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Sons Of Anarchy Season 3 Soundtrack

2008-518 songs-2.2M views


    Clay & Bobby wait for Jax to get ready; Tara asks Clay if she can speak with him.

    SAMCRO chase the guys who ran from them at the marina.

    Jax smokes while leaning against Abel's crib; Tara drinks coffee in the kitchen and stares at the blood stain on the floor; Gemma paces; Clay & the guys leave the clubhouse; continues as Gemma & Clay talk on the phone; Jax showers.

    Jax stands by Half-Sack's coffin; Cameron takes Abel to Maureen's place; Gemma watches tv with her dad; the Club gathers outside of Half-Sack's funeral as a silver van drives by and shoots at them; Hale is hit by the van; aftermath of the shooting.

S3:EP2 Oiled

S3:EP3 Caregiver

S3:EP4 Home

S3:EP5 Turning and Turning

S3:EP6 The Push

S3:EP7 Widening Gyre

    Salazar & Luisa watch Tara leave Jax's house.

    SAMCRO arrives at the Mayans' race & rally; Alvarez claims no knowledge of the attack on the Grim Bastards.

    Opie tries to stop Tara from going to Jax's room at the clubhouse; Tara finds Jax still in bed and Ima coming out of his bathroom; Opie remarks on Lyla's profession results in him slapping her.

    Tig takes the tow truck as a decoy for the cops to chase; Tara tells her story to Unser and the feds; the Club arrives at the airfield as Clay gets a call from McGee; McGee informs Jimmy that SAMCRO is on their way.

    Maureen gets a call from Gemma and ends up admitting that Trinity is John Teller's daughter, she then looks at an old photo of John holding Trinity.

S3:EP8 Lochan Mor

    The charming SoA are riding through the countryside as Maureen and father Kellan prepare for their arrival.

    Kozik drives Tig back to the clubhouse as they discuss their history.

    Chuck & Tara overhear Tig & Kozik arguing while working on a car; Lyla asks Tara's advice on where she can get an abortion.

    Maureen drops off some supplies, then Gemma asks her about Trinity & John; Trinity brings Jax some clean linens, then offers to go with the Club to the rectory.

    Trinity & Maureen watch the Club drive by; SAMCRO are greeted by the Belfast Sons; Maureen & Trinity welcome Gemma, Clay & Jax.

    The guys congratulate Jax on his win; Trinity offers to let Jax use their shower, then they run into Father Ashby; Trinity tucks in her mom.

    SAMCRO question Fiona about Jimmy's activities; McGee tells Fiona & Kerrianne they need to get back to the rectory, but is convinced they can stay longer.

    Jacob Hale makes Salazar an offer.

    SAMCRO rides into Belfast; Maureen sends Trinity off with a bag of groceries; Tara stares at Abel's crib; Father Ashby checks on Abel; Jimmy receives a call.

    Maureen fills Jax, Clay & Gemma in on what happened with Cameron & Abel.

    Gemma finds the guys playing poker, then Bobby offers to make her tea; Clay wins the round as Gemma tells Bobby he'll have to take care of Clay when she's not around.

    While traveling back to the rectory, Chibs suggests Fiona & Kerrianne come back to the States with him, then they're hit by a drive-by.

    McGee gets a call from Jimmy, then tells him to have Liam work out the details for tomorrow's plans with Donny.

    SAMCRO & the Belfast Sons discuss Jimmy tipping off the police, then are interrupted Fiona & Kerrianne's arrival; Chibs is reunited with his daughter as both Clubs look on.

    The Sons gather at a fight night; Jax accepts a fight with O'Neill; Trinity offers to wrap Jax's hands; Gemma asks Clay to take her back to his room; Maureen drinks alone in her apartment; Jax & O'Neill fight.

S3:EP9 Turas

    McGee phones Jimmy to tell him that SAMCRO is going on the protection run as planned.

