 Better Call Saul
First song playing from a passing car.
Second song playing from a passing car as the young man tells Badger how he should prove that he’s not a cop.
Third song playing from a passing car as the young man tells Badger to ask if he’s a cop.
Playing on the TV as Jesse asks Jane out for dinner
Walt & Jesse test the money counter.
Playing in the reception of Saul's office.
Playing in the reception area when Walt offers Saul $10,000.
The police & DEA wait for Badger to meet Jimmy.
S2:EP9 4 Days Out
Walt and Jesse drive on the highway.
During the cooking montage and during the end credits.
S2:EP10 Over
Song at Walt's party.
Hank talks to Walt and Walt Jr. about the Tortuga and the cartel.
Walt pours another round of tequila for Walt Jr before Hank snatches the bottle. Walt gets into an argument with Hank before Walt Jr. vomits in the pool.
Playing in Jesse's room as he shows Jane his comic book characters.
Playing in Jesse's car as he drives away from his apartment.
Walt confronts the two meth manufacturers outside the hardware store.
S2:EP11 Mandala
Plays in the car stereo of someone’s car as Combo makes a deal.
Jesse shoots heroin for the first time with Jane.
S2:EP12 Phoenix
In the background as Hank and Marie have dinner with Walt’s family at the backyard.
At the bar where Walt meets Jane’s father, Donald.
Walt talks to Jesse at the rehab center before the surgery.
During Walt’s surgery.