Hindsight Season 1 Soundtrack
Hindsight Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Flashback to Becca walking down the aisle.
Becca chats with her mom, as her father and his new wife, Sabrina, arrive at the rehearsal dinner.
Becca's boss asks her about a business contract.
Jamie takes Becca home, then she rearranges her photos and flips through an album.
Flashback to New Year's Eve, 1993 as Becca and Lolly party.
Becca wakes up to music playing on her alarm clock; continues as Becca bursts into her brother's room and realizes that she's in 1995.
Becca freaks out and heads to Lolly's apartment.
Becca tries to find the perfect outfit for going to see Sean.
Becca has sex with Sean.
Becca meets Lolly at a bar and tells her what happened in the future.
Lolly heads to the bathroom; Becca chats with Xavier at the bar and they both read a Buddhist proverb handing on the wall; Becca's pager goes off.
Sean re-proposes to Becca.
Becca walks down the aisle, realizes that Andy is at her wedding and contemplates whether to marry Sean.
Becca and Lolly head to a bar, then Lolly rushed off to change the music.
Becca goes to light a cigarette as Lolly starts dancing; Sean shows up at the bar.
S1:EP2 Square One
Sean asks for his engagement ring back; Lolly consoles Becca.
Lolly opens up the video store she works up, so she and Becca can look for time travel movies.
Lolly asks if there are flying cars in the future, then Becca declares she still feels bad about what happened with Sean.
Becca tells Lolly about being able to watch movies on her iPhone.
Becca puts on her walkman and heads to work; continues as Simon shows Becca to her new office.
Becca tells Lolly about Simon tricking her as Lolly's boss tries to get her to do some work.
Lolly sneaks into Jamie's bedroom and they start kissing.
Becca tells Lolly about her kiss with Andy.
Lolly stops by Sean's apartment to pick up Becca's stuff.
Becca searches for an outfit for her meeting with Anton while telling Lolly about how famous he becomes.
Becca tells Lolly about being propositioned by Anton.
Becca explains why she doesn't think Lolly she keep fooling around with Jamie; Lolly asks Jamie if he thinks she's irresponsible; Becca runs into Xavier again, then gets a page from Simon.
Becca calls Lolly from a phone booth to tell her she quit her job.
While in bed, Lolly informs Jamie that she'll tell Becca tomorrow that they're involved.
Sean gives Becca a plane ticket and asks her to consider going on their honeymoon with him; Becca returns to her apartment and contemplates the plane ticket.
Becca packs; Lolly's boss expresses surprise at her new work ethic; Sean waits for Becca to show at the airport; Andy shows up at Becca's place and kisses her.
S1:EP3 I Never
Lolly tells Becca how much she loves her new purple Doc Martins, then asks about her kiss with Andy; Becca explains the plot to The Notebook to Lolly.
Lolly complains about having to go to Lois' party; Phoebe stops by to return her bridesmaid dress.
Becca, Lolly and Phoebe arrive at the almost empty bar for Lois' party.
Phoebe comments on how Becca's life is spiraling out of control; the girls do a tequila shot.
The ladies play 'I Never'.
Lolly stops Becca from telling a story from her alternate life.
Melanie comments on how few times Becca did a shot; Becca pulls Lolly aside to discuss her last 'I Never'.
Melanie leaves, then Becca announces they're moving the party to a different location.
The ladies arrive at The Crystal Lounge and are informed they get a complimentary palm reading with a drink.
Becca is hit on by Victor and discovers he works for Enron; Paige is told by her boss to act more like a psychic.
Becca is invited to a threesome; Lois has her palm read; montage of Becca being hit on by various people.
Lolly tells Paige about her relationship with Jamie.
Becca flirts with the one guy that wasn't planning to hit on her; Lolly asks Paige about working as an actress.
Becca and a guy compare their pet peeves, then she suggests they leave; Becca overhears a drunken Lolly oversharing to Paige.
Becca tries to convince Phoebe not to leave with Victor and discovers she blew off a date with her future husband to go to Lois' party.
