2024 59 Songs
Simon performs a song for the faeries.
Clary and Jace train togethre, Jace accidently cuts Clary.
Alec confronts Magnus about lying to about how he felt when came to him lossing his status as High Warlock; Magnus tells Alec he does want him to leave for Idris, Alec reasures he's not leaving then kisses him.
Lee Richardson, Jonathan Murrill, Tom Ford, James Cocozza & Susanna Lopez
Season 3 New York Comic Con & Netflix trailers.
'Malec's Sacrifice' promo.
'The The Legends Are True' promo.
Jace searches for Clary and finds her drawing in her room.
Jace arrives at the resturant with Clary for their date and find that their only communal tables where they finds Simon and Maia on a date of their own.
The couples' attempt to keep their evenings separate quickly falls apart, as Simon helps Jace pick an appetizer to share with Clary.
Clary voices her jealously at Jace not wanting to sleep with her, he tells her that wants to take things slow because she's special.
Lilith continues with her ritual; Alec and Magnus continue trying to forge lay lines.
Isabelle shows up to offer Raphael her support, after hearing about Rosa's death.
Clary, Jace and Isabelle arrive at club Relax, they decide to spit up to keep watch over Morgan and search for the Owl.
Jace goes after a guy he thinks is Jonathan, but it turns out to be someone else.
Isabelle tries to keep an eye on Morgan, while chatting with Charlie.
Jace spots Jonathan and chases him through the club to a storage room.
Clary and Isabelle look around the club for Morgan, then spot her phone lying on the ground and hearing screaming from the back alley.
Heidi enters the boat shed and looks through Simon's stuff, until Raphael arrives.
Over drinks, Magnus tells Alex not to give up hope.
Jace overhears Simon arguing with a bar manager about his gig being cancelled, then asks what happened between him and the werewolves.
Jace finds Simon singing on the street for money; (repeats) [00:59] Simon preforms at the Hunter's Moon when a woman (Lilith) approaches him and asks him to get her a drink she then takes him leaving to pour her potion into his drink.
Heidi puts on lipstick her victim behind her dangles in the air.
Simon arrives at hide out in search of Raphael, he only to finds his music playing and no Raphael.
Maryse talks with her children, then asks her about her plans know that she's in the mundane world; Maryse asks Alec about Magnus whereabouts; Charlie arrives, Jace sees an aura around him.
Jace as Charlie to step outside for some fresh air when Isabelle return; Isabelle tries to explain away the blood on her to Charlie when he asks.
Ollie arrives at the Hunter's Moon to speak with Luke; Jace sees Ollie's pure aura; Ollie tells Luke she found a lead on their case.
Clary calls Luke at the Hunter's Moon to ask if he's seen Jace.
Isabelle uses a childhood song to convince a young Jace to trust her.
Magnus tells Alec and Isebella they did all they could do; Simon finds Maia leaving, she tells him she needs to clear her head.
Simon uses his vampire powers to convince his mother that he died; Isabelle consoles Simon as Elaine's sobs can be heard coming from the hospital chapel.
Clary runs after Simon, but is grabbed by a newly awakened Jonathan as Lilith explodes; Ollie awakens; Simon tells Jace that he killed Clary.
Montage of Clary's friends reminiscing about their time with her; Jace flips through Clary's sketch book.
Clary and Jonathan walk down a street in Paris, then he suggests they get some hot chocolate.
Clary and Jonathan drink hot chocolate; Clary contemplates taking a cell phone from a customer at the next table.
Isabelle feeds Simon her blood to revive him.
Simon goes to the The Hunter's Moon to warn Maia about Heidi, then she sits him down for a chat about her future.
Maia tells Simon that she needs to make the Pack first priority in her life, then tells him that he deserves better than that.
Clary and Jace declare their love for each other, then they get intimate.
Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic & Glenn Gould
Magnus pays a visit to Lorenzo and finds him uses magic to do aerial acrobatics.
Clary talks Jace through how to ice skate, then they hold hands as they do laps around the rink.
Simon joins Luke at The Jade Wolf and asks if he's seen Jordan.
Magnus has drinks at The Jade Moon, then gives the bartender a generous tip and leaves.
Heidi makes a toast tells the vampires they should be proud of who they are; the police deal with the crime scene at The Jade Wolf.
Clary spars with Aline, while they discuss hunting Jonathan.
Raphael says goodbye to Isabelle and says he'll always care about her.
Simon and Maia argue over her taking out Heidi; Alec tells Magnus he can't live at the Institute, then suggests they find their own place together.
Magnus compliments Alec on his waffle making, then Alex asks him to dance.
Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Marin Valchanov & Kamen Goleminov
Alec goes to Lorenzo to asks him to remove his magic from Magnus.
Magnus reads out some housing listings to Alec, then Alec suggests they have dinner on the balcony.
Simon's video game playing is interrupted by the arrival of his sister, who tries to convince him to go out for Halloween.
Simon confirms to Rebecca that Fairies are real, then explains they're evil.
Maia points out to Jordan that Rebecca is interested in him; Simon informs Rebecca that he broke up with Maia.
Maia thanks Jordan for helping her clean up at The Hunter's Moon, then suggests he stay with the pack and be her Beta.
Alec tells Magnus that their relationship cannot be fixed, then walks out after Magnus pleads with him to stay.
Magnus reminisces about Alec taking him to place a padlock in honor of their love; Magnus removes the padlock and destroys it.
Magnus reminisces about him and Alec spending time with Madzie, then Alec commenting on how he thinks Magnus would be a good dad.
As he walks down the street, Magnus remembers his time with Alec.
Jonathan, Clary and Jace head into the Downworlder club; Jace points out one of the Queen's security guards.
Clary pulls Jace onto the dance floor; Jonathan erases a rune on Jace and Clary, then informs them the Seelie Queen has arrived.
The Seelie Queen heads off to meet with her Warlock lover; Jonathan uses Jace as a distraction; continues as Clary steps in to help Jace fight the guards.
Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic & Glenn Gould
Magnus goes to Lorenzo and demands the return of his apartment.
Maia joins Jordan at the beach, where he offers her a vial of the cure.
Maia joins Jordan by their bonfire, only to find he's passed on.
Magnus proposes to Alec as the others look on; Magnus uses his powers to close the rift.
Jace and Simon training at the Institute (53rd minute)
Alec and Magnus' wedding; Maryse walks Magnus down the aisle.
Magnus and Alec have their first dance as a married couple; Raphael arrives at the reception and tells Simon and Isabelle about his life as a mundane.
Couples dance at the reception; Andrew introduces himself to Lorenzo; Max tells Magnus he's going to call him brother; Maryse admits she's dating Luke.
Clary asks Maryse if she's thinks the Angels are capable of forgiveness; Jace pulls Clary into a slow dance, where they declare their love for each other.
Clary discusses a painting at her art show as Jace watches from afar.
Clary spots Jace through his glamour, then follows him out of the art show and introduces herself.
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