Roswell Soundtrack

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Jak się nazywała piosenka w 1 sezonie 22 odcinku która leciała gdy michael wysiadał z samochodu Sheryfa i użył swoich kosmicznych zdolności (wtedy Sheryf dowiedział się że michael też jest kosmitą) żeby ochronić uciekającego Maxa z Liz przed FBI
a year ago
"Love won't heal the heart if you deny it, don't know until you try it, we are all afraid to die but if you're too scared to live don't try". This song plays in roswell season one, episode ten and I can't find it, it plays when Liz and Max dance. What is the title of the song and who sung it?
6 years ago
The song is called “Don’t Even Start” by Dan Mackenzie. It took me a minute to find it😂
5 years ago
What song when Max and Liz kissing before Liz drops strawberries?? Now that was the best song of the episode and you forgot?? It's not Sex & Candy, but, a faster tempo song sung by a female singer.
6 years ago
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