The Orville Season 2 Soundtrack
The Orville Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Ja'loja
Ed comments to bartender, Olix, about new record player Olix has installed in the Mess Hall as he drinks then laments his ennui the bartender when Alara arrives, the two commiserate about their failures in love and self-doubt; Bortus informs Ed that his yearly urination arrived.
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At Outpost 58 the USS Orville docks nearby where as the ships new cartographer Janel Tyler shuttles over to them.
Issac continues with his tutoring of Ty in piano with a piece by Beethoven; Claire watches and listens to Ty play as Issac instructions as she returns to the families quarters.
Issac distracts Claire from her fight with Marcus by playing sweet jazz music on the paino; (repeats) [0:45] People attend the Bortus' Ja'loja after-party; Kelly and Cassius makeup after their fight; Dann reads his poetry to Gordon, the two bond over their recent losses at love; Claire thanks Isaac for helping her deal with Marcus and his issues; as Ed pour is sorrows out to Olix, Janel joins him for a drink.
Claire tells Issac she wishes for him to be her date to Bortus' Ja'loja; (continues) Gordon and John arrive to the Mess Hall for Gordan to ask Janel out; the invited guests to Bortus' Ja'loja shuttle down to the Moclus.
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S2:EP2 Primal Urges
(Opening) On the bridge the Orville crew watch as a expanding red giant star devour the final planet of its system, together they discuss the fire incineration; Bortus requests to live his shift early; (repeats) [0:31] Issac find a glitch in the Orville system after a search which links it to Bortus and the Environmental Simulator.
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On the bridge, Isaac detects possible deposits of dysonium ore beneath the surface of the dying planet; (continues) the bridge crew quickly form a plan to retrieve the dysonium; [0:39] John and Dann attempt to rid the Orville of the virus; A lottery is held and the 30 Nyxians board the shuttle to be saved; The First Minister of the Nyxians, Hallan Theece, says goodbye to her family; [0:41] the shuttle returns to Orville as the planet is destroyed; [0:42] the Orville crew find themselves being pulled into the gravity well of the star.
As the Orville plunges towards the star, Isaac attempts to employ a counter-virus that restores control to the ship; (continues) [0:44] With helm back in control, Gordon pilots the badly damaged Orville away.
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S2:EP3 Home
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Alara takes on last look at the bridge then takes a shuttle to Xelaya with Gordon and Ed; Gordon and Ed marvel at Alara homeworld as they shuttle across the planet to Alara's family home.
Ildis and Drenala Kitan take Alara and her sister, Solana to the family's beach house on Xelaya for some family bonding time; the Kitan family are greeted by the caretaker, Serris, who tells him the island is deserted; Solana spots a wild eevak and goes to pet it; (continues) [0:18] Later during the evening, Alara fantasizes about being human and riding a eevak along the beach; Alara spots a light on in a neighboring house.
Alara and Solana take their families conveyance pod to Serris' cottage across the island as they ride they have a heart-to-heart; (repeats) [0:34] Cambis and Floratta prepare to make an example out of Solana by vivisection when a Union Shuttle arrives.
Panicking, Floratta holds Alara, Drenala and Solana at gun point as Cambis forces Ildis to handle the Union offices; Ildis attempts to persuade Ed to leave only for Cambis to shoot Ed when he refuses to leave; (continues) [0:36] Alara finds her strength returning and surprise attacks Floratta, eliminate her; Alara orders her family to hide; Cambis leaves Ed to return to the house where he and Alara face off against one another; Ed and Gordon find Ed's gravity suit loosing power after being shot; (continues) [0:38] Alara requests for her father to help Ed while she takes care of Cambis before her strength depletes; Alara takes out Cambis; (continues) [0:39] a wounded, Illdis finds Serris body in the garden as makes his way to Ed, dragging him into the shuttles safe gravity field.
In the Shuttle Bay of the Orville, the senior staff gives Alara a silent, tearful farewell with hugs; the bridge crew watch as Alara returns to Xelaya; (continues) [0:47] In his office, Ed opens Alara's parting gift; a jar of pickles.
