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Quantico Season 1 Soundtrack

2015-220 songs-2.3M views

S1:EP1 Run

S1:EP2 America

    Week 2, physical training and gun assembly montage; Liam tells Ryan to regain Alex's trust.

    The recruits search for clues about the terrorist attacks; Shelby asks Caleb why he's training to be an analyst.

    Simon apologizes to Nimah; the recruits continue searching their rooms for clues.

    Ryan tells Alex about his family.

    Miranda talks to the recruits about their reason for joining the FBI; montage of various recruits acting suspiciously; Alex's name is released in connection to the bombing.

S1:EP3 Cover

    The recruits do a 'Sink or Swim' partner exercise.

    The recruits work on their profiling project.

    During combat training, the recruits take out their anger over their profiles on each other.

    Ryan comforts Alex as Liam watches from afar; Alex's mother makes a statement to the press; Miranda visits her son in jail; Natalie tearfully begs to speak with her daughter; Shelby makes a money transfer; Raina finds a note from her sister.

S1:EP4 Kill

    Alex works out; Liam bangs on the recruits' doors to wake them for a surprise gun test; Raina texts her sister; Ryan asks Alex how she's dealing with the new knowledge about her father; gun test.

    The recruits raid a house in a hostage simulation; Alex is taken to task for getting ahead of her team.

    Shelby reveals she has a half-sister that she lied to the FBI about, then Alex confesses that she shot her father.

    Miranda talks to the recruits about making choices; Alex calls her mother and admits she joined the FBI; Shelby finds Caleb practicing at the firing range.

S1:EP5 Found

    Week 5 of training; Raina yells at her sister for over sleeping; Shelby asks Caleb why he's risking being seen at the gun range.

    The Recruits work on their uncover personas.

    The recruits mingle at the Dystek gathering and try out their undercover identities; Elias watches Simon greet Max with a kiss.

    Caleb interrupts Shelby's conversation; Alex is introduced to Ryan; Elias continues to spy on Simon; Liam and Miranda discuss their past relationship.

    Shelby and Caleb have sex; Alex, Ryan and Nimah meet with the new Dystek CEO.

    Alex and Ryan enjoy the view over drinks, then end up kissing.

    Alex's video is mentioned on the news; Raina asks Simon if he'd like to go for a walk; Miranda tells Ryan that Liam's operation is a matter of national security.

S1:EP6 God

    Natalie joins Ryan in the shows; flashback to Alec and Ryan having sex in the shower; Simon finds a note in his door; Natalie tells Nimah she should ask out Simon; Shelby sneaks out of Caleb's room; montage.

    Miranda is confronted by her annoyed son.

    Miranda gives the recruits their surveillance assignment; montage of recruits talking about their relationships.

    Nimah and Simon kiss; Caleb confronts Shelby about her lie, then they kiss.

    Alex questions Ryan about his assignment from Liam, then tells him not to talk to her again.

    Alex leaves Liam's office; Miranda talks to the recruits about what they learned from their surveillance assignment; Shelby says goodbye to Alex; montage; Simon walks in on the twins; Natalie tells Liam that she thinks Ryan is in contact with Alex; Simon and Alex spot one of the twins on the surveillance video.

S1:EP7 Go

    The recruits are told their first exam will be on interrogation; Shelby walks in on Caleb talking with his dad; Ryan gets a letter from the FBI; Alex listens in on Liam's conversation with Haas; montage; Shelby asks Alex why things cooled off between her and Ryan.

    Elias kisses Simon goodbye; Ryan tells Alex what happened in Chicago and that he was forced to spy on her.

    Natalie tells Shelby that Caleb graduated; Liam offers Ryan reinstatement; Caleb informs Shelby that he's staying one; Miranda introduces the class to Raina and Nimah; Alex sees Ryan drive off.

S1:EP8 Over

    Nimah moves in with Alex; Simon questions which parts of Nimah were actually Raina; Caleb and Shelby chat after sex.

    The recruits search through John Marshall Park for the terrorists; Shelby and Caleb are taken to HQ for questioning.

    Caleb tells Shelby about being involved in a cult and they end up kissing; Caleb looks through an email his dad sent to Shelby.

    Alex confirms Liam's story with Miranda; Shelby video chats with her half-sister; montage.

S1:EP9 Guilty

    Miranda talks to the police about her missing son; Caleb and Shelby sneak off to make out during a group run; Simon cuts a call short when Ryan returns to their room; Ryan tells Alex that Liam has been absent from work; Alex goes to Liam's house and drags him out of bed.

    The recruits hangout with Dr. Langdon at a bar, then she suggests a game about serial killers.

    Shelby and Caleb head onto the dance floor as Alex arrives at the bar and dances with Ryan; Alex gets a call about Liam.

