Silicon Valley Season 1 Soundtrack
Silicon Valley Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Minimum Viable Product
First song, Kid Rock is playing this song live. Continues inside the house.
Title theme song.
Richard's coworkers tease him by the coffee machine.
Richard travels to his meeting with Gavin.
Song in the background as Gavin and Peter Gregory have a bidding war for Pied Piper.
S1:EP2 The Cap Table
First song at their launch party. Jared arrives at the house.
Title theme song. The stripper dances for Big Head.
Richard tries to write the business plan.
Song after Richard is an asshole to his roommates. He tries to bank his check.
S1:EP3 Articles of Incorporation
Title song.
Song as Erlich takes the mushrooms in the car.
Elrich sits in the desert high on mushrooms trying to think of company names.
Last song; Elrich arrives home with a child he has kidnapped.
S1:EP4 Fiduciary Duties
Flo Rida sings this song at the toga party.
Final song.
S1:EP5 Signalling Risk
First song as they meet Chuy. Again at end of the episode.
Opening title theme song, Elrich runs from a potential drive-by shooting.
S1:EP6 Third Party Insourcing
S1:EP7 The Proof of Concept
Gerard is being harassed by the micro drone.
Song during end credits.
S1:EP8 Optimal Tip to Tip Efficiency
As Peter unveils Nucleus.
Playing through richard's headphones as he starts working on middle-out compression.