The Last Dance Soundtrack
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Season 1
Episode 8 • Episode VIII
Super Bon Bon
Soul Coughing
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Down With the King
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Blahzay Blahzay
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José González
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5 years ago
¿Cómo se llama la canción que suena durante el resumen del 4° partido entre Hornets y Bulls en este episodio? Está a partir del minuto 10 del capítulo
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5 years ago
Hi, wondering the same about that song, around 37.20 when Grant talks about the Bulls beating Magic. There is a drum-piano beat really nice. Starting to think if it's not just a theme song for the serie.. Please let me know if someone finds it!! Thanks
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5 years ago
Episode 8 when the scene of labradfordsmith comes does anybody know about the beat ? I wanna know the beat it was drum or piano idk please tell
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5 years ago
What’s the piano song name after the bulls lost to the orlando magic?
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5 years ago
Same question as above -- at the 40min mark of Episode 8 while Horace Grant is talking from about 40:00-40:50 it's not an actual song its just a drum beat with a very cool sounding piano over it ... I went through the Spotify songs and looked through the credits, its not one of the four songs listed.
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5 years ago
There is a consistent theme song playing in the background throughout episode 8 - particularly around the 40 min mark when he whoops the Magic - anyone know what that is?
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5 years ago
step into a world by krs-one
5 years ago
What's the sing when they come back on 96' can't find it on here
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