2023 91 Songs
Martin & Echo dance; Ballard kills time in his office as Echo & Martin have their wedding night.
No songs available for this episode.
Terry sets up his 'mannequins'.
Echo & Professor Gossen dance.
Echo/Terry stabs Professor Gossen.
Topher attempts to wipe Victor.
Victor/Terry scouts for a new Sheila.
Ballard takes Echo/Kiki for her wardrobe.
Victor/Kiki dances at a club; Ballard arrives to retrieve Victor.
Flashback of Priya talking with a socialite who likes her artwork.
Flashback montage of Priya being admitted to the Dollhouse; Sierra/Priya arrives at Nolan's house.
Sierra is reunited with Victor; Echo finds an access card & note in her book.
Flashback of Priya chatting with a friend while selling art at the beach, then Nolan offering her an art commision.
Flashback of Priya meeting Echo at Nolan's party; Nolan talking with Rossum employee Mr. Harding about luring Priya to him & Victor posing as an art dealer asking Priya about her painting.
Bennett talks about the plans for Daniel Perrin & Echo.
Bennett & Cindy talk about Perrin and Topher's disrupter.
Flashback of Daniel meeting Cindy.
Echo goes into a grocery store looking for food.
Alpha kills one of Echo's previous clients.
Echo/Rebecca says goodbye to Joel; Echo checks on Ballard as Adele observes from afar.
Anthony hangs out at a club.
Echo questions the Japanese man about Rossum's vulnerabilities.
Echo jumps into a Japanese man's brain.
Echo, Sierra & Victor escape The Attic.
Flashback of Caroline dyeing Bennett's hair.
No songs available for this episode.
The team shoot through the Butchers to get to reach the Dollhouse.
People outside wake up after the pulse wave; Echo loads Ballard into her head; Priya & Anthony read to T as Echo goes to bed.
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