How to Get Away With Murder Season 4 Soundtrack
How to Get Away With Murder Season 4 Soundtrack
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S4:EP1 I'm Going Away
Ophelia sings an old folk song to Annalise as dresses her in fresh clothing then reminds Annalise how she would sing the song to her and her sister when they young causing her to join in singing.
Annalise, Ophelia, Mac and Celestine tour the Acacia Home of Nursing as a possible home for Ophelia.
Annalise finds her father fixing more doors with bells and locks as readies to leave, he stops her and finally apologizes to her for the abuse she suffered at the hands of her uncle Clyde; Annalise texts the kids and Bonnie asking to meet with them for dinner as she flies home; Annalise has her debarment hearing.
Annalise survey's her new apartment; the K4 read over their recommendation letters from Annalise; Laurel goes back to Wes' old apartment, now hers; Michaela pumps Asher up on their future; Conner tells Oliver he'll marry him in the future; Laurel begins to asks her father why he killed Wes but erases the text; Bonnie goes to her appointment at the DA office; Annalise finishes with her therapy appointment; (future) Laurel awakens at a hospital with Franke and finds her baby gone.
S4:EP2 I'm Not Her
S4:EP3 It's For The Greater Good
Conner and Asher drink at the strip club when Oliver arrives with Conner's dad; Michaela brings Tegan a drink; (Flashforward) Issac searches for Annalise when he runs into Michaela who asks if the baby is dead.
S4:EP4 Was She Ever Good At Her Job?
Tegan subpoenas Raul's therapist notes; Michaela and the Caplan & Gold interns search through Raul's therapist notes for a smoking gun; Annalise, Tegan, Michaela and Soroya put Raul and his lawyer against the coals with the evidence they found.
Soraya thanks Annalise for helping her; Tegan offers to speak on Annalise's behalf with her bosses and get her a job at C&G; Michaela unleashes her rage on Annalise, who dismisses her anger; Annalise picks up the transcripts, Nate offers to help with her box then asks her what she's up to.
Laurel finds a connection between Danver and her father;; Danver watches Laurel; Laurel tells Michaela the connection she found between her father and Danver; Issac takes notes on Annalise; Michaela calls Oliver for IT help to get into Tegan's files; Nate advises Bonnie to drop investigating Annalise; Annalise takes notes on the transcript files; Issac meets with new patient 'Julie' bka Bonnie; (flashfoward) Issac ignores Julie's call as comforts Michaela; Bonnie arrives at C&G to meet the murder eye-witness, Oliver.
S4:EP5 I Love Her
(Flashfoward) Bonnie rushes to Issac's office; [0:55] (repeats) Bonnie admits she love and misses Mae (Annalise) to Issac; Laurel, Michaela and Oliver find a link to Trent in Tegan's C&G file snapshot; Michaela lies to Asher about her whereabouts; Issac realizes who Bonnie is after she slips up.
Michaela, Oliver and Asher head out to begin their days, leaving Conner home alone; Laurel and Frank have sex when Bonnie texts her, she heads out.
Conner sets dinner for himself and Oliver when get a text from Oli notifying him he'll be late; Michaela and Oliver get work on breaking into Tegan's files after she leaves; Laurel tries to contact Michaela, then sexts Frank; Conner plans a Humper hookup; Michaela and Oliver almost get caught by Simon,
Annalise gets a call from Claudia which sets her case with more clients that she needed; Annalise rejoices when she begins to get call after call of clients telling her they can't go through with the case; (Flashback, montage) Bonnie goes after everyone of Annalise's case clients dismantling her class action lawsuit.
S4:EP6 Stay Strong, Mama
Michaela gives Tegan a bottle of gin; Connor and Annalise eat ice cream while discussing his relationship with Oliver; Jorge and Laurel meet for dinner.
Oliver stips for Conner; Pressureed, Michaela tells the truth to Asher about Wes, Laurel and Jorge; Asher ends up comforting Bonnie when goes to see Frank; Issac cries as watches a video of his daughter; Jacqueline introduces herself to Annalise.
S4:EP7 Nobody Roots For Goliath
Connor and Oliver talk while in bed.
Annalise talks with reporters; Laurel gets Frank to take a DNA swab; Michaela squirts ketchup on her wedding dress to show her love to Asher; Oliver gives Simon good news about his computer virus, then joins Connor in his living room fort.
