2023 91 Songs
Rachel sing with Shelby in the auditorium
Kurt auditions
Blaine auditions
Mercedes auditions
Brittany sings in the hallway and then in the gym.
Mike auditions
The group argues over Mercedes
Mercedes and Rachel audition for the role of Maria
End of episode. Will and Emma pray, the audition results are posted and Mercedes joins the other Glee club
Blaine sings to motivate the band
Noah sings and plays guitar to calm Beth
The Troubletones sing in the auditorium
Rory sings to join the Glee club
Rachel and Blaine practice
Blaine and Kurt chat about sex
Blaine return into the Dalton Academy and the Warblers sing
Rachel and Santana sing. Blaine and Sebastian chat.
Rachel and Santana sing. Girls are chatting about their first time.
Kurt, Blaine, Sebastian and Dave meet at a gay bar
Kurt, Blaine and Sebastian dance in the bar.
New Directions perform West Side Story on stage.
End of episode. Blaine and Rachel sing on stage. Couples are in bed.
Sam join the swimming club
Santana and Sébastian sing and the band 2cellos accompany them
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3Grey's Anatomy
2005 1952 Songs
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