Geoffroy Songs
has 7 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Life as It Comes
Sleeping on My Own
Raised by Wolves

Siren • s2e14 • The Last Mermaid2018
Ben starts speeding while he and Maddie drive home; Ryn and Levi mate in the water.

How to Get Away With Murder • s4e10 • Everything We Did Was For Nothing2014
Laurel wakes up in the hospital; Oliver watches a news story on Antares Technologies, which Connor tries to distract him from; Michaela notices that Tegan is missing from the news conference and wonders if she was fired; Bonnie is questioned why she's still involved with Annalise's students.

Cloak & Dagger • s2e2 • White Lines2018
O'Reilly orders Tandy and Tyrone to leave; Tandy tries to convince Tyrone that the deaths are not his fault; Tyrone visits Chantelle's store to ask her about the Voudon symbol.
Got Me All Tired

Killjoys • s3e5 • Attack The Rack2015
Turin, Dav, Dutch and the others make a toast to the war and their losses; Turin attempts to apologize to Fancy for doubting him, but Fancy tells him off and leaves.
Day at the Museum
Soaked in Gold

Good Trouble • s4e5 • So This is What the Truth Feels Like2019
Alone at the Coterie, Luca takes the time to record himself dancing Davia's burlesque routine when Davia arrives back home and catches him.

Channel Zero • s4e1 • Ashes On My Pillow2016
Jillian takes a break from painting to check on the dog and comments that he resembles a stuffed toy she had as a child; Tom and Jillian have sex on the table, then play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to take the dog out.