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Grey's Anatomy Season 16 Soundtrack

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S16:EP1 Nothing Left to Cling To

    Season 16 trailer.

    Jo checks herself into a psychiatric clinic; Maggie searches for Jackson; Victoria and an ambulance arrive, they help Maggie and find him helping a hiking couple.

    Jackson and the other doctors show Mari that Jai is awoke again, they embrace; Alex proposes to Jo, after telling her that he doesn't want out; Owen tells Teddy that he's listed the house and wants her to let him help out with Allison.

    Maggie tells Jackson that they're not friends and that they don't like each other; Catherine confronts Richard about his new job with Alex; Meredith tells Andrew about her day volunteering and Zola as they eat ice cream in bed when she get notification that the board as decided to take action against her license.

S16:EP2 Back in the Saddle

    Andrew brings Meredith coffee before work where she tells him new of her upcoming court date; Meredith diagnoses one of her fellow volunteers; Bailey mops about current situation with Alex and Meredith, Warren gives her advise; Jo prepares to return to work.

    Alex asks for Weber to help make Pacific Northwest better then shows him his new office; Maggie and Avery have words over his Instagram post.

    Bailey tells Warren about her day; Meredith tells Andrew about wanting to write a paper on what she's seen on the work crew; Amelia tells Link her decision about having the baby.

S16:EP3 Reunited

    Jackson and Victoria go hiking; Amelia informs Maggie she's keeping the baby.

    Victoria pulls Jackson into a kiss, then they decide not to go slow; Bertie and Soyoung tell Maggie, Amelia, and Nico how they meet, lost reach other only to find each other today as Nico translates.

    Richard yells for Heidi and Haylee to stop their bickering and celebrate their sisterhood and go to Heather; Richard heads to call Catherine; Schmitt tells Nico about failer, Nico then tells him he has to try and do it until he gets it right.

S16:EP4 It's Raining Men

    Montage as Avery and Schmidt perform Clervie's surgery afterwards Schmidt voices how Avery should have let Koracick firm the surgery.

    Avery asks Vic to have dinner with him; Link tells Amelia that he's in love with her; Meredith and Andrew argue over her choices; Maggie informs Bailey that she's perimenopausal and pregnant.

S16:EP5 Breathe Again

    Bailey attempts to tell Warren he's pregnant; Zola becomes sick on Meredith; Gemma offers to take Richard to breakast.

    Gemma offers herself to Richard as they have breakfast which evolves into them getting into a fight.

    (Flashback) Carey tells that Jo has been having the same response from her brother abandoning her when she was 5 days old to when her mother left her at the diner.

    Warren is overjoyed with the new that Bailey is pregnant; Jo leads Alex and herself in a throwing match of things to let out the rage; Meredith checks on Zola then is told by her lawyer Nancy that she's going to jail to make up the missed hours she had from community services.

S16:EP6 Whistlin’ Past The Graveyard

    Meredith's cellmate complains about her snoring; Owen shows Teddy some costumes his mom made; Jo asks Alex for help with her dress.

    Meredith says goodbye to her cellmate; Andrew searches the hospital for Zola; Mitchell sews a sunflower custome; Zola tells Andrew why didn't want him to fix her wings, he then tells her a story about her father.

    Amelia brings Link a Cancer Anniversary cake; Meredith arrives home in costumes to surprise her kids.

    Mitchell takes pictures of the kids costume parade as Nico joins him; Jo makes a joke in the middle of her and Alex's civil marriage ceremony.

S16:EP7 Papa Don't Preach

    Owen attempts to take a picture of Allison only to find his phone is full; Amelia attempts to discuss telling Owen he's pregnant with Meredith but she leaves before she's late; Catherine placed herself in the surgery board.

    Owen and Amelia discuss how they're going to handle their family; Richard expresses sympathy for what Chris is going through; Maggie frantically tries to save Sabrina.

    Maggie informs Chris and the others that Sabrina did not survive the operation.

S16:EP8 My Shot

    Meredith and the others watch as people arrive for her hearing; Richard apologizes to Jackson for not calling him back; Bailey comments on how many of her employees are missing work.

    A drunk Maggie attempt to explain what happen to Sabbie to her bartender when Jackson comes to check in on her then persuades her to go home.

    Tom starts surgery as Amelia watches from the gallery; Richard concedes to Bailey that he sometimes treats Meredith different, but says you have to stick your neck out for family; Alex bursts into the hearing saying it can't be postponed.

