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Chuck Season 4 Soundtrack

2007-446 songs-3.9M views

S4:EP1 Chuck Versus The Anniversary

    Chuck sets off the EMP & the team escape the building.

    Chuck asks Sarah & Casey to help him find his mom; Chuck tries to tell Ellie that he's still a spy, but instead she reveals that she's pregnant; Sarah gives Chuck some info on his mom.

    Chuck & Morgan enter the rebuilt Buy More & Chuck meets the new store manager, General Beckman.

    Sarah & Casey jump off the building; Morgan takes 'sexy' photos of Chuck, then tells him about sexting; repeats as Sarah takes sexy photos of herself on the plane & as Sarah tries to text Chuck for help.

S4:EP2 Chuck Versus The Suitcase

S4:EP3 Chuck Versus The Cubic Z

    Morgan tries to stop the crowd from rioting, then ends up losing Big Mike's engagement ring; Chuck fights Panzer; Big Mike takes charge of the riot.

    Sarah & Chuck discover that Panzer locked them in a cell.

    Morgan asks Big Mike to be his assistant manager; Sarah tells Chuck she wants to take things slow as Big Mike's ring drops down the air ducts to fall at Chuck's feet.

    An armed vehicle breaks down on the way to Yucca Mountain; repeats as the prisoners are brought into Castle; Sarah, Chuck & Heather crawl through the air ducts; Heather & Sarah take out the bad guys.

S4:EP4 Chuck Versus The Coup D'etat

S4:EP5 Chuck Versus The Couch Lock

    Jeff answers the phone when Casey calls the Buy More for help.

    Morgan tells Casey that things are pretty much over with Alex.

    Alex tells Morgan it's important to her that Casey knows they're dating; Chuck asks Morgan to cover for him at work so he can work on a Volkov file.

    Casey knocks out his old team & escapes; repeats as Jeff pages Lester to go help Casey.

    Morgan gives Casey an invitation to his party; Casey & Alex arrive at the party; Alex & Morgan get back together; Casey gives Morgan a warning.

    Chuck & Sarah check on Casey in his casket; Morgan phones Alex & tells her he has the perfect place to tell Casey about them; Mackintosh tests to see if Casey's actually dead; repeats as Casey's old team makes a new exit in the church.

S4:EP6 Chuck Versus The Aisle Of Terror

    Jeff shows his scary images to Morgan & Chuck; repeats as Chuck turns on Jeff's images to freak out Dr. Wheelwright.

    Chuck & Morgan tell Jeff & Lester they did excellent work on the Halloween decorations.

    Big Mike & Morgan watch Lester & Jeff dancing around.

    Sarah updates Chuck on the meet; Morgan joins Casey in the Castle to observe; Dr. Wheelwright arrives for the meet.

    Chuck takes Ellie to see their mom; Casey informs Sarah that Mary's life is a lie; Mary arrives at the restaurant, then is taken by Sarah & her team; Chuck tells Ellie that their mom is a spy.

S4:EP7 Chuck Versus The First Fight

S4:EP8 Chuck Versus The Fear Of Death

    Casey tells Alex he's been trying to prepare himself psychologically incase the team is broken up.

    A group of scientists try to unsupress the Intersect memories.

    Jeff & Lester observe the newest Greta eating lunch; repeats as Lester pages Greta to the cage.

    Sarah goes home and looks at the Halloween photo of Chuck & herself; Chuck asks his captor what he wants; Casey & Morgan tell Sarah they'll help her find Chuck.

S4:EP9 Chuck Versus Phase Three

    Sarah fights to find out where to find the Belgian.

    Sarah returns to the fight; Ellie phones Chuck while he's trying to escape his captors; repeats as Morgan distracts the bad guys as Sarah & Casey take them out.

    Chuck tells Sarah that the proposal plan she found was just a rough draft; Chuck asks Morgan on advice on his new proposal plan; Devon tells Ellie he fixed the computer.

    Sarah sniffs Chuck's shirt & finds a note in the pocket; Morgan checks on Sarah & ends up revealing that the note Sarah found is Chuck's plan for proposing to her; repeats as Sarah tells Chuck she wants to marry him; Chuck wakes up.

    Sarah & Chuck make out, then she tells her she wants him to flash.

S4:EP10 Chuck Versus The Leftovers

S4:EP11 Chuck Versus The Balcony

S4:EP12 Chuck Versus The Gobbler

S4:EP13 Chuck Versus The Push Mix

    Jeffster performs over the hopsital P.A. system as Ellie is in labor & Chuck, Morgan and Sarah arrive & chat with Casey.

    Devon panics when Ellie announces that she's in labor.

    Chuck urges Mary to see Ellie; Alex tells her dad she's not going anywhere; Ellie gives birth; Devon holds baby Clara; Chuck proposes to Sarah.

    Casey says he got the eye from Sarah; Sarah & Mary try to figure out where Volkoff downloaded the Hydra network; repeats as Morgan yogas his way through the laser security system.

S4:EP14 Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible

S4:EP15 Chuck Versus The C.A.T. Squad

S4:EP16 Chuck Versus The Masquerade

    Sarah & Chuck talk at the masquerade party then separate to mingle; Casey & Morgan work as bartenders at the party.

    Ellie & Devon hear Jeffster's song playing at the BuyMore; repeats as Devon finally turns off the song, then turns it back on when Clara starts to cry.

    Chuck & Sarah start their Valentine's evening.

    Morgan & Chuck make preparations for Valentine's Day; repeats as Casey sees the Valentine's Day celebrations at Chuck's place.

    Chuck asks Morgan why he's moving out, then they discuss splitting their possessions.

    Morgan tells Chuck what he did with the Star Wars figurines; Ellie & Devon put Clara to bed in her own room; Casey is told he won't have to leave Burbank for his new job.

S4:EP17 Chuck Versus The First Bank Of Evil

S4:EP18 Chuck Versus The A-Team

S4:EP19 Chuck Versus The Muuurder

S4:EP20 Chuck Versus The Family Volkoff

S4:EP21 Chuck Versus The Wedding Planner

S4:EP22 Chuck Versus The Agent X

    Montage of Big Mike, Lester & Jeff driving to Reno.

    Sarah leaves Chuck a message about the Orion computer being compromised.

    The team discovers that Hartley is Volkoff; Casey tells them they can't go against whoever covered up creating Volkoff; Chuck tells Ellie that maybe their dad's plan was just to have them work together; Casey hides away Hartley's spy will.

    Chuck goes to tell Ellie that he's still a spy, but she figures it out first; Chuck takes Sarah to Castle and demonstrates his Intersect abilities.

    Jeff & Lester meet Casey & Morgan at the BuyMore for the Bachelor party in Vegas; repeats as Devon drives the guys to Vegas; Ellie surprises Sarah with a party; Sarah gets a text from General Beckman; the team rushes out the back door then Hartley's mother pulls the pin on the grenade.

S4:EP23 Chuck Versus The Last Detail

S4:EP24 Chuck Versus The Cliffhanger

    Chuck & Sarah lie in bed and talk about having cold feet regarding the wedding.

    Chuck tells Casey & Mary he's taking the Nighthawk motorcycle; Chuck speeds to catch up with Volkoff & Decker.

    Sarah is injected with the antidote; flashback to Sarah reads her vows to Chuck.

    Chuck & Sarah are married; montage of Sarah & Chuck clips as they walk out of the church; Morgan drives the couple to the airport.

    Russian special forces swoop in to back up the team against Decker & his men; Chuck rushes to give Sarah the Iridium 6 antidote; flashbacks of Sarah & Chuck rehearsing their wedding.










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