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S2:EP4 Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
In Ed's quarter's he and Janel watch the classic movie The King and I; Ed warms Janel up with his captain's jack and kisses then they discuss going public and a trip away from the ship.
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In the Mess Hall, Ed confesses his current relationship with Gordon, who previous has a crush on Janel; (repeats) [0:10] Cloaked from the Krill, Ed and Janel soon find the Krill returning back to their position and venting drive plasma covering their clocked shipped and allowing the Krill to disable their ships engine; [0:11] A Krill Destroyer seizes the shuttle with a tractor beam.
The next morning, Ed and Janel depart the Orville by shuttle to Sensoria; Ed laments about forgetting his toiletries and they discuss Billy Joel's music when their voyage is interrupted by the arrival of three Krill ships.
Locked away in the brig of the Krill Destroyer, a Krill prison guard questions Ed about the command codes which Ed refuses to give; (continues) [0:15] Seeing Janel being tortured Ed gives the guard his Planetary Union command codes; (repeats) [0:19] the Krill ship finds itself under attack, with the power down in his cell Ed attacks the guard and Teleya; (continues) [0:20] as the ship is attacked by the Chak'tal, Ed and Teleya make attempt to make their way to an escape pod; [0:21] Ed and Teleya flee in an escape pod to the surface of a nearby terrestrial world, they crash land into a swamp.
With the sun rising on the planet, Ed and Teleya decide forgo Teleya's plan to search for higher ground to send the distress signal for shelter away from the growing light to wait for night fall again to protect Teleya from the light; (repeats) [0:37 - 0:39] Sans Teleya, Ed climbs to the top of the mountain during the daylight hours and sends a message to the Orville, which sets course to the planet.
Climbing back down the mountain, Ed finds the Chak'tal soldiers have picked up his trail; Ed hiding Teleya skins from the sunlight with his jacket attempts to guides Teleya to the mountain peak; (repeats) [0:40] Arriving to the star system, Kelly orders Gordon and Bortus down to the planet to attempt a rescue; [0:42] Teleya turns over her gun to Ed so that he can protect them from the Chak'tal; (continues) Gordon manages to daring home to rescue Ed and Teleya.
Ignoring Kelly's objections and the possibility of a court martial by the admiralty, goes forward with his plans to release Teleya; Ed informs Teleya that he is releasing her and asks for her to call her people; (continues) (0:43) the crew marvel at the Krill Destroyer class ship and worry about the risk Ed is taking; (0:44) Inside the darkened Shuttle Bay, the Krill arrive for Teleya.
Teleya is released back to the Krill with a parting gift from Ed - the best of Billy Joel on a memory chip; Ed returns to the bridge where he watches as the Krill depart, then stares at the stars long after the ship is gone.
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S2:EP5 All the World is Birthday Cake
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As Kelly and Bortus discuss their birthdays the new Chief of Security, Lieutenant Talla Keyali, detects a microwave signal from the Gamma Velorum system requesting "First Contact"; the crew happily sets course for the star system, taking time to prepare themselves; (continues) [0:07] Ed, Kelly, Bortus, Keyali, and Claire take a shuttle down to the planet called Regor 2; [0:08] Hundreds of Regorians assembly as the shuttle lands.
After their tour of the local Regorian hospital is interrupted in the obstetrics ward Claire and Talla's bare witness to an emergency Cesarean section; (continues) [0:13] Claire detects that their is no medical cause for the baby to be born premature, Dr. Feylar explains to them that the c-section was to prevent the baby being born "giliac".
Ed, Claire and Talla find themselves in a prison cell where a Regorian dentist extracts dental cores from them to verify that none of them are Giliacs; (repeats) [0:20] Meanwhile, Kelly and Bortus find themselves in a prison colony for Giliacs where the warden informs that the prison colony is their new home; [0:21] Bortus and Kelly unsuccessfully try to fight their way out of the camp; [0:34] Talla comes to Ed and the other bridge others with a theory after studying Regor 2's history and how the Regorian myth that Giliac people are murderous came to be this soon evolves into a plan to replace the missing star in the Giliac star cluster.
Kelly and Bortus taking on Gillac personas steal guns from prison guards and attempt their escape, killing many guards in their escape attempt; (continues) [0:41] Kelly and Bortus blast open the prison doors but soon find themselves immediately surrounded by many guards and the warden.
