Superman & Lois Season 1 Soundtrack
Superman & Lois Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Jordan arrives at the bonfire to meet with Sarah.
Jordan and Sarah discuss their issues.
S1:EP2 Heritage
The Kent family arrive at the Crushing's family home for a barbecue.
As she gets a burger, Lois challenges Kyle on his thoughts about Morgan Edge.
S1:EP3 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower
Jordan "pushes" back with his "skills" during football team try-outs to show those that pushed him that he can also push back.
At Victoria Mayo's diner, Jordan, Sarah and Jonathan discuss Jordan suddenly becoming Mr. All-American football player then Sarah's break up with Sean and her quitting the cheerleading squad.
Jordan plays video games when Jonathan comes to tell him that he can quit the football team now that their dad has found out about it.
S1:EP5 The Best of Smallville
A drunk Kyle sings a old song he used to sing to Sarah to her which causes Sarah to become perturbed and leave her family's home.
Lana lies to a family friend about Kyle's whereabouts; Sarah offers to buy Jordan elephant ears after telling him not to trust the festivals food.
S1:EP6 Broken Trust
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP7 Man of Steel
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP8 Holding the Wrench
(Dick Van Dyke cover) Jonathan finds Jordan still at the school; Jordan tells Jon that he's there to cheer on Sarah.
(Amos Lee cover) Jordan helps out Sarah on piano when her father fails to show up for their talent show performance audition; Sarah sings during her audition.
S1:EP9 Loyal Subjekts
The school bus unloads at Smallville High, Jordan and Jonathan follow their schoolmates off; Sarah is dropped off at school by her father, Kyle.
(Amos Lee cover) With Jordan missing in-action, Kyle takes over for him, to play the piano for Sarah after giving her courage that she go on; Sarah sings during the talent show.
(Run River North cover) Emily and Duc Phan watch as their daughter, Avery, sings on-stage at the talent show; Sarah and Kyle return from backstage to Lana; Emily hears the "call" from Morgan Edge, her other persona takes over and leaves; Lana attempts to get Emily to stay to watch her daughter but she leaves, Kyle offers to follow after her for Lana.
S1:EP10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP11 A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP12 Through the Valley of Death
Lana and Sara attempt to remove the graffiti from their but fail, Kyle returns to help and as he does their attempt of a cleanup turns into a playful water fight.
S1:EP13 Fail Safe
The radio plays as Tegan drives herself and Jonathan away from school as they ditch in lieu of spending the away from the trouble an gossip at school.
S1:EP14 The Eradicator
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP15 Last Sons of Krypton
The Lang-Cushing family have a barbecue at their home for the town to celebrate the victory over Morgan Edge; Lana tells Clark that she and her family are staying in town and that they mended their bonds with friends and townfolk.