The Orville Season 1 Soundtrack
The Orville Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Old Wounds
S1:EP1 Old Wounds
One year later - Ed has a meeting with Admiral Halsey after being summoned Mercer to his office in Planetary Union Central.
Gordon fulls around in the shuttle as drives himself and Ed to the docking yard after Ed criticizes him for drinking on the job.
Arrive at Station 794 the Orville pick up their new executive officer, Kelly Grayson; Kelly leaves Ed's office after the two speak for the first since their divorce; (continues) Kelly bumps into Gordon; (repeats) [0:22] the shuttle from Orville arrive at the Epsilon 2 carrying Ed, Kelly, Claire and Alara.
The Krill attack the Epsilon Science Station forcing the crew on the group to fight their way out of the facility while the crew above the planet on the Orville fight the Krill ship; Gordan manages to "ride the donkey"; the crew manage to make it to ship escaping the Krill with the quantum accelerator.
On Bortus command, Gordon manages to maneuver the Orville to allow for ship to "catch" the shuttle allowing it to park in the Orville's Shuttle Bay, and the away team hurries to the Bridge.
Kelly suggest a plan that would save by planing a redwood seed inside the quantum accelerator and send the device to the Krill by remote shuttle; (repeats) [0:43] Ed asks for Kelly to stay aboard the ship as his XO; Kelly thanks Admiral Halsey for following along with her request.
End titles.
S1:EP2 Command Performance
S1:EP2 Command Performance
Main title.
(repeats) [0:10] [0:14]
(repeats) [0:33] [0:34]
End titles.
S1:EP3 About a Girl
S1:EP3 About a Girl
Opening title.
Ed, Gordon and John in the Environmental Simulator.
Vásquez dances to Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" in the Environmental Simulator as Ed exits the Simulator to speak with Bortus.
The crew of the Orville breaks up an extremely large asteroid on a collision course with planet Elnath 4 with a "cutting beam" followed by a "shoving beam" to move the pieces out of the path of the planet; Ed and Kelly are alerted of Bortus call for a transfer; Ed relieves Bortus of duty.
The Orville and Moclan Fleet ship captained by Vorak arrive at Moclus; Ed, Kelly, Claire, Alara, John and Gordon arrive down to the planet via shuttlecraft as they do they see how industrialized the planet is and learn of their haphazard use of the planet as a testing zone for weapons.
Ed, John and Alara their way into the mountains on Moclus; Returning with Ed, John and Alara, Heveena makes herself known to the court.
The Molcan courts arbitrator adjourns the tribunal sending the decision to the arbitration council; (repeats) [0:38] the trial is officially adjourned after the council's decision; Bortus is left alone to brood in the courtroom; the baby is returned to Bortus and Klyden after medical treatment, they return to the ship; Bortus and Klyden promise to give Topa the life he deserves.
End titles.
S1:EP4 If the Stars Should Appear
S1:EP4 If the Stars Should Appear
Upset after his fight with Bortus, Klyden mediates his pain with ice cream and watching The Sound of Music.
Main title.
The Orville stumble upon two-thousand years old ship, drifting through space, and set to collide with a nearby star in six months they decide to explore; (repeats) [0:36] Ed and the team take Tomilin and Kemka inside the Hull of the ship where they make their way to the bridge.
An exploratory team consisting of Ed, Claire, Issac and Alara enters the bio-ship via shuttle; the team explore the exterior of the ship only to enter a vast ecosystem inside; the team decide to slip up into two teams to explore the ecosystem within the ship.
Alara calls Ed to inform him that she's been shot; (continues) Ed, Claire, Issac and Tomilin find Alara bleeding out in a field; Claire tends to Alara wounds; the Orville takes on the Krill to protect the Druyan from transportees.
Isaac finds and plays a recording left 2,000 years ago by the final ship captain, Jahavus Dorahl, who explains the purpose of the bio-vessel what happen to ship and its inhabitants after leaving their home planet; (continues) Issac retracts the upper hull of the ship allowing for the inhabitants to experience nighttime while also revealing to all the truth of their world; Claire marvels at the sky and quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson.
End titles.
S1:EP5 Pria
S1:EP5 Pria
Main title.
Ed, Kelly, Gordon and the bridge crew form a plan to rescue to a mining ship caught on a sun dive into a star; (continues) Ed, Alara and Gordan head down into the comet to rescue Pria in a shuttle; Alara and Ed break into the Horizon to rescue Pria; John manages to save the rescue crew from sun diving into the star as well with a tractor beam.
The senior staff along with Pria join Ed in his quarters for a cocktail party; Pria tells stories from her adventures in the Vega Mining Consortium; Ed and Pria manage to bond over their shared experience of going up in Massachusetts.