S4:EP8 Live. Live. Live.
Annalise returns to her apartment to find Bonnie waiting to speak with; Isaac confronts Jacqueline over meddling in his relationships.
Michaela passes Oliver the security card; the group breaks into the server room; Annalise leaves Laurel a message asking for her trust; Connor phones Oliver to say he filled in Annalise on everything; Oliver meets up with the group to find them standing over Simon's body.
Laurel asks her taxi driver to take her to Annalise's place, then notices blood running down her leg as she's in the elevator.
Annalise starts CPR on Laurel's baby as instructed by the 911 operator; doctors work to revive Simon; Annalise begs the baby to live, as she continues compressions.
S4:EP9 He's Dead
Flashback; Montage of Michelle and Conner tell their version of what happened to the police after realizing Asher would tell the truth about what happened; Asher tells Nate the truth of what happened.
Annalise attempts to stop Jorge from taking Laurel's baby; Michaela arrives at the hospitel, she questions Conner about Annalise and he questions her about Oliver.
Flashback montage; Annalise murmurs to herself on the floor of the shower; Isaac search for Annalise; Michaela watches the baby, then breaks down in Isaac's arms.
Laurel assures Frank and Annalise thta Dominick will help them; (flashback) Frank tortures Dominick; Laurel calls Dominick's phone only to hear it ringing from Frank who tells her Dominick is dead; Oliver makes the others promise they won't harm Simon; Frank so Annalise a vociemail from Wes on Dominick's phone.
S4:EP10 Everything We Did Was For Nothing
Laurel wakes up in the hospital; Oliver watches a news story on Antares Technologies, which Connor tries to distract him from; Michaela notices that Tegan is missing from the news conference and wonders if she was fired; Bonnie is questioned why she's still involved with Annalise's students.
Oliver lies his way into Simon's hospital room; Annalise admonishes Frank for not getting rid of the phone.
Dr. Roa talks to Laurel about her guilt over her baby almost dying and her father's involvement; Connor rants to Oliver and Asher about the bias in the justice system; Tegan warns Michaela off contacting her again; Dr. Roa informs Annalise and Frank that he's convinced the hospital administrator to release Laurel.
S4:EP11 He's A Bad Father
Connor advises Oliver to consider how his actions towards Simon will look; Laurel apologizes to her mother for hiding things from her, then suggests they get take-out.
Annalise stops by Isaac's place to check on him, but he doesn't answer; Bonnie reveals that she found street camera footage showing Wes meeting with Laurel's mom before he died.
S4:EP12 Ask Him About Stella
Annalise rips down the inmate photos; Michaela tells the Connor she's not giving up; Connor asks Oliver if he still wants to marry him, the Asher and Laurel celebrate with them; Bonnie asks Frank to move back in with her, then he confronts Laurel's mother about knowing Wes; Michaela goes to Annalise's place and suggests they use their connections to get their case to the Supreme Court; Annalise arrives at a college lecture given by Olivia Pope on 'How to Survive a Scandal'.
S4:EP13 Lahey v. Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania
Opening montage.
Michaela receives a text from Asher informing her of their impending arrive; Michaela asks Marcus why he doesn't have someone, then kisses him.
Annalise dresses then leaves; Nate gives father a prep speech then a shave; the Supreme Court chambers are prepared; Annalise and Olivia meet outside the Supreme Court, they head inside together; Michaela and Marcus arrive to the court together.
S4:EP14 The Day Before He Died
S4:EP15 Nobody Else Is Dying
Oliver and Michaela tell Simon that Annalise is finalizing his deal; Nate looks into Denver's case involving Gallivan.
Frank phones Annalise as he and Laurel leave the hospital with baby Christopher; the FBI arrest Jorge Castillo; flashback to Tegan agreeing to work with Annalise; Tegan confirms her immunity deal; the group watches a news story on Jorge's connection to Denver's death.
Annalise has a radio interview about winning the case; Frank signs up for a tour at Middleton University; Connor writes his law shool application essay as Michaela arrives at his apartment; Oliver asks Asher to be his best man; Bonnie cyber-flirts with Ronald; Nate looks through his file on Bonnie; Annalise visits Laurel and baby Christopher.
Annalise sings to baby Christopher while feeing him; Frank makes a call about Gabriel bring at Middleton University.