Chuck Soundtrack
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Season 4
Episode 1 • Chuck Versus The Anniversary
In Response
Peter Wolf Crier
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Chuck sets off the EMP & the team escape the building.
Generator ^ First Floor
Freelance Whales
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Chuck asks Sarah & Casey to help him find his mom; Chuck tries to tell Ellie that he's still a spy, but instead she reveals that she's pregnant; Sarah gives Chuck some info on his mom.
We're Here To Save The Day
The Constellations
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Chuck & Morgan enter the rebuilt Buy More & Chuck meets the new store manager, General Beckman.
Howlin' For You
Black Keys
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Sarah & Casey jump off the building; Morgan takes 'sexy' photos of Chuck, then tells him about sexting; repeats as Sarah takes sexy photos of herself on the plane & as Sarah tries to text Chuck for help.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.