#1The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
Max touches Liz's arm outside the Crashdown.
A geologist walks up to Alex & Isabel at the Crashdown.
Nasedo-Pierce enters the Crashdown.
Maria & Liz drive past Max walking with Tess.
Max finishes his 'I'm coming for you' speech; Tess tells Max it isn't over.
Kyle is awoken by his alarm clock.
The girls dance in the Crashdown.
Kyle gets off the bus to wait for Sheriff Valenti.
Max tells Isabel to stop seeing Grant.
Mrs. Evans overhears Kyle & Michael talking.
Isabel tells Michael & Max about her visions of Tess; Liz talks about Whitaker; Max & Michael leave.
Alex dances at Isabel's party.
The beginning of Isabel's party.
Isabel opens her presents.
Courtney finds Michael making a cake.
Liz finishes filing as Whitaker enters & ends up inviting herself to Isabel's party.
Hal & Rosemary in her bedroom.
The group arrives at school.
Maria waits on Michael & Hal.
Hal returns to the bar for his usual after being forced to resign.
Hal & Richie discuss what they should do.
Richie drinks beer & talks to Hal.
Hal meets Betty; Betty wants Hal to talk to nurse Yvonne White.
Maria asks Michael not to be a jerk; Courtney slaps Michael's rear.
Max serenades Liz with a Marichi band.
Liz & Future Max have their 'wedding dance' on the roof.
Michael gives Courtney a ride home.
Maria, Alex & Liz drive to the psychic; repeated when Liz & Kyle get into bed together.
Max see Liz & Kyle in bed.
Max, Tess & Isabel visit Whitaker's parent's house.
Liz tells Maris to step on the gas.
Sheriff Valenti, Isabel, Liz, Maria & Kyle rejoice at having everyone back.
Liz tells Max about how her mother liked to listen to Elvis Costello on laundry day.
Max & Isabel talk with their mother, then she disappears.
Max & Liz have an awkward conversation at the Crashdown.
'The Dupes' steal a car.
Maria tells Michael to include pepper jack on the sub for Brody.
Max, Tess, Rath & Lonnie leave for New York.
Maria & Brody's breakfast scene.
'The Dupes' drive to Roswell.
'The Dupes' walk down the streets of New York; repeated when Rath pushes Zan in front of a truck.
Max thanks Liz for saving his life and asks if she really slept with Kyle.
Max is tested to see if he is the king.
Rath & Lonnie take Max & Tess to their 'home'.
Max & Michael pick out a Christmas tree.
Max & the 'ghost' talk.
Jim, Amy, Kyle & Tess have dinner.
Tess' 'Hello, I'm here' scene.
Michael looks for a Christmas gift for Maria at the hardware store with Isabel.
Marie & Liz talk in the park.
Michael & Maris talk at the Crashdown.
Michael gives Maria her Christmas present.
Max heals the children at the hospital.
Liz' dream.
Kyle & Tess have breakfast at the Crashdown.
Maria tells Sean their 'house rules'.
Max, Isabel & Sheriff Valenti save the girl.
Sheriff Valenti talks to Mrs. Foster.
Sheriff Valenti & Mrs. Deluca kiss.
Liz, Sean & the mustard.
Liz & Alex look at slides.
Isabel, Liz, Maria & Alex celebrate Alex's return.
Alex returns to school.
Isabel & Grant's 'starting over' conversation.
Maria's little 'speech' to Laurie.
Alex & Kyle sing in the underground cave.
Maria & Michael discuss Laurie.
Michael, Maria & Laurie have dinner.
Laurie & Michael talk.
Maria & Michael lounge by the pool.
Maria sings on stage.
Liz & Tess scene.
Michael hands out the cash and fake IDs.
Shots of Las Vegas.
Maria unknowingly auditions to be a stripper.
Michael & Max talk.
Maria, Isabel, Tess & Liz enter the gambling room.
Maria asks Liz 'why, why, why' in the Jetta outsides Max's home.
Michael arrives at the prom.
At the Crashdown just before the prom.
Liz & Sean kiss in his car.
Everyone enters the prom.
Max & Michael talk about Max's newly found memories.
Sean & Liz at the bowling alley.
Sean drives Liz to school.
Max & Liz dance.
Alex & Isabel kiss.
Maria sings during Alex's funeral.
Liz sees Alex's locker the morning after the accident.
Isabel's first dream when Alex dies.
Alex & Isabel talk on the phone.
Isabel's second dream after Alex dies.
Liz looks at pictures of Alex at the Crashdown.
Max & Michael discuss movies.
Opening scenes.
Maria talks about the collage at the yearbook meeting.
Max sends Michael to convince Isabel not to go to college in San Francisco.
Max & Tess scenes; Liz at the airport.
Michael talks to Amy and uses his powers to fix the disposal.
Max & Tess walk down the hallway at school.
Performed at Las Cruces.
Max gets angry and throws trash around.
Max & Michael pick up their yearbooks.
Max & Tess wake up 'the morning after'.
Isabel makes snow fall; Michael talks about the decrypted destiny book.
Maria returns the picture of Brody's daughter, and Brody says he somewhat remembers her helping him during his 'abduction'.
Isabel visits Alex's grave.
Max kisses Liz in his jeep.
Max & Michael meet Liz & Maria at the Crashdown.
#1The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
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