2014 28 Songs
The 100 deliquents step out of the dropship and onto the earth.
Clarke wakes up to the sounds of wildlife, then she & Finn check out some bioluminescent plants and animal tracks.
Jasper swings across the river on a vine, then gets speared in the chest.
Clarke uses a map to determine the group's location, then informs Finn they were dropped on the wrong mountain.
Clarke starts to work on Jasper, then Finn gives her the butterfly he made; Raven works on the escape pod; Abby, Chancellor Jaha & Kane watch as the monitors go black; the 100 remove their wristbands to get food from Bellamy's group; Bellamy catches Atom & Octavia kissing, then hangs Atom on the sacrifice tree as punishment.
No songs available for this episode.
Bellamy & Clarke tell the group why the banished John Murphy; Raven launches the pod; Jasper connects the communication equipment, which results in all the remaining wristbands being fried; Olivia tells Jasper she thinks he's brave and rewards hm with a kiss; Finn & Clarke kiss.
The volunteers head into Section 17; the 100 rush to send their signal to the Ark; Chancellor Jaha shuts off the oxygen to Section 17.
Flashback of Bellamy taking Octavia to the Unity Day masquerade dance.
Flashback of the Unity Day dance being interrupted by a solar flare alert.
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Bellamy covers Octavia with a blanket and says she'll have to find a way to live with him, even if she can't forgive him; Octavia claims to have nothing to do with the Grounder's escape; Clarke & Bellamy make a deal with Chancellor Jaha; Commander Shumway is arrested; Clarke & Finn argue over introducing guns in the camp.
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Olivia gives Lincoln his notebook back, then says goodbye to him; the heros return to camp; Raven confronts Finn over his feelings for Clarke.
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No songs available for this episode.
The 100 pack up and leave camp.
Abby contacts Jaha on the remains of the Ark, then tries to describe what the Earth is like; Kane joins Abby outside and they spot a column of smoke; Jaha makes a toast to the survivors on Earth; The 100 exit their ship to survey the damage.
Playing as Clarke wakes up in Mount Weather
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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