2014 28 Songs
Liz & Max drive away after switching the diamond.
Max hands Liz the gun.
Liz is freed from jail; Max stares up at the stars.
FBI Agent Burns introduces himself to Max; Max returns to the Quick Stop to find the spaceship missing.
Michael talks to his teacher about Bio101.
Max & Liz prepare to hold up the 24 Hour Sam's Quick Shop.
Kyle & Isabel discuss Jesse.
Liz gets a message from Max.
Jim Valenti & The Kit Shickers perform at Cow Patty's.
Michael & the guys at Meta-Chem.
Max goes to the Crashdown to talk to Mr. Parker.
Isabel talks to Alex in the mirror about Jesse's proposal.
Isabel accepts Jesse's proposal.
Maria & Michael on their date at the bowling alley.
Jesse's daydream.
Isabel & Jesse go to the movies.
Liz talks to her dad.
Jesse gives Isabel an engagement ring.
Liz & Kyle talk to Mrs. Copendale.
Isabel talks to Michael and then a wedding planner.
At the end when Max returns from his trip and goes to the Crashdown
Mrs. Evans asks Michael to retrieve a pan; Maria & Liz discuss Isabel's wedding announcement.
Max talks about his roadtrip and reaffirms his love for Liz.
The wedding reception.
Jim Valenti tells Maria he can play at the wedding; Isabel asks Jim to give her away.
Isabel & Jesse exchange vows.
La Jolla hotel bedroom.
Maria tells Liz that her dad and Mr. Evans are up to something.
Kyle, Max, Michael, Liz & Maria look for Kivar in Kyle's wedding video.
Isabel & Jesse dance at the La Jolla Hotel; Jesse is drugged and becomes sick; Kivar dances with Isabel.
End montage; Maria breaks up with Michael.
Michael asks Maria to tell Billy to leave.
Max & Liz at the law office; Michael, Liz, Maria & Kyle talk about Billy coming; eggs explode.
Michael wants to make up for missing dinner with Billy & Maria; salad explodes onto Maria.
Michael sees Maria & Billy at her home and walks away; car windows explode and car alarms go off.
Michael & Liz talk; sugar containers explode.
Max & Liz skate; end montage.
Max tells Liz about Samuel's drawing; Liz notes it's similarity to the spaceship mural on the Crashdown wall.
Max asks Michael about his breakup with Maria; they join Maria, Liz, Jesse & Isabel at the Crashdown.
Max & Maria enter the Crashdown singing.
Max, Michael & Maria show up at the frat party.
Michael sees a frat jock grab Maria's butt.
Kyle & Isabel return to the car.
Maria & Max figure out the location for the Enigma concert.
Liz's dad sings in the Crashdown; repeats as everyone gathers on New Year's Day.
Max & Maria walk up the hill to the Enigma concert.
Michael gets drunk.
Kyle & Isabel arrive at the frat party.
Isabel tells Max he doesn't need a chaperone.
Isabel & Max discuss telling Jesse their secret.
Jesse's friend plays this CD; Isabel brings in pillows & blankets.
Jesse tells Eric that Max & Isabel have unusual powers.
Liz rides a bus to boarding school.
Maria, Dominque & Adam listen to the remix.
Maria records a song.
Maria & Valenti sing.
Kyle & Liz discuss what she told Max in the desert.
Maria chooses clothes and talks about Michael with Liz.
Maria thanks Valenti for the music exposure; Michael tells Maria he arranged for Jesse to look over her contract.
Liz arrives at Winnamon Academy.
Liz meets her roommate who begins smoking as they talk.
Maria, Dominque & Adam listen to the new version of Maria's song.
Shots of New York as Liz reads Maria's letter.
Dean Hackett knocks on the door and Liz covers for Eileen's smoking.
Maria plays a CD as Clayton-Max arrives at the dorm.
Clayton-Max takes Maris to bed; repeated at end of episode as Maria, Max & Liz walk together.
The junkyard.
Michael power trips about being king and forces Maria to leave the car.
Max asks Liz out; Jeff enters then leaves.
Mr. Evans interrogates Jesse; Mrs. Evans tries to persuade Isabel to spend the night at home with her.
Liz teases Max; Maria complains about Michael not apologizing for kicking her out of the car.
Maria waits on Major Carlson & his henchman; Michael pulls Maria into the back room to plan.
Isabel uses her powers to vent her anxiety; montage.
Max & Liz say goodbye to Max's son.
Max & Liz make out; Jesse & Isabel argue.
Maria & Liz discuss Liz's premonitions; Liz gets a letter from Northwestern.
Liz & Max talk about Liz going to Northwestern.
The van drives away with everyone it in; Liz's voice over.
Max & Liz try to trigger another premonition.
The group decides to go their separate ways.
2022 74 Songs
#2Grey's Anatomy
2005 1952 Songs
2021 93 Songs
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