    SAMBEL & SAMCRO leave on the protection run and run into a police border patrol.

    As Margaret drives Tara to the abortion clinic, Luisa rear ends them, then she & Salazar take them hostage.

    Unser meets with Jacob Hale, who expresses dismay at the attack on Lumpy; Jacob loudly confronts Elliott Oswald on his way out of the diner; Oswald tells Unser to check in on who is buying out the property on Lumpy's street.

    Trinity hears screams coming from the apartment and grabs a gun from the register; Maureen comforts Kerrianne.

    Jimmy's boys lock SAMCRO & McGee in the barn; Juice & Happy try to shoot out the lock as McGee's guy rams the truck through the door; O'Neill triggers an explosion in the truck.

    Jax leaves the rectory; Maureen looks at photos of John; Jax arrives back at the clubhouse and fills in the guys on what Father Ashby told him; Gemma tells Jax to focus on his hate, not his guilt.

    The Sons deal with the aftermath of the explosion; Clay checks on Jax; Chibs mourns Paddy's death.

S3:EP10 Firinne

    Jax holds Sean Casey at gunpoint to force Father Ashby to tell him where he put Abel.

    SAMCRO leaves for O'Neill's loft; McGee phones O'Neill to warn him the Sons are nearby; Jimmy & Donny arrive at the loft and see O'Neill making a run for it; Jax jumps O'Neill.

    SAMCRO question Cherry about O'Neill's whereabouts; Gemma & Maureen inform Cherry that O'Neill was involved in Half-Sack's death; Cherry reveals she found out O'Neill has a loft.

    Gemma & Cherry talk about Half-Sack's burial, then Maureen and Gemma bicker over how they got into their current situation.

    Jimmy & Donny head for the loft; Jax gives Casey the taped confession to given to Father Ashby; Clay tosses a Molotov cocktail into the loft; Jimmy escapes during a shoot out on the roof.

S3:EP11 Bainne

S3:EP12 June Wedding

    The Club meets about Tara's situation; Gemma refuses Clay's order to go up to the cabin, then tells the prospects not to take Clay's orders literally; Lyla & Opie watch over Abel.

    Jax chases after Salazar; Stahl order the sheriffs to cover the front; Jax tries to talk down Salazar, then stabs him and fakes the scene.

    Opie proposes to Lyla; Kozik joins Tig on the play set swings; Tig looks at a picture of his dog Missy.

    Alvarez & SAMCRO head out to the dumping yard to look for Salazar.

    Jax takes Tara home, where she is reunited with Gemma & Abel.

S3:EP13 NS

    Chuck tries talk to Tig; Gemma jumps in Unser's car as he's about to head back to the police station.

    Chuck shows the Club that he has a box of counterfeit money from Lin's operation.

    Jimmy expresses worry over Donny's absence; SAMCRO gives Putlova two million in exchange for Jimmy; Stahl tells her people to get ready to move in; Tara waits to take custody of Jimmy.

    SAMCRO leads Putlova and his men directly into Stahl's blockade.

    The Russians roll Donny's body in plastic; SAMCRO loads up the money and guns as Tara arrives at the clubhouse.

    Jax & Tara kiss in bed; Clay finds Gemma making breakfast and stops her for a kiss; Jax cuddles with Abel; Stahl smiles over the empty spot in her bed; everyone gathers at the clubhouse; Clay puts a SAMCRO hat on Abel; the Club toasts to Lyla & Opie's engagement.

    The Club's lawyer drops by Lenny's coded information, then the guys discuss what to do.

    Stahl exposes Jax to the Club as her informant; SAMCRO is arrested by ATF; Unser leaves his gun & badge on his desk, then gets the ATF to pull over with the warning of an attack; Chibs stabs Jimmy in the chest; Opie shoots Stahl, the guys laugh over their plan succeeding; Tara finds the letters that Maureen put in Jax's bag; Gemma reads Jax's letter as Tara reads one of John's letters.








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