The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Soundtrack
The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Soundtrack
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S8:EP1 Hello, Brother
'TVD Forever' trailer.
'The Devil' Trailer.
A couple drives down a road at night, then encounters Enzo and Damon.
Damon gives the couple his and Enzo backstory, then asks them which of them is worse; the couple are separated and taken off to be killed.
Bonnie assues Stephan that they can still get Enzo and Damon back, then Stephan worries that Damon will never forgive him.
Damon talks to an artist about redemption, then they are joined Enzo and question the artist on his use of blood in his paintings.
Stephan writes to Elena about his hope that Damon still has a sliver of humanity left; Damon dreams about first meeting Elena; Carolina asks Stefan if she can move in with him.
802 'Today Will Be Different' promo.
S8:EP2 Today Will Be Different
Damon chats with a guy at a gun convention.
Damon takes the guy to meet his 'boss', then she sings along as she slowly drowns the guy.
Caroline writes to Elena about moving in with Stefan and Bonnie receiving a message from Enzo.
While they drive to save Sarah Salvatore, Stefan and Caroline fill Bonnie in on her connection to Stefan.
Caroline assures Bonnie that she's not alone, then they hug; Stefan arrives and Bonnie asks about Sarah.
Damon stabs Enzo in the chest, then the Siren invades Enzo's mind to see how he said goodbye to Bonnie.
Stefan proposes to Caroline.
803 'You Decided That I Was Worth Saving' promo.
S8:EP3 You Decided That I Was Worth Saving
Sybil tries to convince Enzo to submit to her plan.
Caroline and Bonnie make plans for the wedding.
Stefan starts writing to Elena as Alaric joins him at the bar, then they discuss Sybils' hold on Damon; Damon works on breakfast as Sybil comments on his having too many attachments; Tyler urges Damon to walk about from Sybil.
S8:EP4 An Eternity Of Misery
Damon stops be a garage and asks to speak with Pete Maxwell, then goes on a rant about Sybil.
Seline gets a call from Georgie as she's tucking the twins into bed.
Seline gets a call from Georgie as she's tucking the twins into bed.
S8:EP5 Coming Home Was A Mistake
Montage of Caroline, Bonnie and Alaric getting calls from Matt; Caroline sits with Matt as Stefan stands over Tyler's coffin.
The group decide they need to put down Damon to protect themselves.
Enzo pretends to be his old self and asks Bonnie to dance; Bonnie pours gasoline around the cabin.
The group meets at the carnival and talk about Tyler; Stefan turns on the lights, then the group enjoys the rides and games; Alaric writes to Elena.
S8:EP6 Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path To Hell
Bonnie and Enzo lie in bed together as he talks about how much he missed her; Bonnie receives a call from Caroline.
Sybil enjoys some bacon, then complains that Seline didn't make much of an effort to rescue her.
Damon pulls over at a motel and demands Seline call up Cade.
Bonnie tells Enzo how much she appreciates that he continued to fight against Sybil, then he says he life required him to harden his heart to stone, but she's has become his whole world.
Caroline tells Stefan that she shouldn't have cut him off when the twins were missing, then asks what he did to gain the return of the twins; Stefan informs Caroline he agreed to be Cade's servant and he only has one day left to be with her.
Alaric thanks Matt for his help and staying the sane voice of the group; Damon drunkenly asks for another drink as Matt and Alaric show up and shoot him.
807 'The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You' promo.
S8:EP7 The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You
Monterey 1917 - Two children await the arrival of Santa Claus as Stefan attacks their camp.
Stefan writes to Elena about the deal he made to save the twins and having to leave Caroline; Caroline finds Stefan working on Christmas dinner.
Just as Alaric is about to tell Caroline that he killed Damon, Damon shows up with Sybil on his arm.
Caroline serves eggnog; Damon tells Stefan that they don't need to hide the twins from him; Caroline thanks Sybil for taking care of Seline.
Sybil 'helps' Caroline carve the turkey while asking about their wedding plans, then Caroline asks Sybil how she likes Mystic Falls.
Alaric reads the twins a story, then cautions them about who to trust.
Sybil asks Caroline if she likes the ornaments as Matt and his father arrrive.
Caroline talks about forgiveness while handing out gifts to her guests, including Sybil and Damon.
Tammy sings as Bonnie and Enzo try to sneak up on Seline.
Seline asks Tammy to sing something 'nice and easy' as she writes out a list of people she has killed.
Carolers sing while walking down the street as Sybil comments on how she didn't know Damon had a heart.
Bonnie talks to Enzo about the Sirens and Cade being rooted in psychic energy, then tells him she bought him t-shirts for Christmas.
Stefan tells Caroline that he made a deal with Cade to only serve him for a year.
Damon finds a song of the radio after announcing he and Stefan need a theme song; Stefan turns off his humanity as they leave Mystic Falls.
808 'We Have History Together' promo.
S8:EP8 We Have History Together
Caroline writes to Elena, then tells Matt about her news assignment and asks if he can meet for lunch.
Stefan tells Damon to prove that he doesn't care, then Damon grabs the necklace, tosses it out the window and bites the doctor.
Damon asks an inmate cleaning up trash if he found the necklace, then he spots in on the ground; Stefan feeds on a nurse; Damon returns to the hospital to find Stefan has gone Ripper.
809 'The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch' promo.
S8:EP9 The Simple Intimacy Of The Near Touch
Seline tells Caroline and Bonnie about Sybil's plan to assemble the bell.
