Better Call Saul Season 1 Soundtrack
Better Call Saul Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Uno
Beginning of the episode as Saul is working at the Cinnabon
Jimmy meets with the Kettlemans at the diner.
Second song at the diner; Betsy convinces Craig to not sign the paper.
Jimmy arrives at the Vietnamese nail salon.
Jimmy receives zero voice messages from his desk phone at the nail salon.
Jimmy leaves HHM building and beats trashcan outside of the elevators.
Jimmy and skateboarders are talking over their scam on Betsy Kettleman, standing at the street corner.
Lars and Cal run attempt to run their skateboarding scam on Betsy Kettleman.
End credits
S1:EP2 Mijo
Jimmy convinces Tuco and gang that he is a lawyer and to let the skateboarders off with one broken leg each.
Jimmy experiences flashbacks to Tuco breaking legs, brought on by the environment around him. This makes him nauseous.
Montage of Jimmy's job; Mike is introduced.
On radio in nail salon as Jimmy enters.
End credits
Nacho leaves Jimmy's office through the nail salon.
S1:EP3 Nacho
Jimmy prepares to call the Kettlemans to warn them with a disguised voice.
Jimmy hikes out in search of the Kettlemans.
Jimmy repeatedly tries calling Nacho over a payphone.
Jimmy searches for the Kettlemans
End credits
S1:EP4 Hero
Marco sings the guitar riff while lying in the alley.
Jimmy Marco back at the pad celebrating another successful con.
Jimmy divvies out tax receipts for the Kettleman bribe money.
Song on radio while Jimmy is being fitted for a tailored suit.
Song on radio at the nail salon while Jimmy gets a makeover.
Saul and Kim relax at salon, background bleepy bossa nova music
Second song on radio at the nail salon when Kim and Jimmy begin arguing.
Second song on radio at the nail salon when Kim and Jimmy begin arguing.
Montage of Jimmy trying to defend his billboard copying HHM.
Jimmy saves man he hired to fall from his billboard while shooting an ad defending the billboard.
Chuck prepares to go outside to retrieve the neighbor's newspaper from their driveway.
End credits
S1:EP5 Alpine Shepherd Boy
Playing in the background when Jimmy meets with a "potential" client at his home.
Playing in the background in the nail salon while Jimmy paints Kim's toenails.
Chuck returns to his home from the hospital with Jimmy.
Jimmy hands out Jell-O cups at a nursing home.
Playing on the radio as Mike has breakfast at a diner.
End credits
S1:EP6 Five-O
Music coming from inside a bar while Mike breaks into a cop car.
Mike is in the bar and drunkenly talks to the officers who killed Matty
End credits
S1:EP7 Bingo
S1:EP9 Pimento
S1:EP10 Marco
A montage of Jimmy and Marco scamming people in the bar
Jimmy goes through the shreddings of the Sandpiper files