    Alex convinces Liam to leave the bar.

    Simon questions Dr. Langdon about the supposed last victim of the Welfare Mom Killer.

    Ryan follows Simon and Dr. Langdon out of the bar.

    Natalie confesses to Shelby that it was her daughter's birthday yesterday; Caleb gets a call from his father regarding Shelby's suspicious activities; Ryan tells Alex he's leaving Quantico.

S1:EP10 Quantico

    Hand to hand combat; Miranda tells the recruits to change to two-on-one fighting.

    Alex, Miranda and Liam watch surveillance on Alex's classmates; Miranda talks to the recruits about background investigations; Shelby contemplates what former NATs might have vetted them.

    Alex and Ryan talk about the future as they prepare to say goodbye.

    Alex finds Simon packing up his stuff; Natalie shows off a picture of her daughter; Caleb consoles Shelby over her betrayal; Raina refuses to speak with Simon as he leaves.

S1:EP11 Inside

S1:EP12 Alex

    A guy hits on Alex at a bar and she responds by listing five things about him to prove he's not her type; Alex pick pockets the guys key fob while kissing him; the recruits start the second half of their training; Alex and Shelby agree to focus on their training.

    The Color Wars Exercise starts with Liam laying out the rules; montage of the teams completing events; the NATs read the profiles of the upperclassmen they're competing against.

    Shelby, Simon and Ryan all turn their backs on Alex after she gives a statement saying she can find no evidence Elias wasn't working alone; Natalie informs Alex she's been reinstated.

    At a restaurant, Shelby and Caleb are introduced to Samar's husband, Khaled, who informs them Samar has been kidnapped due to their actions.

    Miranda tells the NATs their being trained for what's real; Raina lies to her sister about what she learned from Charlie; Shelby sees Iris chatting with Caleb; Drew gives Alex a set of dog tags that Ryan left behind, then she gets a message from Liam about getting a drink.

S1:EP13 Clear

    During physical training, Liam talks to the newly combined class about needing to understand each other; montage of the NATs discovering secrets about each other; Drew comments on the fact Alex is carrying around Ryan's dog tags.

    Miranda tasks the NATs with finding the emotional weaknesses of their classmates; montage of the NATs trying to determine the personality type of their subjects and how to turn them.

    The NATs scope out potential targets; Alex suggests to Drew that they pair up to find an informant; Iris heads off to chat with a busboy; Alex confesses to Drew that she misses Ryan.

    Natalie and her target compare stories about missing their kids; Drew ditches Alex for an easier target; Iris works on seducing a busboy.

    Alex cuts in on Drew's target; Iris asks the busboy what gave her away; Nimah tells Will to analyze her sister, then asks what might cause her to lie; Miranda warns Liam against getting involved with Alex; Alex and Iris negotiate deals with their targets.

    Alex asks Drew why he traded football for the FBI; Iris eavesdrops on Caleb and Shelby's conversation about Samar.

    Miranda tells the NATs that sources require trust, but usually want something in return; Iris gives Shelby contact information for an internet provider CEO in Croatia; Natalie says goodbye to Brandon and Alex; Will crosses off Nimah's photo in his underwear drawer; Nimah spies on Rayna; Alex discovers that Liam has a connection to the shooting that lead Drew to join the FBI; in the future, Alex goes to Ryan, asks him to get her help, then runs out and begs her mystery caller to not hurt Ryan.

S1:EP14 Answer

S1:EP15 Turn

    Defensive Tactics training; Alex asks Drew why he's not dressed for training; Shelby asks Caleb why he didn't stop by the night before; Liam tells Miranda he's not resigning; Ryan tells Alex about 'the sweet sixteen', then suggests they get together for drinks; Senator Haas is introduced to the class.

    The NATs work through their discrimination cases; Iris sneaks into Caleb's room to find out what's in the envelope he's sleeping with.

    Alex meets Ryan at a bar, apologizes for how she treated him at New Year's, then tells him they're not good for each other.

    Aftermath of Charlie's shooting; Caleb thanks Will for helping him finding Shelby, then Will asks about Caleb's alter ego; Shelby looks at a photo of her parents; Drew distracts Alex from her misery; Nimah tells Raina she prayed for her; Miranda and Liam wait for news on Charlie.

S1:EP16 Clue

    Liam goes through the NATs with the Quantico review board; Alex goes for a run in the woods; the NATs head for breakfast; Shelby climbs into bed with Caleb; Caleb finds will reading up on the group he's trying to take down.

    The NATs practice arresting procedures; Will fills Caleb in on a change in leadership in the church he's investigating; Nimah advises Raina to say that Miranda put her undercover with the terrorist cell; Drew and Alex argue.

    Montage of the NATs trying to take down suspects on an airplane.