John and Gordon leave to Orville to set up the solar sails as a new "star" in the Giliac constellation; (continues) [0:42] the warden initiates an execution of Kelly and Bortus before the prison camp in front of the other Giliac as an example; Kelly tells her fellow Giliac that nothing is wrong with them; [0:43] Just as the guards prepare to open fire the new star in Giliac appears causing pause; [0:44] In the first Prefect's office, Chief Advisor Makkal informs the First Prefect of the Celestial Advisory confirmation of the star, the First Prefect affirms the new star signals "change."
(Sometime later) Now back on the bridge of the Orville, the Orville crew sing 'Happy Birthday' to Kelly and Bortus as the two finally celebrate with a joint birthday party.
Gordon and John present Kelly and Brotus with a animation cartoon video of the two dancing to 'Celebration,' which the partygoers enjoy; Brotus questions Klyden's laughter at the video display; (continues) [0:46] Ed wishes Kelly a "Happy Birthday," then informs her that the last of the Giliac camps were closed, Kelly then informs him that she spoken to Ukania who has reunited with her daughter now named, Kelly, in her honor; [0:47] Ed admits to Talla, Kelly and Claire that he is unsure whether lying to the Regorians was moral still though Ed, Kelly, and Claire congratulate Talla on her brilliant idea that save the Giliac; (continues) Kelly leaves the group to dance with Cassius, Ed watches them.
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S2:EP6 A Happy Refrain
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Claire, Marcus and their friends attend Ty's musical recital in which Ty performs splendidly; Claire comments on Ty's playing to Claire while also admitting the thought her son would be terrible.
Claire readies for her and Isaac's date when he arrives to her quarters; (continues) [0:16] a snazzy dressed Issac presents Claire with flowers as she remarks on his attire then suggest they begin their date; (continues) Claire and Issac make small talk as they head to the shuttle bay for the concert.
The Planetary Union Symphony perform a stirring arrangement of the song "Singing in the Rain" for the USS Orville crew.
After the symphony, Claire and Isaac share a meal in the Environmental Simulator in mirror Claire's favorite restaurant in Baltimore, Maryland programed by Isaac; Issac attempts to impress Clair with his knowledge of her from the ships data base which she finds lacking spontaneity; (continues) [0:22] the conversation between Claire and Isaac becomes stilted as Claire asks Isaac about himself and his reports back to Kaylon.
After dinner, Claire and Isaac discuss their date and attempt to decide if they'll have another; Claire kisses Isaac before retiring to her room, leaving him puzzled; (continues) [0:24] Issac joins the rest of the bridge crew for work the next morning, the bridge crew grills him for details about his date.
Isaac finds Ed, John, and Ensign Turco bowling in the simulator, he tells them about his break up Claire; After explaining why Claire broke up with him John offers help through an idea; (repeats) [0:32] Clair end Isaac re-do their first date in which Isaac learns about Claire honestly.
As Claire works she receives an anonymous messing asks her to meet (him/Isaac) in the Simulator later that night; Claire finds herself in the simulation of her favorite restaurant, only this time Isaac has programmed himself to look - and feel - human; (continues) [0:30] Isaac informs Claire that he took a physical simulated form that would allow them to kiss while also deleting all data about her background so that he may get know her.
Claire finds herself honestly charmed by Isaac on their second date as the two quickly bond over dinner and they share their a kiss; [0:33] Claire changes to Simulation to a program of her own quarters where she in the two sleep together; (continues) [0:34] Claire gushes about her night with Isaac to Kelly and Talla the next day in Kelly's office.
Claire finds recourse in a drink at a simulated bar after her breakup when Yaphit interrupts her in a new simulated form in attempt to approach her on the rebound.
Isaac in an attempt to win Claire beings by playing an original recording of "Singing in the Rain" and initiating an environmental program for rain on the bridge; (continues) [0:46] Isaac asks Claire to try a relationship with him again; Claire and Isaac kiss; [0:47] Gordon declares that the Orville is the weirdest ship in the fleet; (continues) Claire and Isaac hand-in head out for a date on the Simulator later that evening.
