The Night Shift Season 4 Soundtrack
The Night Shift Season 4 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S4:EP1 Recoil
No songs available for this episode.
S4:EP2 Off the Rails
Molly asks Kenny to give Cain a chance; Paul and Shannon discuss Paul breaking away from his father to be his own man, they kiss; Cain thanks Jordan for hiring him as a doctor; Jordan makes a speech thanking everyone for help during the last 72 hours; Julian shows Jordan the report from the legal department; Amira brings TC the sat phone, then compliments him on her strength and endurance.
TC finds Jordan on the sat phone; Jordan announce to the San Antoino Memorial Hospital family that Topher and his daughter, Lin, died the night before; Jordan tells TC the news, he watches as Sidney transport leaves.
S4:EP3 Do No Harm
Annie breaks up with Scott and says her goodbye.
End of the episode, Annie jumps from the bridge.
S4:EP4 Control
Kenny prays Tina's grandfather, others gathers in the hospital chapel including Cain; Scott, Paul and Shannon manage to bring Tina back to life after 60 minutes of being under.
End song
S4:EP5 Turbulence
Scott leaves the hospital to have himself some 'me time' the staff play 'Hot Stuff' as joking poke fun at his Tinder profile while encouraging him to go out and have some fun.
Scott and his Tinder date, Elise, discuss the lack of time to properly date due to work then she suggest they had back to her place and keep the in-between.
S4:EP6 Family Matters
TC turns on Topher car causing the radio to come on playing TC favourite some which makes them laugh as they remember their friend, they head off.
Jordan and Cain have sex when they both reminder that they both have work that evening and the real world comes back to them and they discuss the implications; TC calls Jordan to tell him he heading back to San Antonio; Cain leaves the bed to ready.
Kenny and Drew practice when Mac joins them at their MMA veteran's support group with a friend, Lock; Kenny takes Lock to change; Mac informs Drew about Locks story and his health.
When Kenny starts to get choked out by Lock.
Naya calls her father; Shannon tells Izzy that she can get past her scars like she did then gives her the fundraised money to take care of herself; Cain and Jordan watch as the news crowd gathers at the hospital; Jordan receives call from TC; Paul checks in on Kenny; Bella asks Shannon if she wants to get drinks and get know each other.
S4:EP7 Keep the Faith
Rick comforts Ford after his sugery then runs into Drew; Rick tells Drew about TC actions during their SWAT mission then compliments him on his steady persona and suggest they have a baby; Drew tells Rick about Ranger school; Jordan suggest to TC opening up a combat medic training program at SAM with him, Drew and Rick; TC recieves a phone call from Amira updating him of possibly opening up their Syria medical faculty and that he's living her husband and wants to be with him.
S4:EP9 Land of the Free
Kenny comes to ask Paul for Bella's hand-in-marriage which Paul gives his blessing to thinking that Bella say 'no,' when Kenny reveal to him that Bella has already said yes; Paul stands shocked.
Jordan tells TC he'll be fine; Paul informs ICE agent his surgey went fine just as Shannon brings in Angel to met him and tells him how the ICE agent reverse his and his mother deportation process; Jordan stitches TC up as he question when good guy will get a win; TC introduces Amira and Jordan to one another; Shannon looks at a 'open residency postion' at another hospital when Paul arrive and asks her to breakfast.