Tom Swift Season 1 Soundtrack
Tom Swift Season 1 Soundtrack
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S1:EP1 ...And the Liftoff to Saturn
Zenzi returns from Atlanta to the Swift family manor; Barton makes an announcement to the press about the launch; Claire takes over for Tom once he fails to show up a the announcement; Zenzi searches for time crossing paths with Lorraine, Lino and Issac.
[Six months later] Tom prepares for his speech when his mother introduces him to Justin Chase in hope that they date; Zenzi has a close conversation with Congressman Nathan Eskol; Tom grabs Zenzi to inform her that he hasn't spoken with his father since he launch.
A singer sings at Barton Swift's funeral service as family and friends gather; Nathan gives his condolences to the Swift family as they head to the service.
Montage as Tom spends the night fixing problems with his and Lino's jump shoes; (continues) Lino tests out the new nano-hydraulic system for the jump shoes.
Tom turns on music as Zenzi, Isaac and himself head out on the Swift Enterprises jet to find the pieces of father's message capsule unknowingly there watched; Eskol watches through Barclay's cameras as Tom and the crew on the jet aware of Tom's plan, he makes sure his team is with him on make sure time doesn't recover the capsule including, Rowan.
S1:EP2 …And the 4b Curl
On board the NO7TSE, Tom and Zenzi discuss the "brain" piece of the capsule that their currently in search of as Tom runs a diagnostic check on Barclay.
(Flashback) Tom listens to music as he walks through the forest ground of the Darby estate when Chris challenges him to a "man test" in the mines.
With the help of Barclay, Tom forms a plan with himself, Zenzi and Isaac to break onto the Darby Estate to retrieve the piece of the capsule that crashed there.
With the brain of the capsule in hand, Tom begins search for the copper alloy signature of the capsule to find the other pieces; Tom informs Zenzi that Chris told him that his father was proud of him which she assures him that its a true fact.
S1:EP3 ...And Nine Inches of Danger
After Zenzi reminds him of all the things he's promised to do, Tom promises to complete them all with grace and swiftness.
As the tech summit begins at Swift Enterprises, Tom, Zenzi, Lino and Isaac begin to put their plan into action as they all take their places around the summit.
S01E04 Promo trailer.
S1:EP4 ...And the Chocolate Cowboys
Tom, Zenzi and Isaac storm into the homestead of the McElroy's in an attempt to save Lino, only to find Lino playing a rowdy game of domino's with the family.
S1:EP5 ...And the Crashed Cotillion
Tom helps his mother walk out of the cotillion with her head held high; Regina remarks on the Swifts as the leave causing Zenzi to share a few choice words that she's been holding back from years to Regina; Tom apologizes to Zenzi over drinks at the bar.
Tom celebrates his victory as he grabs his a bottle of champagne and heads out to his car from the party; Isaac calls Zenzi to inform her of his dismissal from the Swifts services by Lorraine and his search for Tom to inform; Tom his kidnapped from his car as he attempts to leave.
S1:EP6 ...And the Misbegotten Mustang
In her car, Zenzi acts as her own hype-woman as she prepares for her day when Isaac arrives to speak with her about a missing, Tom.
Tom finally manages to come up with a plan to make his way through the paint course without getting strayed by the paint machines; Tom is tranquilized; Zenzi, Isaac and Rowan with the help of Barclay manage to find Tom at a warehouse and save him.
Tom reveals to his mother than his father is alive; Isaac, Zenzi and Rowan all begin to awaken; Isaac receives a message from Tom; Rowan is confronted by Isaac about the capsule piece; Zenzi finds an unconscious Isaac inside the lab.
S1:EP7 ... And the Book of Isaac
(Flashback) Isaac goes to meet Tom for the first time in the Swift's home lab and finds Tom having a wild party in the lab; Tom dismisses efforts as his newest bodyguard as did with his others then finds his expensive watch missing; Isaac calls the party to an end as the theft.
(Flashback) Isaac plays a lively card game of Spades with Lorraine, Tom, and Zenzi during an afternoon at the Swift Manor; Tom makes a bet for his watch and for Isaac's job with Lorraine.
S1:EP8 ...And His Two Men and a Baby
After awakening in a stolen food truck, Zenzi and Issac regales Tom of their adventure before he fell unconscious which included run in with a Chalk Powder Fun Run, a police chase, a crop field, damage to Tom's grandfather's 1967 Swift Enterprises magnetic detector, Tom's custom red Bentley, and Tom's shoes while searching for the fourth piece of Barton's capsule.
Tom, Zenzi, Isaac along with Rowan arrive to the home of Andrita Lehman in Seattle, Washington, in hopes if finding and protecting her before The Road Back gets to her.
Rowan sings to Khalil as he and Tom take care of the child for Andrita when the FBI arrive.
S1:EP9 ...And the Night to Remember
Tom, Zenzi and Isaac tie up the Road Back operatives in the Swift Manor wine cellar then attempt to decide to hand them over to authorities, wait for Rowan to return from placing Andrita and her son into safety or spend the next 38hrs working find the Swift metal alloy piece to save Barton during Earth's apogee.
Zenzi attempt to probe Eskol for any information he has on Susannah and the metal alloy; Isaac interrogates one of The Road Back operatives for information as well; Tom takes Susannah to his lab to use Swiftsight only for her to show her hand and inform him she knows of the metal alloy he's in search of in Utah as well her agents that he has hostage.
S1:EP10 ... And the Cost of Forgiveness
Inside of a hoarders' trailer, Zenzi and Isaac attempt to find the second to last capsule piece as they discuss the state of time and their mission to help him.
At the Swift Enterprises' Black engineering conference, Tom, Zenzi and Isaac attempt to gather all of the SwiftSight pieces from other at the convention after figuring out Susannah has sabotaged them.
Tom and Barclay manage to track down Susannah with the last piece of the capsule and follow her on her motorcycle to Swift Enterprises sever farmer aka Barclay.