End titles.
S2:EP7 Deflectors
In a simulation program set in New York City - September 2, 1945, Kelly and Cassius have a date together where they attempt to discuss a romantic excursion together which turns them into discuss their relationship and future together; (0:02) Kelly ends her relationship with Cassius siting their wants for different things in their future as the bases; (continues) Ed calls Kelly to the bridge as the ship approaches Moclus, Kelly leaves Cassius alone in the Environmental Simulator.
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The Orville tests out their new, upgraded deflectors by allowing Captain Rechik's ship to fire upon them; (continues) [0:12] Taking on gradual bombardment the Orville's screens begin to reduce causing the starboard emitter ray to loses power which causes the deflectors to fail; Locar attempts to convince John not to stop them combat testing between the ships; [0:13] The array resets because of Locar's upgrades powering the deflectors; Locar's upgrades are rousing success.
In Kelly's Simulation of New York City 1945 in the Enviromental Simulator, Talla and Locar take a walk together through the simulation of the Earth city; (continues) [0:22] Talla explains the purpose of the simulation to Locar then as after spotting a dancing couple in a window she gives him a brief lesson on Human dancing; [0:23] Locar kisses Talla which turns into a more a more passionate kiss before Talla is called away by Kelly; Locar practices Human dancing when Klyden enters the simulation and confuses to knowing what he is; (repeats) [0:26] Talla watches the playback of Locar when the Simulator after his disappearance and finds the distorted image of someone else entering and speaking with Locar after she left the Simulator; (repeats) [0:46] Talla finds herself crying after her confrontation with Klyden; in their quarters, Klyden and Bortus find a silent rife has opening up between them again; Locar is sentence by a judge in Moclan Council court; After her tears have dried, Talla, gazes upon the red planet one last time then leaves.
In the New York City 1945 simulation, John and Isaac attempts to reveal the person masked in the distortion field by working on the under layers of the recording; (continues) [0:32] John and Isaac manage to reveal who killer is.
Talla and the her security search the Orville for Locar; (continues) Talla finds him hiding in a shuttle, she attempts to persuade him to take asylum.
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S2:EP8 Identity (1)
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After a brief commandeering of the ship's system and scan of it, the Orville is sent a set of landing coordinates to land on Kaylon; (continues) [0:11] the Orville soars through Kaylon massive skyscrapers and dock beside an enormous skyscraper; Instead, they briefly commandeer the ship's systems and scan it, then deliver a set of landing coordinates on the planet; [0:12] the Kaylon instructs Ed, Talla, Kelly and Claire to exit the ship with Isaac's body.
After being convince by Claire, the Kaylon Primary and other units take Isaac away to be reactivated; (continues) [0:16] Isaac is reactivated away from the Orville's crew, secluded away the Primary and Kaylon Secondary tell Isaac that his mission has completed upon is awakening after 32.7 cycles then cryptically tell him that no "decision" has been made.
After finding Ty missing from the Orville, Claire and the others managed to find his life signs in a subterranean cavern on Kaylon; (continues) [0:37] Claire, Bortus and Talla manage to find Ty in the tunnels under the main Kaylon city; [0:38] Talla and Bortus with the help of Ty make a disturbing discovery about Kaylon; [0:39] Bortus transmits their finding of gravesites back the Orville; [0:40] The Kaylon Secondary completes his analysis just as Ed, Kelly, Claire and Talla arrives and proceeds to confront Isaac and the Primaries about the mass graves under the planets layers; [0:41] Isaac explain that the bodies were the Kaylon makers and the conflict that led between the Builders and Kaylon which led to a genocide; [0:42] Appalled by the Kaylon, Ed reascends the Union invitation and attempts to leave the planet only for the group to be taken prisoner at gunpoint by the Kaylon.
Ed attempts to order the Orville to leave the planet without the away team and alert Union Central but before Bortus and the crew can comply, the Kaylon override the ship's system; (continues) [0:44] Hundreds of armed Kaylon soliders storm the Orville, taking the crew hostage and killing those that resist; [0:45] Armed fire is had by both Orville crew and Kaylon's with resistors and aggressors dying as the ship is taken over; [0:46] after making their way to the bridge with Ed and the bridge crew captive, the Kaylon Primary sits in the captain's chair and orders all the forces set a course to Earth; Isaac takes his set in Science Command; [0:47] The Orville leaves Kaylon, flanked by a vast armada of Kaylon ships.
