The Magicians Season 3 Soundtrack
The Magicians Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 The Tales Of The Seven Keys
Josh takes Quentin and Julia to a party to meet with Bacchus.
Bacchus grants Julia and Quentin entry to the party, then the three of them do shots; Julia asks Bacchus about the loss of magic, then Quentin confesses to killing Ember.
Julia and Quentin "find the party" after getting drunk and remember a time in 10th grade.
Julia shows Josh she has magic by blowing smoke rings; Quentin berates Julia for showing her magic.
Quentin tries to get Bacchus to help him restore back, Bacchus tells him of rumor of Prometheus knowing of back door to magic.
The Cock sets the mood for his and Eliot's meeting; Eliot asks the Cock for a wish.
Alice orders a side of bacon at a diner.
S3:EP2 Heroes And Morons
Quentin, Julia and Josh search the internet for clues to Mayakovsky's whereabouts.
Quentin and Julia investigate the orgy in the park.
S3:EP3 The Losses Of Magic
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP4 Be The Penny
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP5 A Life In The Day
S3:EP6 Do You Like Teeth?
Julia and Alice attempt the magic transference spell, until interrupted by Penny; [0:55] repeats as Penny says goodbye to Julia; [0:59] Penny sets off the singing fish in an attempt to get help for Alice; end credits.
S3:EP7 Poached Eggs
Quentin and the others arrive back the house to find the trout going off and then Alice having a seizure.
Kady and Harriet strike a bargain to rob the library in lieu of Harriet and her group helping Penny.
S3:EP8 Six Short Stories About Magic
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP9 All That Josh
Alice starts singing to distract the partiers from going after Quentin, then Kady and Quentin join in.
Kady starts singing until Todd interrupts to insist she sing in a different key; [0:21] continues as Kady uses her burlesque performance to keep the partiers occupied; Josh complains about the group ignoring him.
(Flashback) Josh tells Quentin and Alice what happened to him at the party with Bacchus.
Everyone sings; Alice, Quentin and Kady work to save Josh; Julia saves Sky with her new magic; Margo and Eliot go over the falls but are saved in the last minute as the boat takes flight; Josh and Penny join in.
S3:EP10 The Art Of The Deal
Penny joins Harold in the book club.
S3:EP11 Twenty-Three
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP12 The Fillorian Candidate
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP13 Will You Play With Me?
Montage of the magicians in their new lives; Eliot finds Quentin exiting a used book store, then follows him down the street; Alice pleads to Dean Fogg to help her; end credits.