    Caleb informs his father they can use Will to infiltrate Systemics; Raina breaks up with Simon; Miranda cries while waiting for new about her son; Miranda talks to the NATs about the importance of doing the right thing, then announces she's taking a leave of absence.

S1:EP17 Care

    Liam talks to the NATs about being assigned to field offices and what type of work they want to do; the NATs practice hand-to-hand combat; Caleb informs Shelby her parents want to talk to her, then fills Will in on the next step with Systemics; Liam tells Nimah and Raina that Miranda's 'twin project' might be over; Iris questions Drew about his interest in Alex.

    Liam informs the NATs about human trafficking; Drew asks Alex if having Ryan around is awkward; Ryan talks to the NATs about document forgeries; Caleb suggests that the trip to the border would be a good time to meet with their parents; Ryan asks to speak with Alex.

    Nimah and Raina enact their plan to get across the border; Will and Iris are questioned about the validity of their documents.

    Drew explains to Alex how she's a distraction for him, then they end up kissing.

    Alex tells Ryan she doesn't know; Liam congratulates the NATs that successfully got across the border; Caleb and Will finalize plans for the Systemics meeting; Liam informs Raina and Nimah the 'twin project' will continue; Shelby tells Caleb she's going to meet her parents in St. Kitts next time.

S1:EP18 Soon

S1:EP19 Fast

    The NATs work on a climbing wall; Shelby comments on Alex and Drew's estrangement; Shelby tries to convince Liam that Will was beat up by the cult that Caleb is involved with; Drew slips on the climbing wall.

    The NATs have a 'career day' and get to talk to representatives from various departments of the FBI; Alex asks for advice on what to do about a recruit with a medical condition; Shelby asks about Sistemics.

    Liam announces to the NATs that Drew left, then talks about coming to terms about who they are; Nimah and Raina meet their new handler; Caleb leaves with his father.

S1:EP20 Drive

    The NATs practice close quarters combat; Alex takes on Ryan; Iris asks Shelby why Caleb is back; Raina and Nimah tell their handler they want to go after the men who attacked Quantico.

    The NATs are given their assignments at the field office; Alex, Iris and Brandon makes calls in an attempt to find a lead on a robbery; Caleb and Shelby start filing; Alex catches a lead.

    Nimah assures Raina her evening out only involved drinks; Shelby confronts Caleb about the letters her parents have supposedly been sending her and tells him she deserves someone better than him; Liam tells the NATs they still have a lot to learn; Shelby asks Clayton to help take down her parents; Raina excitedly tells Nimah about their assignment; Iris consoles Caleb.

S1:EP21 Right

    The NATs start their final week of training with a run; Liam returns Alex's father's ID badge; Ryan informs Alex he'll be working in D.C.; field assignments are handed out; Shelby meets with Clayton regarding her parents; the twins get their first assignment.

    Liam takes the NATs to the Forensic Science Research and Training Center to investigate the evidence from their assigned cases; Shelby receives a call from her mom; Caleb's mom tells him he needs to come home for dinner; Shelby gives Alex a notebook her father wrote, then they switch assignments.

    Raina meets with Simon and expresses doubt about her work with the FBI; Shelby works on forging an immunity agreement.

    Nimah asks Raina if she's backing out of their assignment, then says she'll support whatever decision she makes; Alex tries to talk to Ryan about Shelby's intentions, before they are interrupted by Liam accusing Alex of stealing evidence.

    Liam talks to the NATs about lessons learned; Clayton assures Shelby he'll help her get her parents arrested; Claire asks Caleb why he changed his mind about dinner; the twins are informed the start of their assignment has been delayed a week; Iris gets her security clearance pushed through thanks to Caleb.

S1:EP22 Yes

    Flashback to Miranda asking Liam to teach at Quantico; montage of Liam spying on the NATs and setting up Alex.

    Alex tells Ryan she wants to leave immediately after graduation, then tells him she's looking forward to time alone with him; the NATs have their photos taken for their ID badges.

    The NATs celebrate with drinks; Alex asks Ryan about his plans for D.C.; Shelby checks on Caleb's job.

    Caleb and Brandon sing; Alex dances with Ryan while trying to get him to tell her the truth about his job; Senator Haas tells Shelby she hopes they can still be friends.

    Alex and Ryan argue about him keeping the truth from her and her pushing him away.

    Alex keeps one of her NAT shirts; Raina opens a present from Miranda; montage of the NATs packing.

    Liam makes a speech to the graduating NATs; the agents search for Liam at Quantico; Raina and Alex find Ryan and Miranda in a dorm room.

    Simon's funeral; Alex is asked about her plans, while her friends help her pack; Ryan brings Alex a bouquet and suggests they finally take their vacation; Matthew Keyes offers Alex a job with the CIA.









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