Atlanta Season 2 Soundtrack
Atlanta Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Alligator Man
Opening credits/title.
Song from the first trailer.
Song playing the car.
Song as they pull up at Willy's house.
Alligator leaves the house.
Yvonne leaves Willy's.
Song coming from Alfred's house.
Song as Earn tries to convince Willy to talk with the cops.
The cops turn up at Willy's house
Final song of the episode.
Opening song plays through Curtis's headphones.
S2:EP2 Sportin' Waves
S2:EP3 Money Bag Shawty
Earn gets his cheque.
Song when they first walk into the club.
They pick up Al, Darius and Tracey in the limo.
Earn is getting change from his $100 bill.
Final song, end credits.
First song.
Song at the strip club when Earn gets Vanessa a dance.
S2:EP4 Helen
Vanessa then talks about her friend disrespecting her.
Vanessa speaks German with the bartender.
Final song as the show ends, plays into end credits.
First song as Earn and Vanessa have sex.
S2:EP5 Barbershop
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP6 Teddy Perkins
Darius is shopping in the hardware store.
Final song, after Benny shoots himself. Plays into end credits.
Song plays over the title, as Darius listens to it on his way to pick up the piano.
Darius admires Teddy's book collection.
S2:EP7 Champagne Papi
Song from the party van.
Song at the party.
Van's friend is paranoid after smoking.
Van and her friends have a shot together.
Tammi confronts the white girl.
Van looks through the rooms.
Song during end credits.
S2:EP8 Woods
The homeless man is humming in the woods.
They walk into the shoe store.
They walk into the nail salon.
Just before Al gets in the car.
Song after Al leaves Cierra.
First song, opening titles.
S2:EP9 North of the Border
End credits song.
Song after the girl falls down the stair.
First song, they're driving in the car.
Al and Earn are at the frat house.
Opening titles plays through first scene
Start of the scene before the principle says devin committed suicide
End credits song
S2:EP11 Crabs in a Barrel
No songs available for this episode.