Unions Songs
has 13 songs in the following movies and TV shows.

Grey's Anatomy • s16e5 • Breathe Again2005
(Flashback) Carey tells that Jo has been having the same response from her brother abandoning her when she was 5 days old to when her mother left her at the diner.
I Take What I Want
Way Down We Go

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists • s1e5 • The Patchwork Girl2019
Ava obsessively works on some new designs, then finds a note from her father; flashback to Ava and her father visiting the Beacon Heights campus; Caitlin asks Dylan about Andrew.

Shades of Blue • s2e1 • Unforgiven2016
Shades of Blue music from the Trailer promo.

Riverdale • s1e7 • Chapter Seven: In A Lonely Place2017
Betty and the other search the woods for Polly; Veronica tells Kevin her plan to get back at her mother; the Blossoms confront the Coopers.

Shadowhunters • s3e9 • Familia Ante Omnia2016
A pair of women go to Clary's cell, scrubs her clean, dresses her in a prisoner's robe and leads her outside to be executed.
Sex and Candy

UnReal • s4e1 • All In2015
“Bluff” S4-E7 @ 01:00 — 02:45 gone by 02:50

Pretty Little Liars • s7e9 • The Wrath Of Kahn2010
Flashback of Jason bringing Aria a cup of coffee in bed, then her turning down his suggestion that she return with him to Ethiopia.
You Better Run

Riverdale • s5e9 • Chapter Eighty-Five: Destroyer2017
The Bulldogs go up a Stallions.
Rescue Me

Good Trouble • s4e17 • Wake Up from Your Reverie2019
Mariana awakens to the buzz of a bee in her room, she manages to capture it then observes it; (repeats) [0:59] Mariana meets Silas at the farm as Mariana Hernandez, he shows her around the farm as he tells her about his collective.

Light As A Feather • s1e4 • ...Dark As The Night2018
Violet attempts to read McKenna's mind while she's sleeping; end credits.
Afraid of the Dark

Deception • s1e4 • Divination 2018
Cameron notices that Jon loses his focus when he asks if he's okay.

Shades of Blue • s3e7 • Straight Through the Heart2016
Song in the bar as Phelips comes in to chat with Jess and ends up offering her a job.
My Sins

Black Lightning • s2e9 • The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Two: Gift of the Magi2018
Jennifer uses her powers to access a drug cabinet at a hospital, then almost runs into her father and sister.

Grey's Anatomy • s15e23 • What I Did For Love2005
Ripley insists Maggie go talk with Jackson; after getting their patient's test results, Richard tells Meredith he wants to see her after the surgery is finished; Teddy tells Miranda they need to talk about Jo.
Here Comes the Night

Charmed • s1e17 • Surrender2018
Maggie expresses concern over what happened to Harry; the sisters discuss Charity's betrayal.

Light As A Feather • s2e13 • …Thick As Thieves2018
Trey receives a call about Sammi; Sammi's body stowed away in a morgue; end credits.
Close My Eyes