Caroline drags Damon outside to the dance, in an attempt to remind him of Elena; Enzo asks Bonnie if she would want to become a vampire if she was tied to Elena; Stefan and Sybil cut in on Damon and Caroline; Bonnie gives Enzo back the necklace; continues as Damon tells Sybil the location of the striker.
Seline tells Dorian that only someone from Matt's family can ring the bell.
Caroline watches as Stefan resuscitates, then he informs her he doesn't want to quit working for Cade in a year; Caroline gives back Stefan's ring and tells him to stay away from her until he remembers what happiness is.
Enzo returns the necklace to Bonnie and they agree to make the most of the years they have together; Bonnie asks Enzo if he would want to take the vampire cure.
S8:EP10 Nostalgia's A Bitch
While lying in bed, Caroline gets a call from Bonnie asking for advice on Enzo; Bonnie jogs to Caroline's house.
Bonnie and Caroline return to Damon's subconscious and run into Vicki.
Caroline and Bonnie discuss why Vicki is in Damon's subconscious, then spot Sheriff Forbes.
While in Damon's mind, Bonnie visits her Grandmother and asks for help locating Damon.
Damon recites the letter he wrote to Bonnie, then he apologizes to her for leaving and promises it won't happen again.
Sybil asks Seline if they can some to a truce, then Cade arrives as they descend into bickering.
S8:EP11 You Made A Choice To Be Good
Bonnie is jostled awake as Enzo drives down the road, then she receives a text from Caroline of the bucket list she buried in their time capsule; Bonnie asks Enzo what's on his bucket list.
Bonnie cheers as Enzo drives around a stock car track.
Carolina meets Matt at the Grill and tries to convince him to drink some of her blood.
Stefan pulls into a gas station.
At the Mystic Grill, Caroline and Matt inform Dorian that Cade is in town, then Caroline brings up her 'supernatural back-up plan' again.
Caroline offers Dorian the option of drinking her blood, for protection.
Bonnie cradles Enzo's body and screams in grief.
812 'What Are You?' promo.
S8:EP12 What Are You?
Bonnie's mother helps her prepare Enzo's body to be buried; Bonnie tells her mother that she doesn't think Enzo wants her to let him go; Caroline continues to compel officers to get Stefan released; Stefan sees the young daughter of one of his victims talking to a police officer.
Stefan tells Caroline he doesn't know what kind of future they can have now that he's human; Matt tells Bonnie how sorry he is about Enzo's death.
813 'The Lies Are Going To Catch Up With You' promo.
'Series Finale' teaser.
S8:EP13 The Lies Are Going To Catch Up With You
Alaric phones Damon to ask how Kai could be tweeting again; Kai starts coughing up blood.
Damon helps Kai into a booth and they discuss Damon's work with Cade.
Bonnie tracks down Cade at a cafe and asks how to get Enzo out of Hell.
Caroline asks Stefan if he thinks he belongs in Hell, then he says he thinks he needs to leave Mystic Falls alone and questions what kind of future they could have; Bonnie is reunited with Enzo; Alaric brings the twins to Caroline's house.
814 'It's Been A Hell of A Ride' promo.
S8:EP14 It's Been A Hell Of A Ride
Kai performs at a karaoke bar as Stefan toasts him from the bar.
Stefan explains to Kai how he tracked him via his social media postings.
Kai hums while dragging an axe down the hallway looking for the twins.
Damon offers Stefan a drink, then tells him he's crazy for leaving Mystic Falls; Alaric tells Caroline he wants to start a school for kids like Josie and Lizzie; Stefan knocks on Caroline's door and asks her to marry him.
Caroline asks Stefan if he knows what being his being human in their relationship means, then agrees to marry him.
Kai wakes up chained to a chair, then Bonnie informs him that she's placed him in a new prison world.
S8:EP15 We're Planning A June Wedding
Matt questions a witness at The Mystic Grill and his dad and mom arrive.
Matt asks his mother why she came back.
Bonnie listens to music as Enzo appears to comment on her melancholy song choice.
String Quartet No. 62 in C Major, Op. 76 No. 3, Hob. III:77 "Emperor": III. Menuetto: Allegro
Kodály Quartet
Guests gather for the wedding; Matt asks his mom if she's seen Peter; Caroline coaches the kids on what to do in the wedding as Bonnie arrives.
Alaric tells Dorian how losing people brough him together with others as family; Caroline walks down the aisle.
Damien pronounces Stefan and Caroline 'husband and wife'; Caroline and Stefan kiss.
Wedding reception; Bonnie dances with Damien and temporarily sees Enzo take his place; Matt's mother puts a propane canister in the fireplace; Matt leaves his mother a message, then follows his dad's ringtone to find him injured in a ditch.
Vicki starts ringing the Founder's bell; Bonnie collapses; Matt's mother coughs up more blood, then dies.
S8:EP16 I Was Feeling Epic
Stefan says goodbye to Elena and joins Lexie outside; Elena's voice over about writing in her diary; Elena awakens.
Montage of characters being visited by loved one's spirits; Elena writes in her diary outside Stefan's tomb, then walks off hand-in-hand with Damon; Elena is reunited with her family.
Damon asks Caroline if she thinks peace exists, as they stand infront of Stefan''s tomb; Elena and Damon are reunited.
Plays at the end of the 'Vampire Diaries: Forever Yours' special.