2023 91 Songs
No songs available for this episode.
During taser demonstration
Professor Kane is asking what happened to Legos
Classical music which plays at the beginning of the episode when Troy and Abed welcome Annie and Britta to their new apartment.
Britta keeps trying to sing the song but is stopped by Jeff multiple times. Cast sings it together later on.
The tune when Abed turns on the radio, and song that he hums.
The music video that Pierce and the group watch.
Karaoke version, sung by Jeff and Craig
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
Andre arrives to propose to Shirley in the Greendale cafeteria. To set the mood, he brings Boys II Men, who sing an acapella version of their signature hit.
Jeff wakes up on the side of the road.
First Song played During The Impressionists Party.
Second Song played During The Impressionists Party.
Jeff is dancing with a lady, Britta walks up to him.
No songs available for this episode.
Fat Neil plays it on the radio
Chang and Pierce go to the carnival
No songs available for this episode.
Greendale Asylum scene
Cast performance. Garrett sings it at the memorial for Starburns.
Playing when we see Annie and Jeff at the wig party.
No songs available for this episode.
Dean raves after episode
Chang plays it as the first part of his awesome keytar solo.
Troy saying goodbye to Abed
Cover version, the opening moments of it plays during the rave diversion.
The closing montage
End credits, after Leonard's Food Review.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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