#1The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
Vocal Adrenaline performs at the Carmel High Invitational.
The New Directions rehearse.
Will watches a video of his high school glee club performing.
The New Directions rehearse with Finn.
Rachel watches Hank rehearse with Sandy; several scene transitions throughout.
Sandy helps Hank rehearse his solo.
Kurt auditions for the Glee Club.
The New Directions rehearse a new routine with the jazz band.
Tina auditions for the Glee Club.
Will performs this song. [Extended Version Scene]
Rachel tries to convince Finn to stay in the Glee Club; Finn explains to Puck about why he joined the club.
Rachel talks about growing up with her dads; Will thanks Ken for the introductions and asks if he is okay; Puck sees Coach Tanaka yelling at Finn; Sue yells at the Cheerios!, Rachel tells Finn he's talented; Emma counsels Will.
Finn and Darren sing while hosing down the yard.
Finn sees Darren hosing down the football field.
Will brings Terri a sandwich at Sheets N' Things.
Cheerios! practice their routine.
Finn sings while showering in the locker room.
Will gets advice from Sue; cleans gum off of Emma's Shoe, and convinces Ken to introduce him to the football team.
Will explains to Emma why he is leaving teaching to provide for his family.
Will arrives at the school; Kurt is hassled by the football players; Will teaches class and Rachel fixes her hair.
Finn runs into the football team after the Carmel High Invitational.
Will picks a new name for the Glee Club; Principal Figgins agrees to let Will continue running the Glee Club; Will posts a sign-up sheet in the teacher's lounge.
Finn and Quinn make out in his living room.
New Directions practices.
New Directions practices.
Rachel sings the song.
Will helps Emma with her mess problem; Finn & Rachel kiss; Will & Emma talk.
Will arrives at school.
Emma cries in her car.
 Quinn and the cheerleaders audition for Will.
New Directions performs.
 The Acafellas form their group.
Vocal Adrenaline practices their song.
The Acafellas perform.
Puck asks to join Acafellas.
Mercedes sings this song.
The Acafellas perform.
Sandy shows Sue his doll collection.
Tina practices.
 Puck finds out about Quinn's secret.
Rachel auditions; end of episode.
The football team decides not to dance and takes to the field as Will and Emma watch.
Kurt and friends dance along; Kurt kicks a field goal; the football team calls play "Ring On It"; Kurt finishes the game.
The glee club performs with Rachel and Finn starring.
Rachel rehearses for the school's musical.
The glee club performs with April starring.
April and Rachel sing this song.
Will visits April Rhodes.
Rachel and Finn bowl.
Rachel bowls a strike.
Will and Terri have dinner at a restaurant.
The glee club practices with Quinn singing lead.
April wins over the glee club.
April & Will sing karaoke.
 The girls perform their mashup.
The guys perform their mashup.
Rachel talks about her morning routine; repeats at the end when Rachel exercises.Â
Mercedes leads New Directions with this song.
Glee club performs this song.
Will's group performs this song; repeats as Wills team starts singing.
Quinn sings this as the Cheerios practice.
Glee club performs this song at the end.
Sue and Will fight it out; repeats when Will approaches Sue about his practice time; repeats when Sue finds out Will disqualified her kids; repeats as Sue walks out of the principal's office; repeats as camera zooms in on Sue in the teachers lounge.
 Emma and Will dance.
 Puck sings for the glee club.
Will and Sue dance.
 Rachel sings while Puck plays the guitar.
 Will sings to Emma the song that Ken chose.
 Will shows the glee club how it's done.
 Artie sings this song.
The group performs this song at the end of the episode.
 Montage of Finn and Rachel in wheelchairs.
Puck explains the secret ingredient in his cupcakes.
Kurt and Rachel compete for the lead.
 Will & Rachel sing this for the Glee club.
Finn sings to let his feelings out.
Will (originally by The Police /Â Gary Puckett and The Union Gap)
Will sings to Rachel and Emma.
Rachel sings in Will's car.
Finn sings to Quinn in front of her parents.
The Glee club sings to Finn and Quinn.
Suzy listens to this on her headphones.
The Jane Addams Academy Glee Club performs as part of a scrimmage with the New Directions.
Quinn sings to calm down Kendra's children.
Rachel tries to flirt with Finn by re-creating their first song together.
The Haverbrook Glee Club performs as part of a scrimmage with the New Directions.
Realizing the one way to win is to be themselves; the New Directions rehearse a new song.
The New Directions perform a medley as part of a scrimmage with the Haverbrook School Glee Club.
Kurt gives Rachel a makeover as she confesses her crush on Finn;Â Rachel invites Finn to her house to rehearse.
 Rachel get's herself together for her picture.
 Rachel searches for a co-captain.
The glee club performs for the mattress commercial.
 Rachel and Finn sing together.
 End montage.
 Mercedes sings her solo to the club.
 The group sings for competition.
The glee club sings this in the competition.
 Rachel sings her solo song.
The glee club performs this for the competition.
 The group sings to Will.
They also perform this one.
Next week's preview at the end of the episode.
 Rachel sings to Finn.
Will and Emma dance and kiss.
 Vocal Adrenaline performs.
 Finn sings, walks though school hallways and plays basketball.
 New Directions perform.
 Rachel and Jesse sing in the library.
 Sue's video with Mercedes & Kurt.
 End of episode.
 The band plays and Kurt and Mercedes sing.
 The guys sing their Madonna song.
 Rachel and the girls perform for the boys.
The couples sing in bed.
 Rachel and Finn sing to each other.
Santana propositions Finn.
 The Cheerios practice.
Sue talks with Principal Figgins.
 April and the rest of the group sing in the newly dedicated auditorium.
 Will gives April advice.
Mercedes and everyone else sings at the Cheerios performance.
Will talks about his divorce with April.
 Kurt sings at practice.
 April stays over with Will.
 April and Will sing as they skate.
 Will bumps into April at the roller arena.
 Will shows how to make a bad song good.
 Rachel, Puck, Jesse, & Finn sing.
 The group takes over the library.
 Rachel leads the Glee club with this song.
 The Glee kids watch Sue's video.
 Sue's new video for Olivia.
 Kurt tries to get attention.
Kurt and Brittany make out.
 Puck sings to get Mercedes' attention.
 Mercedes and Santana walk down the hall on their cell phones and sing in the choir room.
 Rachel attempts to sing.
 Kurt expresses his "true" voice.
 Finn sings an inspiring solo.
 End of episode.
 Bryan shows up Will in the past.
 Will plays the jukebox and they sing.
 Artie dreams about walking and dancing.
 End of episode.
 Will & Bryan audition together.
 Jesse helps Rachel realize her dream.
Bryan and Will talk about their lives.
Shelby sings for Vocal Adrenaline
 The guys sing a song in the practice room.
 Rachel and Shelby sing together.
 The girls and Kurt practice with a little Gaga.
 The boys practice their song.
 Finn and Kurt talk about blending in.
 Will sings to Sue.
 "The Unwed Mothership Connection" sings and dances.
 Jesse transfers back to Carmel High.
 Puck, Mercedes and Finn perform their version of funk.
 Finn and Puck work at Sheets 'n Things.
The group shows off to the Carmel High kids.
 The second song (or second <em>and</em> third) at the competition.
 The final song by New Directions in their medley.
 Vocal Adrenaline performs their piece.
Will and Puck sing for the glee club.
 The group thanks Will with a song.
 Finn and Rachel sing in the competition.
 Will scans the radio in his car and ends on this.
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