Kelly and Alara search Pria quarters for suspicious clues but are cut short when Pria arrives back; (repeats) [0:20] the Orville is rocked by collisions dark matter storm which Pria manages to save Orville ship and crew from by making the invisible particles visible for Gordon to navigate through; [0:21] Gordon unable to navigate through the dark matter storm Pria is allowed control of the helm to navigates them to safety.
[played multiple times for Pria] Theme for consortium miner Pria Lavesque; the Orville crew receive a message from Pria on the ship, Horizon; [0:24] Pria and Ed kiss in the Environmental Simulation of Unuk 4; [0:34] Pria takes over the Orville as they reach the wormhole to the 29th century.
The Orville enters the wormhole to the 29th century; (continues) on the other side of the wormhole a Benzian ship wakes for Pria; Issac having uploaded his consciousness to the ship's computer contacts Ed and Kelly with a plan; Kelly attacks Pria as the rest of the crew attempt to fly the ship away from the Benzian ship and safely back to wormhole.
End titles.
S1:EP6 Krill
S1:EP6 Krill
In the Mess Hall, Alara, Bortus, John and Isaac congregate as test Bortus' Moclan digestive system when their all called to the bridge due to a distress call; the Orville detect Kestra 4 being attacked by the Krill.
Main title.
The Krill ship stops attack Kestra 4 and turns its weapons on the Orville; With the Orville rapidly looking deflectors, Ed is forced to be innovative with his plans to defeat the Krill; Gordon and Bortus initiate Ed's plan to defeat and protect the colony; the Orville finds an intact Krill shuttle.
Ed and Gordan head into Krill Space; Ed attempts to review Admiral Ozawa intelligence report on the Krill, he asks for Gordon to turn off his music.
Ed and Gordon decide to investigate the source of the magnetic interference and find an enormous Krill bomb several decks below them on.
Ed and Gordon enact their plan to cause discourse on the Yakra and stop the Krill's attack on Rana 3; an intruder alert is sounded for Ed; Ed knocks out the lights in Teleya's classroom and asks for her stay put with the children; Ed faces off against the Krill as he searches for Coja; the ship arrives at Rana 3; Haros calls for the weapon to be prepared for launch as Gordon watches.
Ed manages to find Coja and races back to the classroom for the UV blast goes off; the Yakar fires on Rana 3 on Horas' orders; the UV blast emits, killing the Krill on board in lights path; Gordan manages to gain control of the ship's weapons array to fire torpedoes at the bomb; (repeats) [0:43] Teleya warns Ed that the children he save will be his enemy one day after his actions against the ship.
End titles.
S1:EP7 Majority Rule
S1:EP7 Majority Rule
(repeats) [0:04] [0:07] [0:42]
Main title.
(repeats) [0:27]
Plan form.
(continues) [0:38] [0:42]
End titles.
S1:EP8 Into the Fold
S1:EP8 Into the Fold
Main title.
(continues) [0:08]
On the the Orville, the whole of Engineering along with Ed installs a new spatial manifold when Kelly alerts Ed that Claire's shuttle never arrived at Arboreus Prime and that she along with her child and Issac are missing; Ed informs John that he'll have to navigate the "old fashioned way" with star charts with the navigation system down.
(continues) [0:29]
(continues) [0:35]
(continues) [0:37]
(continues) [0:40]
(continues) [0:42]
End titles.
S1:EP9 Cupid's Dagger
S1:EP9 Cupid's Dagger
(Journey cover) Kelly sings.
Bortus prepares to sing when the alert goes off.
(continues) [0:04] (repeats) [0:21] [0:23]
Main title.
(The Ramones cover) Yaphlit makes a romantic gesture towards Claire.
Ed and Darulio in bed together; Kelly cries alone as she eat ice cream.
(repeats) [0:38] [0:40] [0:43]
End titles.
S1:EP10 Firestorm
S1:EP10 Firestorm
(repeats) [0:11]
Main title.
(repeats) [0:14] [0:15] [0:16] [0:17]
(repeats) [0:29] (continues) [0:30] [0:31] [0:32] [0:33] [0:34] [0:35]
(repeats) [0:36] (continues) [0:37] [0:38] (repeats) [0:42]
End titles.
S1:EP11 New Dimensions
S1:EP11 New Dimensions
A going away party for Newton; John and Gordon play a prank on Yaphit.
Main title.
(continues) [0:08] (repeats) [0:09]
(continues) [0:27] [0:28]
(continues) [0:30] (repeats) [0:32] [0:33]
(continues) [0:38]
(continues) [0:40] (repeats) [0:42]
End titles.
S1:EP12 Mad Idolatry
S1:EP12 Mad Idolatry
(continues) [0:08]
Main title.
(continues) [0:10] [0:11] [0:12]
(continues) [0:19]
(continues) [0:24] [0:25]
(continues) [0:33] [0:34] [0:35]
(continues) [0:38] [0:39] [0:40] [0:41]
End titles.