Promised Land Season 1 Soundtrack
Promised Land Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 A Place Called Heritage
S1:EP2 La Madrugada (Day Break)
While getting dressed, Lettie reflects on her younger years.
This is the starting song. Carmen is having sex with this guy.
The Sandoval family enjoys a quiet morning meal. If Lettie has any information that could lead them back to their past, Joe asks.
Margaret and Antonio get together to discuss their scheme to harm Joe.
By the pool, Joe and Veronica converse. Lettie meets Billy at the church.
Margaret used to invite Letti, Billy, and Joe to her pool when they were younger.
When Margaret's father returned home, he discovered Margaret, Letti, Joe, and Billy having fun in her pool.
S1:EP3 La Lucha
Daniella declines Mateo's invitation to join him for the family supper.
After a tense business meeting, Joe exited.
During dinner, Daniella and Joe connect and have a conversation.
S1:EP4 El Regalo
Letti, Joe, and Billy were on their way to save Rosa, Letti's sister. They sing for a while when the song comes on the car music.
Margret approaches Vi at Carmen's birthday celebration.
Joe is asked to dance by Margret. They are being watched by all.
At Carmen's party, Mateo and Daniella have a kiss.
S1:EP5 Los Rivales
Scene from the past was shown when Joe and Billy's father visited the vineyard for the first time.
Lettie and Carmen relax by the pool. Mateo offers them a sip of his wine.
Antonio and Veronica compete in a wine tasting.
In the hopes that her father wouldn't interrupt, Margaret asked her new acquaintances to a second dinner party when they were younger.
Mateo, Antonio, Carmen, and Veronica are having fun. When Junior shows up, they go for a ride.
They are having breakfast as a family. The five siblings are incredibly hungover from yesterday night's party. Billy was invited to breakfast by Joe.
S1:EP6 El Cuchicheo
Mateo proposed to Daniella in the previous scene in order to keep her from being deported.
Letti and Billy haven't told Joe about their love since they were little.
Billy's initial declaration of love to Lettie is shown to us. Joe was about to tell her the same thing at the same time.
Joe had climbed Margret's window when they were younger. It was the first night of their relationship.
S1:EP7 El Mejor De Los Tiempos
Veronica boxes as a way to vent her fury.
Rosa had pushed Letti to enroll in junior college when they were younger, but Letti had chosen to stay on the vineyard and continue teaching.
Margaret approaches Veronica in the previous scene, promising to assist her in getting a suitable divorce lawyer.
It is discovered by Joe and Antonio that the bones in the vineyard belonged to Joe's father.
S1:EP8 La Verdad Te Hara Libre
Tomas and Veronica complete the agreement. They make love after she shows him the wine cellar.
S1:EP9 La Cosecha
It's harvest season at the vineyard. Leti reminisces about her early years spent with Joe.
When Joe was younger and trying to start a revolution at the vineyard, he got beat up.
Leti split from Joe. Gathering her brothers and sisters, Veronica devised a strategy to take on Heritage House.
S1:EP10 El Mejor De Los Tiempos
While Joe and Billy prepare the grill, Lettie heads inside to get some plates.
At the celebration, fireworks are popping off and everyone is dancing and having a great time.
Lettie runs into Billy in the bathroom when she is crying, and he pops the question.
After Joe leaves, Margaret pours herself a glass of wine and informs her that he is done with Heritage House and wants her to buy him out.
Carmen drinks and browses through her phone as she sits by the pool.
Scenes from Lettie and Billy's wedding; Joe kisses Margaret goodbye and agrees to speak with her father; Lettie bids Billy farewell and decides to stick by him this time; Joe meets Lettie and her new business partner, who offers him a dozen rows to cultivate anything he wants.
Kevin Kiner, Gustavo Santaolalla