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S2:EP9 Identity (2)
The Kaylon Armada head on a course towards Earth and Union Central, spearheaded by the captured Orville; Ty not understanding that Isaac is dangerous attempts to rush past the Kaylon guards to see him but the guard grabs him while the second guard shoots Talla, who rushes to stop him.
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The Kaylon Primary forces Ed and the other bridge crew to placate and deceive the oncoming ship, the USS Roosevelt and its captain, Captain Marcos; (continues) [0:10] After saluting offer Marcus a "13-button salute," a code that signals a "hostile force has seized control and Union Central must be notified," the Primary having figured out the meaning of the code has the Roosevelt swiftly fired upon as it attempts to leave.
Ed is taken to the airlock on Deck 7 for "punishment," there a young ensign is locked into the airlock; (continues) [0:12] Isaac unsuccessfully attempts to save the ensigns life but is order to the Bridge by the Primary; (continues) [0:13] the Kaylon Secondary releases the airlock and the ensign is sucked out into space, freezing to death, Ed is forced to watch; the armada jumps to quantum drive, leaving the ensigns corpse in the darkness of space; (repeats) [0:18] Yaphit steals away from the crawlspace of the ship to the Armory where he distracts and kills a Kaylon guard, retrieves a PM-488 Titan for Bortus in the shuttle bay; (continues) [0:19] Bortus kills the guards guarding the Orville's crew; Talla opens the shuttle bay doors as Kelly and Gordon board a shuttle; [0:20] Kelly and Gordon abscond by shuttle to Krill space; after being alerted to the humans actions, the Primary sends New Kaylon at sent to the shuttle bay and sends a Sphere pursues the shuttle; [0:21] Ed assigns Yaphit on a mission to send a message to Union Central with Ty himself as an assistant be the next smallest of the group to fit into the crawlspace to help with signal scrambling.
Isaac rips Primary's head off and shoots Kaylon Secondary and Kaylon Tertiary in order to protect Ty; (continues) [0:32] Isaac takes Ty to the Bridge where he fires upon the Kylon Bridge crew than inputs an EMP code to deactivate all the Kylon including himself but not before instructing Ty to open the shuttle bay doors and to inform Claire that he is 'sorry'; Ty tells Isaac that his family loves him; (continues) [0:33] Ty leaves Isaac after the pulse of electromagnetic energy, making his way to dead Kylon soldiers to the shuttle bay, freeing the Union crew and families; [0:34] the Orville crew regains control of the ship just as the armada arrives at Earth, luckily The Union ships within range stand between Earth war fleet and the Kaylon Armada ready for battle.
Battle erupts between the two warring fleets; Several ships on both sides are destroyed though the Union fleet begins to bears the brunt of the casualties; (continues) [0:36] Admiral Halsey reports to the Orville over communications that the Union has 32 ships destroyed or disabled and the Kaylon only six; Admiral Halsey's ship the USS Spruance is disabled; [0:37] 5 Kaylon Spheres break off from the pack ending towards Earth; Six Union ships give chase and attack, including the Orville, with the Spheres returning fire; [0:38] Heavy damage is done with the Union ships including the Orville who begin to plan a suicide mission to stop the last Kaylon Spheres from reaching earth when the Krill Fleet arrive to the battle; [0:39] Kelly introduces Captain Dalak to Ed as the Krill join the battle; [0:40] WIth a temporary alliance of Krill and Union forces the tide in the battle is turned; Gordon piloting a Krill Destroyer manages to take a Kaylon Sphere; The Orville itself loses its upper quantum ring when it collides with a lesser Sphere; [0:41] The Union and Krill made to take over the battle with the Kaylon Armada retreating; [0:42] Dalak tells Ed that Avis brought them together for a reason; The Krill force leave Union Space to return home; [0:43] After experiencing shutting down a Kaylon, Yaphit decides give a try at managing to restart Isaac as the crew debating on re-activating him and manages to restart Isaac.
