#1La La Land
2016 77 Songs
Song plays at the end of the episode when the inmates clean up .
Song plays during a flashback to Bennet in the army dancing.
Bennet sits in his car crying before driving off without the cot.
Song plays at the end of the episode as Nicky is taken to the maximum security prison.
Song plays during a flashback to Boo in a bar.
Alex give Piper a list of songs instead of a mix tape.
Song plays when Caputo celebrates in his office.
Song plays after Suzanne 'crazy eyes' get into Taystee's bed with her.
Song plays at the end of the episode after the inmates find out what their new job is.
Song plays in the background at the cafe as Wanda and Scott choose donuts.
Song plays when Change puts her peas in an empty milk carton.
Song plays in the background when Caputo and Danny are sitting in the bar.
Red is back in the kitchen.
Song plays during a flashback to Norma and Guru Mack driving.
The women look up to Norma as their new healer and leader.
Alex does drugs and dances at the club.
Joe jams with his band after getting a call from Danny.
Lolly writes down Alex's schedule while watching her. Song continues to play during end credits.
Song plays at the beginning of the episode as Piper's panty idea goes to plan.
Flashback to Leanna snorting cocaine at a party.
The inmates are asked about being supposedly Jewish.
Flashback to Leanne at a party after being arrested, her friends ask her where she has been.
Lolly sings this to herself as Alex gets a broom for the broken glass.
Flsashback to Pennsatucky hanging out with friends.
Flashback Pennsatucky is bitten by something when she is having sex.
Flashback to Pennsatucky and Nathan kissing before he tells her he's leaving town.
Doggett is raped in the van by Charlie. End credits.
The guards sing this to Caputo at the bar after he agrees to lead their union.
Red is shown the crate of corn in the kitchen.
Mozarteum String Quartet
Song plays on the small radio at Red's dinner.
Sophia is taken to SHU. End credits.
Antonio Pompa-Baldi
Flashback to Soso as a child playing the piano and being shouted at by her mother.
Lorna & Vince kiss after Lorna asks him to marry her. Ford tells them to wrap it up.
Flashback to Lorna as a child walking through the church in a white dress.
New bunks are installed in the dorms and new inmates arrive. End credits.
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