American Crime Story Season 3 Soundtrack
American Crime Story Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 Exiles
The barista hands Monica the latte and afterwards Monica attends a workout class.
Paula walking home to her apartment with her child; a roller-skater is carrying a boombox which is playing this song.
Linda walks into her office in the West Wing.
S3:EP2 The President Kissed Me
Monica hugs Bill Clinton on TV.
Linda watching Bill Clinton dancing with Hilary at the inaugural ball.
Linda watching Bill Clinton's inaugural ball on TV
S3:EP3 Not to be Believed
At the CBS gift shop, Matt talks to a young college student about the man on the poster.
At the party, Ann Coulter meets Matt Drudge.
S3:EP4 The Telephone Hour
Linda arrives at her house and asks her daughter for help with groceries.
S3:EP5 Do You Hear What I Hear?
December 1997 - At a bar, Jack Tapper's friend convinces to him to approach Monica.
Monica arrives at Linda's party and looks around for Linda.
Monica becomes increasingly anxious at Linda's party.
Monica pulls Linda aside and tells her about the subpoena.
Linda spending time with her children while Monica leaves a voice message on Linda's phone.
S3:EP6 Man Handled
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP7 The Assassination of Monica Lewinsky
Footage of Bill Clinton talking to Monica outside the White House.
S3:EP8 Stand By Your Man
Bill and Hillary arriving at the Vineyard residence.
Hillary has a personal moment.
S3:EP9 The Grand Jury
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP10 The Wilderness
During the Paula Jones psychic commercial.
During the Matt Drudge Fox News report with Ann Coulter.
At a bar, a bar patrons tells the bartender to switch channels from the Clinton report to the Grammys.