Jamie tells Lolly that he figured out the connection between the movies on her list; Becca has a one-night stand; Phoebe runs into Courtney; Becca tells Lolly that she slept with Hot Todd, then finds out that Paige is now working at their regular bar.
S1:EP4 A Very Important Date
Becca helps Andy ice his lip then tells him he should go home to Melanie; Lolly puts Jamie in a cab and complains about their lack of a real date.
Becca walks in on Lolly and Jamie in bed, then freaks out about having seen her brother naked.
Lolly plays the phone messages, which end up being three job offers for Becca and an RSVP from Melanie.
Becca and Lolly talk about Halloween costumes.
Becca stops by Jamie's place and asks him to be careful with Lolly.
Lolly chats with Paige about their love lives.
Lolly asks Becca who won the Halloween costume contest.
Montage of Jamie and Lolly trying out Halloween costumes.
Lolly and Jamie try out the Uma Thurman and John Travolta costumes from Pulp Fiction.
Andy complains to Melanie about his bunny costume.
Melanie calls Becca for advice on dealing with a Simon emergency.
Becca asks Lolly for assurance that she's doing the right thing by going after Andy.
Lolly phones Jamie from the bar when he fails to show; continues as Paige pours Lolly a drink.
Jamie ignores Lolly's call while playing video games, then rushes out the door.
Becca and Andy are greeted by Lolly as they arrive at the bar; Becca watches stunned as Sean walks in and kisses Paige.
Becca and Lolly escape to the bathroom to discuss Sean's appearance.
Lolly talks Becca into heading back to the bar; Andy awkwardly chats with Sean about his trip to Aruba.
Becca joins Sean at the bar and talk about how he's doing.
Lolly informs Paige that Sean is Becca's ex-fiance; Jamie finally shows up in costume and is immediately pulled away by a group of guys.
Becca compliments Todd's costume; Andy asks Becca how she's dealing with Sean's appearance.
Lolly and Becca talk about future knowledge and making choices.
Becca tells Lolly she turned down both jobs, then she gets a call about a magazine internship.
S1:EP5 Then I'll Know
Becca brings her bosses coffee, then suggests an article on R.E.M.
Becca stops by the video store to tells Lolly they're going to an R.E.M. concert.
Becca tells Lolly how excited she is to do the article as they go to meet Paige.
Paige tells Becca and Lolly that she's never been on a road trip before.
Becca suggests they stay at Lolly's dad's place, then Lolly teases her about spending summers with Andy at Spring Lake.
Jamie explains 'The Wall' drinking contest to Andy, Sean and Melanie.
Molly and Kevin run into each other at the cafe.
Melanie and Sean win the game, they she racks up another game as Jamie asks for advice on women.
Melanie asks Sean for help lining up a shot as Andy looks on.
Becca tells Paige how much she admires her acting ability, then Paige explains how she got into acting.
Becca and Paige sing along to the radio.
Melanie runs off to the bathroom as Andy and Sean get into an argument about Becca.
Becca interviews a couple about R.E.M.; the girls watch the concert; Becca recalls her kiss with Andy.
While they drive back home, Paige reads Becca's article then suggests she pursue things with Andy.
Becca stops at Spring Lake to phone Andy.
Lolly tells Becca her she made a good decision; Lolly tells Paige about her friendship with Kevin as they pass an accident scene; Becca waits for Andy to arrive.
S1:EP6 Tragic Kingdom
Lolly contemplates phoning Kevin, then Paige complains about the music she's playing.
In the hospital chapel, Becca asks for guidance and prays for Andy's survival, as her father joins her.
Lolly stops Becca from debating whether Andy was going to see her or Melanie.
Becca tells Andy that she thinks he should be with Melanie.
Jamie makes a 'grand gesture' to Lolly by re-enacting a scene from Say Anything.
Andy stares at the photo of himself and Melanie; Melanie packs up her stuff; montage; Becca tells Sean she wants to go back to the way things were.
S1:EP7 The Cranberries
Becca reminisces about her first time with Sean.
Sean bandages Becca's burnt hand, then kisses her to 'make it better'.
