2014 28 Songs
Syd goes to see Nadia in Argentina.
Closing Scenes.
On a train, Syd struts in a little nighty.
Syd runs through Shanghai dressed as a schoolgirl.
Syd packs for her trip and Vaughn stops by unannounced.
Syd throws a party but neglects to invite Spy!Daddy, who crashes the party.
Aliased!Prissy-Vaughn starts a staged fight with Aliased!Rasta-Dixon.Â
A chauffered Bishop stops to help at the site of a flipped car in the road.
Syd and Marshall strut incognito into a Nassau bank.
Father!Vaughn confesses in a bar.
Syd vamps it up in a club.
Syd and Vaugh on ice, slappin' a puck around.
Nadia and Sydney argue over Sloane.
Syd and Nadia make up over target-practice.
Sydney tells Sloane: "I will never forgive you."
Anna and Syd fight over "a blouse."
Nadia & Sydney discuss Weiss.
Sydney & Weiss visit Nadia.
Sydney is arrested in Paris.
Nadia & Sydney get ready for dinner.
Nadia & Roberto kiss.
Vaughn sends Syndey a text message.
Sydney cleans the sink.
Scene at the traffic light.
No songs available for this episode.
Dixon meets Raimes & the group.
 Sophia, Weiss & Nadia have dinner.
Opening scene at the club.
No songs available for this episode.
Sydney & Nadia say goodbye to Sophia.
Sydney in Cannes.
Vaughn & Sydney at the club.
Vaughn & Sydney in the car.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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