End titles.
S2:EP10 Blood of Patriots
As the USS Orville is to rendezvous with the Krill destroyer Davoro'kos in orbit over Tarazed 3 for their diplomatic meeting a damaged shuttlecraft flees from the Davoro'kos; An emergency docking request is answered by the Orville; (continues) [0:04] The shuttle slams into the Shuttle Bay, knocking the pilot out; An emergency team is deployed to the crashed shuttle including Dr. Finn and Gordon; the Orville team discover a terrified and mute woman aboard along with the male pilot; Gordon attempts to secure the main console of the shuttle when he sees face of pilot his friend, Orrin Channing.
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Gordon accuses Ed of being jealous of his and Orrin's relationship while confession to being against the Lak'vai with the Krill is a mistake; (repeats) [0:28] Orrin pressures Gordon into helping him with a guilt trip; (repeats) [0:33] Gordon and Orrin race the the shuttle bay to board a shuttle when their stopped by Talla; [0:34] Gordon stuns Talla before stealing away with Orrin in a shuttle; (continues) the tractor aboard the shuttle is turned on as a ruse is revealed by the Orville crew as Talla awaking from being stunned; [0:35] Away from the Orville, Gordon attempts to get Orrin to reveal his plan to him; Under Orrin's orders, Gordon diverts the shuttle to the Davoro'kos.
After knocking Leyna against a wall, Talla finds herself being pulled out of the quarters by Claire as Leyna's yellow-orange blood runs from her nose; Claire orders a Level 12 Force-field around the room and all the nitrogen to be removed; (continues) [0:38] Claire reveals that Leyna is not Orrin's daughter by an Envall: a species with blood that is explosively reactive with nitrogen; [0:39] the Orville crew figure out that Orrin has been using compressed Envall blood extracted from Leyna as a weapon against the Krill and that without torpedo launchers on the shuttle plans to use the shuttle as a bomb with him and Gordon onboard; (repeats) [0:41] Orrin explains his plan to Gordon, which prompts him to hail the Orville; Enraged Orrin fights with Gordon; Gordon shoots out the control panel of shuttle as Orrin activates a call containing Leyna's blood; [0:42] Orrin refuses Gordon's pleas to leave the shuttle preferring to die alone; [0:43] Gordon leaves the shuttle just as it explodes leaving him adrift in space until the Orville grabs him by tractor beam; [0:44] In the Briefing Room of the Orville, Ed and the Krill Ambassador sign the Lak'vai.
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S2:EP11 Lasting Impressions
After finding in a way into archived cellphone, John, Yaphit and Gordon manage the saved information on the owner including a video from her; Laura Huggins explains explains that she decided to put her old iPhone into the time capsule instead of throwing it away so that future people can peruse her text, e-mails, pictures, data, and videos as a historical memory; (repeats) [0:09] Ed goes into the kitchen of Laura's new apartment and meets her in person for the first time. [0:21] Gordon creates a phone using the replicator then texts Laura; [0:28] Laura and Gordon have a date night together, they kiss.
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Gordon starts up the 'Laura Alpha' simulation where he finds himself at a party at Laura's home; Gordon finds Laura in the kitchen talking with her friend Trisha, they all introduction themselves (continues) [0:10] Laura gets Gordon a beer tan offers to show him around the apartment.
Laura tells Gordon of her breakup with Greg as she shows him around the apartment then tells him about herself including her dreams of becoming a professional singer, they then discuss Gordon job as a pilot then she invites him to her next singing gig.
Gordon arrives at the bar to hear Laura singing, he finds himself mesmerized; (repeats) [0:44] after restoring the deleted parts of the program, Gordon sings with Laura at the bar doing her gig.
Gordon and Laura hangout after her gig where they discuss their lives over drinks which include their life goals and relationships; (continues) [0:20] Laura gives Gordon her phone number then invites him to game night.
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S2:EP12 Sanctuary
The Orville receives weapons upgrades at a dockyard orbiting Moclus; (continues) the shuttle docks on the Orville carrying Toran and Korick and a special package; [repeats] (0:12) The Orville rendezvous with Morclan research vessel in the Nekkar system; Bortus and Talla say goodbye to Toran and Korick; (0:13) Toran and Korick head on a shuttle to the research vessel to head to Retepsia.