    Alex reads a letter from Cristina Yang and lists off a bunch of other former coworker he has letter from; Tom runs into problems with the surgery; Bailey asks for a second chance to speak.

    Maggie throws out Jackson just as Meredith arrives home; Mitchell is outed as the one who got Meredith in trouble; Andrew tells Meredith to figure out if she wants him to be a part of her life.

S16:EP9 Let's All Go To The Bar

    Meredith is welcomed back to work.

    Montage of couples making out at the hospital; Amelia and Linc discuss who characteristics they want their baby to have.

    Ben rushes to Miranda's hospital room; Maggie freaks out over her patient, until Teddy returns to the OR and makes a suggestion.

    Catherine joins Jackson at Joe's Bar and announces that Richard is having an affair.

    Maggie and Teddy tell Finley about her husband; Maggie quits; Tom offers Teddy, Maggie's job; Bailey breaks down.

    Linc discovers that Jo kept the surrendered baby; Cormac suggests to Meredith they learn to work together, just as Cristina texts her about the guy she sent; Amelia is informed she's farther along in her pregnancy that she thought; Mitchell tells Nico how awful his coworkers were.

S16:EP10 Help Me Through the Night (II)

    Bailey assigns doctors to her patients; Ben asks Bailey is she's okay to operate, then expresses his concerns to Richard.

    Jo says goodbye to the baby and hands him over to social services, then talks with Link about Safe Haven and his pending fatherhood.

    Tom thanks Owen for saving Blake; Andrew is thanked for saving Casey; Owen proposes to Teddy.

    Owen and Teddy annouce they're getting married, as Tom looks on; Amelia tells Linc they're having a boy; Mitchell visits Helm, then she says she forgives him.

S16:EP11 A Hard Pill to Swallow

    Meredith and Cristina text about the gift that Cristina sent her in the form of Dr. Cormac Hayes; Amelia asks Meredith about Maggie and how's she's doing; Cormac offers to tie Amelia's shoes then offers to get Meredith coffee; Amelia and Meredith advises Cormac on where to find good coffee; Amelia comments on how good Meredith's gift is.

    Bailey and Andrew update Suzanne's family on her condition.

    Link tells Amelia he deserves to know whether he's the father of her baby; Meredith asks Andrew to walk her through Suzanne's case; Bailey lights a candle for her lost daughter; Richard tells Catherine their relationship won't work without trust.

S16:EP12 The Last Supper

    Daniel and Mitchell go through the ritual; Jackson comes to talk to Catherine about her and Richard.

    Nico helps Mitchell pack his things; Mitchell tells his mom he can't keep living a lie; Catherine responds to Richard's words by making an inquiry about buying Pac-North.

S16:EP13 Save the Last Dance for Me

    Andrew tells Meredith about his patient, Suzanne, while getting ready for work; Bailey tells Ben she needs to go check on foster kid Joey.

    Irene and Norman watch an old video of them dancing.

    Meredith tells Irene she has terminal cancer; Bailey tells Jo what she discovered about Joey's history; Maggie and Andrew prepare Suzanne for surgery.

    Norman and Irene dance around the cafeteria as, the hospital staff look on.

    Irene asks Mitchell if he's found the love of his life; Bailey tells Jo that she hates that Joey is all alone; Meredith tells Bailey she used to be a romantic.

    Mitchell tells Nico he wants a dance partner, not just sex; Link recieves a text from Amelia saying she didn't do the paternity test; Jo arrives home to an empty apartment.

S16:EP14 A Diagnosis

    Maya drops off the nose at the hospital; montage of a team working to reattch Scott's nose and arm.

    Ryan tells Jo that he's so in love with Rachel, he doesn't care who gets hurt; Owen and Jackson work to revive Scott.

    Jo leaves Alex a messages pleading with him to call her; Joey gets a visit from his foster siblings.

    Mitchell tells Nico he wants to meet his family, then Nico admits he hasn't come out to his family yet; Suzanne is reunited with her kids; Link tells Maggie he's worried about Amelia.

    Amelia breaks up with Link; Jackson apologizes to Maggie for leaving her alone in the woods; Meredith texts Alex.

S16:EP15 Snowblind

    Mitchell rushes around searching for a missing patient; Owen has a bunch of frost bite cases to Jackson; Andrew volunteers to retrieve a liver transplant for Cormac, then Meredith expresses concern about his plan.