Jamie drops by the bar and is served a Snake Bite by Paige.
Jamie gets a page from Becca, then meets his buddy to do some cocaine.
Libby says goodbye to Lolly; Becca tells Lolly what happened the last time Jamie went to the Dominican Republic then assures Lolly that she won't end up like Libby; montage; Sean shows up at the bar with tacos for Paige; Kevin arrives at Lolly and Becca's place.
S1:EP8 The Imaginary Line
Flashback to 2003 when Lolly first introduces Becca to Kevin.
Lolly begs Becca to tell her what happened with her and Kevin in the future.
Lolly asks Becca if she has a problem with Kevin, then Becca rushes off to work just as Kevin arrives.
Becca is asked to distribute flyers and to attend a rave; Becca proposes they uses viral marketing for the magazine.
Sean tells Paige he got tickets to the Oasis concert and assures her that he's done with Becca.
Paige suggests that Sean help out at a catering company if he needs money.
Flashback to 2003 as Kevin overhears Becca arguing with Sean over the phone.
Lolly tells Becca that she is going to tell Kevin how she feels, then finds out Becca's going to a rave.
Lolly comments on Paige's grumpiness; Becca assures Paige that things are completely over with Sean.
Becca explains the viral marketing campaign to Kevin and Lolly as they put up stickers around the city.
Flashback to 2003 as Kevin tells Becca that he loves her, then she suggests they run away together.
S1:EP9 All I Want For Christmas is You
Becca asks Kevin if he had fun at the rave.
Lolly wakes up as Kevin brings her a glass of water, then makes plans with him for dinner.
Noelle comments on Sean's work and suggests he art needs to be more commercial.
Lolly gets ready for dinner with Kevin, then confesses to Becca that she still hasn't told Kevin how she feels.
Lolly sings to the music while out at dinner with Kevin.
Lolly finally confesses her feelings to Kevin and he responds by saying he thinks of her as a sister.
Lolly grumpily ruins the ending of My Girl for a pair of customers.
Becca tries to cheer up Lolly by suggesting they have a party.
Chester freaks out about the success of the viral marketing; Becca confronts Lolly inviting too many people to their party.
Sebastian complains about the lack of girls at the party, as Becca tries to keep the place clean.
Becca asks Lolly why she invited Kevin to the party.
Kevin asks Becca if things are good between them; Jamie surprises Lolly with his new look.
Chester and Victoria arrive at the party; Victoria explains why Chester is so stressed over the magazine succeeding.
Jamie finds Sebastian going through the family movies; Paige turns down a kiss under the mistletoe.
Becca tells Sean that it's nice to see him at the party and suggests he should apologize to Paige.
Lolly tries to kiss Kevin under the mistletoe; Becca consoles Lolly, then rushes off with her coworkers to check on the magazine distribution.
Jamie cheers up Lolly by making fun of Kevin, then she kisses him and suggests they head to his room.
Lolly tells Jamie they shouldn't have slept together.
Lolly finds a copy of Thermal and flips to Becca's article; Kevin finds Becca on the roof and kisses her.
S1:EP10 Auld Lang Syne
Montage of Becca leaving Lolly phones message and drinking wine.
Noelle drops by Sean's place and asks to see his new work.
While at work, Paige gets a call from Sean inviting her to a gallery showing of his work.
Becca tries to hide from Kevin when he walks into restaurant she's eating at.
Kevin and Becca compare the crappy Christmas gifts they received, then she tells him they can't pursue what's between them.
Lolly drops by Jamie's place to check on him.
Paige gets a call at work saying she got the part she auditioned for.
Lolly and Paige celebrate with a drink.
Sean looks around the gallery for Paige, then Noelle informs him that two of his paintings sold.
Becca and Kevin eat pretzels in the rain and he tries to convince her to give them a chance.
Paige tells Sean that she doesn't think they're meant to be.
Lolly and Becca arrive at the bar for the New Year's party.
Jamie tells Lolly that he loves her and she confesses that she loves him back.
Becca and Lolly celebrate as Kevin joins them; Lolly realizes that Becca was with Kevin before.