Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Soundtrack
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Say the Words
A Spree witch walks off after causing a large group of people to jump to their deaths, then uses fire to change her face as she drives off; [0:56] repeats as Scylla changes face as Raelle walks to her door.
Opening titles; [0:11] repeats as the girls pledge their oaths.
Tally, Abigail and Raelle sit around a candle in their room and talk about their family's military service.
Montage of the girls training as Anacostia talks about The Spree.
Scylla gives Raelle government-issue Salva, then they start to float after taking it.
Official Trailer, extended version, song #1.
'A Legacy Passed From Mother To Daughter' promo.
Official Trailer, March 18 premiere & 'It's Life Or Death ' promo.
Official Trailer, extended version, song #2.
'This Land Is Your Land', 'Called to Greatness', 'Meet What's Coming' & 'This Land' promos.
S1:EP2 My Witches
The re-enactment continues with the signing of the Salem Accord.
A man bumps into Tally and Glory as they leave the re-enactment.
S1:EP3 A Biddy's Life
Scylla casts a spell on Porter while kissing him.
S1:EP4 Hail Beltane
Raelle joins Tally and Abigail at the Beltane celebration; Tally gets advice on guys from Berryessa and Abigail.
Parker's friend gives Raelle drink, thanks her for trying to save Porter, then expresses disbelief at Porter committing suicide.
Couples hook up after The Reel; continues as Petra and Anacostia check the dorm room mirros; the necromancers start the ritual to open the death current.
S1:EP5 Bellweather Season
The guests assemble for the wedding procession.
Abigail mingles with the guests, then takes Raelle and Tally to task for over-indulging thesmelves; Abigail expresses her condolences to General Clary.
Raelle and Scylla dance together as they notice Anacostia watching them; [0:24] continues as Raelle goes to confront Anacostia, Tally tells Raelle she needs her.
Tally drags Gerit away for a kiss, where he tries, but fails, to tell her he's engaged.
Petra introduces the girls to the Dean of War College; Raelle follows Tally when she runs off.
Scylla tries to take Raelle to the extraction point, but Scylla asks her to dance instead; Abigail confront her mother about her only worth being her name; Tally tells Anacostia that she thinks Scylla is Spree; Scylla remembers her time with Raelle as the clock tolls 6 pm, then declares her love.
Scylla remembers her time with Raella as the clock tolls 6 pm, then declares her love.
Petra looks up and sees balloons heading for the house.
A large cluster of blue balloons appear over the wedding celebrations.
A battered Abigail emerges from the house and informs the girls that Charvel is dead; Raelle notices the charm she gave Scylla laying on the ground.
S1:EP6 Up is Down
Tarim witch Adil carries his sick sister to a U.S. military outpost.
Abigail flashes back to finding Charvel in the tub, as she's questioned about coming across the Spree couple.
Tally and Abigail discover their stash of Salva missing from their room; Raelle takes a handful of Salva and attempts to float her way to Scylla's lighthouse.
Tally and Abigail find Raelle unconscious on the shore, then comfort her when she collapses in the water.
S1:EP7 Mother Mycelium
The girls and Adil wath Khalida after Raelle uses her healing abilities on her.
Anacostia reads Scylla's memories of being give her first Spree assignment.
S1:EP8 Citydrop
Anacostia and the recruits take on the Spree trucks.
Abigail, Raelle and Tally watch as a flag is folded over Libba's casket.
S1:EP9 Coup
Abigail speaks at Libba's funeral.
Alder and the Biddies take control of President Wade during her national address.
S1:EP10 Witchbomb
Lynn, MA - A female soccer player uses the ball to release a spell in a stadium.
Raelle reads the letter from her mother.
While trying to leave, the group is attacked by The Camarilla.
Tally offers herself up to replace one of the dying Biddies.
A black plume explodes from Raelle and Abigail's linked hands; vegetation blooms behind them as they walk.
Anacostia follows Scylla to a Spree safehouse; Scylla is accused of failing to bring Raelle to The Spree.