Sense8 Season 2 Soundtrack
Sense8 Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 A Christmas Special
Opening scene. Kala swimming in the ocean.
birthday montage; when Lito enters the club
Birthday montage
Birthday montage. All dancing
birthday montage; when Kala/Riley DJs
Sex montage
Capheus driving the Van Damn
choir singing
the sensates enjoying the christmas spirit
the sensates enjoying the christmas spirit
S2:EP2 Who Am I?
S2:EP3 Obligate Mutualisms
S2:EP4 Polyphony
S2:EP5 Fear Never Fixed Anything
Kala and Wolfgang are kissing and talking in the Swimming pool, Kaphéus is with his girlfriend
Riley is painting her hair and getting ready to play on the concert.
S2:EP6 Isolated Above, Connected Below
It's not the same but this is the closest I could find to the music heard when Riley walks through Hoy's lab and out of the house onto the view of the Scottish Highlands.
S2:EP7 I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate
When Riley arrives in Chicago, and meets Diego's friend Will at the airport.
S2:EP8 All I Want Right Now is One More Bullet
when wolfgang visit the indian coz of lola's plan
When Wolfgang visits the 8 because he has got trouble with Lila
S2:EP9 What Family Actually Means
Riley in the airplane visits Will in the bedroom. Wolfgang visits Kala.
S2:EP10 If All the World's a Stage, Identity is Nothing but a Costume
S2:EP11 You Want a War?
S2:EP12 Amor Vincit Omnia
No songs available for this episode.