Twilight Soundtrack
Twilight Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Deer chase
Bella sees the Cullens for the first time
Edward and Bella talk after the lab work and he tries to figure her out
Edward saves Bella from the car crash
Bella sleeps and it seems to her that Edward is watching her
Jacob tells Bella about werewolves and the 'cold ones'
Edward saves Bella from four bastards
Edward and Bella are having dinner together
Bella surfs the Net and finds out that Edward is the vampire
Bella has an explanation with Edward in the forest, he takes her up the mountain so that she can see him sparkling in the sunlight and she isn't scared of him
Edward says that Bella is kind of drug for him and he wants her so bad
Bella says she's afraid of losing Edward. They lie in the clearing
Edward leaves quickly when he notices the Blacks
Edward and Bella arrive at his place
The Cullens are preparing an Italian dinner for Bella in their kitchen.
The Cullens smile when Bella suggests that "that will end badly" if she would become the meal. Then Alice and Jasper appear
Bella plays one of Edwards songs in his room. They kind of dance.
Bella plays one of Edwards songs in his room. They kind of dance.
Edward plays the piano for Bella
Baseball game is interrupted by appearance of the three nomadic vampires
Bella leaves Charlie
Edward drives Bella to his place where the Cullens decide how to act further
Jasper and Alice are taking Bella away while Edward, Emmett and Rosalie try to track down James
James calls Bella and she believes he's taken her mother hostage. She escapes to meet him
James attacks Bella in the ballet studio but Edward (and then the other Cullens) appear before she gets killed
Edward is sucking the venom out of Bella's wrist
Edward sits near Bella in the hospital. Bella says they can't be apart and Edward decides to stay
Edward and Bella go to prom.
Edward and Bella are dancing outside at prom. They kiss.
Second end credits song.
Third end credits song.
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Where is Full Moon on this list?
6 years ago
1 replies
Omg yes!!! I love Full Moon 🌕 🌚 and yeah like why don't they have it on there?!
2 years ago