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Ed orders an interception with the Moclan ship; (continues) the Orville's bridge crew unable to track the Moclan research vessel takes a suggestion from Gordon on scanning for ion signatures masses which allows for Isaac to find out the vessel isn't heading towards Retepsia but a nearby Class 6 nebula; (0:16) the Orville sets an intercept course at maximum speed; (0:17) the Orville crew decide to head into the nebula after the research vessel; (0:18) inside the nebula the crew finds a K-typer star surrounded by three planets, one which is habitable; Talla scans the planet and finds thousands of Moclan signatures living there; Bortus, Ed, Kelly and Talla travel down to the planet by shuttle; (0:19) the away crew quickly find themselves surrounded by a dozen armed Moclan women.
The armed Moclan solders being the away team to a village inhabited by Moclan women and children, as well as Toren and Korick and their daughter, Mersa; Osaia brings Ed and the crew to the groups leader, Heveena; (0:20) She reveals that far more females are born than the Moclan government admits and that the planet alone is home to six-thousand women; (repeats) [0:29] The Orville awaits in the nebula over the colony planet when a Moclan Battle cruiser approaches captained by Jakohn; Kelly orders a yellow alert; (0:30) on earth, Dojin lobbies against the female Moclan colony; (repeats) [0:34] as Bortus, Kylden and Kelly have a lively conversation in the Mess Hall, they are interrupted by news that several Moclan shuttles are heading to the planet and the battle cruiser raised its Deflector Screens.
While shuttling to the Burnell, Ed opens up the Earth's Culture database for Heveena where she finds Dolly Parton's song "9 to 5," enamored by the song Heveena declares the song the voice of their "revolution"; Heveena quotes Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" as she addresses the Planetary Union Council to admit the sanctuary planet as a colony; (repeats) (0:38) On the surface of the sanctuary colony, a skirmish break out between Moclan soliders and Kelly and Bortus who are soon joined by colonist to help to fight to overpower the soldiers; (0:39) In space, the Orville battles the Moclan ship, taking hull damage; (0:40) Gordon takes the ship into the nebula to confuse the Moclan electromagnetic scans.
As Talla takes command of the Orville, Brotus and Kelly head down to the colony planet to protect to inhabitants; Kelly and Brotus are caught in a tractor beam by the Moclan's forcing Talla and the Orville to attack Jakohn and the Moclan ship;
A Moclan solider fires off air shots and announces an agreement has been reached; Bortus brings back a female Moclan from being captured; (continues) he colonists rebuild their lives; (0:44) Ed tells Heveena that Dolly would be proud of them and their accomplishments.
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S2:EP13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
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The Orville randomly hits a massive gravitational wave; the Crew check to see what's happened; Isaac finds another version of Kelly in the lab as be begins to leave.
Isaac informs the crew that they possibly have an intruder in the forms of Commander Kelly.
Past Kelly and Ed have a date.
Bortus alerts Ed and Kelly that the Kaylon are on an intercept course, Ed decides to head in the opposite direction via Gordon; [0:37] Ed is alerted that the Kaylon are back in range; Everyone arrives at the bridge in the nighties; (continues) the Orville heads to Vendek 2 and into its icy rings to put Past Kelly's plan into action.
The crew head to Past Kelly's favorite hangout spot in the simulator; Talla and Kelly dance as Ed and Gordon drink; Bortus and Klyden invite Gordon and Ed to dance; Ed begins to rethink this relationship with Past Kelly.
Ed apologizes to Past Kelly for their future; Ed heads to the bridge; Claire wipes Kelly's memory; the crew up Lamarr and Isaac's plan into action to send Past Kelly back to the past.
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S2:EP14 The Road Not Taken
[Union Listening Post - Sarin IV] Ed and Gordon arrive at the Union listening post on a ice planet when Kaylon attack them, they manage to get what they came for then run for their lives.
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With their quantum drive offline, Ed and Gordon head to a ice moon in an attempt to hide from pursuing Kaylon; Ed and Gordon take on the Kaylon coming after them.