    Jo and Richard question Tess about why she pretended to be an intern; Owen, Maggie and Teddy operate on their pregnant patient.

    Teddy and Tom have a snowball fight; Richard tells Tess about his fight to become a doctor, then gifts her his stethoscope.

    Teddy goes to Tom's apartment and kisses him; Ben arrives home to discover they have a house guest; Link brings Jo donuts.

    Jo breaks down in Link's arms after realizing that Alex left her; Cormac asks Meredith about her relationship with Andrew, then says it helps knowing another young widower.

S16:EP16 Leave a Light On

S16:EP17 Life on Mars?

    Jo and Link stand at the train station and comment on the couple making out on the platform.

    Jo tells Link not to give up on his relationship with Amelia; Richard asks Bailey to support his decision to step away from surgery.

    Tom tells Griffin Ford his diagnosis; Victoria walks away when Jackson says he wants to slow down their relationship; Meredith and Bailey discuss the changes in their lives; Teddy apologizes to Tom for using him.

    Andrew hits on Jo, then she responds by throwing a drink in his face and telling him to get help.

    Owen tells Teddy that he loves her and they'll figures things out; Link goes to Amelia's place and declares he doesn't want to live without her.

S16:EP18 Give a Little Bit

    Meredith phones Jo and tells her to get to work; Helm and Brody comment on how much of a legend Meredith is; Ben tells Jackson he has to cancel their plans to go to a game.

    Amelia and Teddy talk to Kyle's girlfriend, Ashley, about how he changed after serving in the military; while they operate, Mitchell asks Link about his work as a team doctor.

    Meredith announces that everyone will get their pro bono surgeries; Teddy and Amelia inform Kyle and Ashley they're doing a surgery for his seizures.

    Jo finds Mitchell moping over his beer and offers him a place to stay.

    Owen finds Teddy crying and she explains it away as being due to her veteran patient; Bailey tells Meredith she called the human trafficing hotline, but the girl had already left; Andrew speeds down the road on his motorcycle.

S16:EP19 Love of My Life

    Maggie greets Richard as he arrives at the medical conference; Teddy asks Cormac if he's going to the 'heart valve happy hour'.

    Winston takes Maggie up to his room, where they have sex.

    Flashback to Cormac meeting his wife at a medical conference; Cormac reassuring Abigail just before she headed in for hysterectomy surgery; Abigail telling Cormac what she wants their sons to know if she doesn't survive her cancer.

    Teddy runs into her old friend Claire at the hotel bar.

    Flashback to Teddy hanging out with Claire and Allison.

    Richard has an inspiration for his speech while talking to Catherine; Maggie asks Teddy if she smells like sex; Teddy apologizes to Claire for hurting her.

    Richard declares he's figured out how to cure cancer, as everyone figures something is wrong with him; Maggie and Cormac pull Richard off the stage.

S16:EP20 Sing It Again

    Richard, Catherine and Maggie fly back to Seattle in silence; Ben urges Jackson to head home; Bailey, Meredith and Amelia collect information on Richard's condition.

    Tom takes over on Guthrie's surgery, then freezes when things go wrong; Teddy talks Tom through his panic; Owen works on Vera when she has problems breathing.

    Tom takes over on Guthrie's surgery, then freezes when things go wrong; Teddy talks Tom through his panic; Owen works on Vera when she has problems breathing.

    Owen pus Teddy into the on-call room for a kiss, then she says she wants them to get married immediately; Richard reveals he thinks he's still married to Adele, causing Catherine to breakdown; Meredith asks Andrew what he thinks is wrong with Richard.

    16x21 'Put on a Happy Face' Trailer; Season Finale Trailer

S16:EP21 Put on a Happy Face

    Montage as the doctors take care of Richard and attempting to cure him.

    Tom tells Teddy that he will wait for her then they tell each other that they love one another as they kiss; Link begins Richard's surgery with Andrew.

    Miranda helps Amelia through the birth her child; Link and Andrew continues onward with Richard's surgery.

    Bailey gives Link his and Amelia baby; Bailey checks in on Richard; Richard's friends and family gather around him; Owen gives Levi advice; Owen listens to the voice mail of Teddy and Tommy.

    Cormac asks Meredith for out for drinks but she turns him down; Meredith finds Andrew having a break down then suggest that he go home with her; Teddy readies for her and Owen's wedding when she finds out that Owen has cancelled their wedding for a surgery.



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