NOS4A2 Season 1 Soundtrack
NOS4A2 Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 The Shorter Way
Danny hears music outside, find a candy cane on the front step, then is lured to The Wraith by a pile of presents in the backseat; continues as Ives kills Mrs. Moore.
Haverhill, MA - Vic helps her mom by cleaning up in Willa's room.
Vic sketches in her room as her parents argue downstairs about a credit card.
Manx's car radio cuts out as Vic enters the covered bridge; [0:15] repeats after Vic leaves the bridge, as the static stops on Manx's car radio.
Lake Winnipesaukee - While at lunch at Aunt Carrie's Restaurant, Vic's dad looks through her sketchbook and comments on the bridge drawing.
Vic is greeted by Mrs. Brewster who then hands her the lost credit card; Willa introduces Vic to her friends.
After walking away from Drew, Mrs. Brewster suggests Vic's mom might need a women's shelter.
As they sit around a campfire, Chris leads the hotel guests in a rendition of The Beatles song; Vic notices the bruise on her mother's cheek.
Vic sees her father hanging out at Tiffany's house.
S1:EP2 The Graveyard Of What Might Be
Bing follows the sound of music upstairs, then sees a vision of his parents dancing; [0:08] repeats as the radio at Bing's job starts turns on.
Bing turns around and sees Danny holding out an invitation to Christmasland; [0:16] repeats as Manx tells Bing to get in The Wraith.
Vic arrives at Tiffany's place and finds her father playing around with a topless Tiffany in the backyard.
S1:EP3 The Gas Mask Man
The security guard's music changes, then the video feeds go blank as he goes to change the song.
Haverhill, MA - Jolene awakens in her bed in the Essex County Psych Ward.
A psych ward security guard listens to music while working on a Sudoku puzzle.
Vic packs up her portfolio and gets ready to leave for RISD.
Vic and Drew explore the RISD campus.
Bing carries an unconscious Haley to The Wraith.
Vic arrives at Haley's house and finds Mittens dead.
S1:EP4 The House Of Sleep
Sugarcreek, PA - Christmas 1978 - Bing receives a gas mask from his father for Christmas.
A teenaged Bing gets tired of his father's disparaging remarks and shoots him with a nail gun; [0:33] repeats as Bing remembers his mom consoling him and then trying to kiss her.
Haley wakes up in the backseat of The Wraith, then Manx reassures her that he'd never hurt her.
Manx taps out the song on his dashboard while talking with Haley.
S1:EP5 The Wraith
Montage of Vic putting in her headphones, heading out to the garage and spending all night making linocut prints of Manx and The Wraith.
Hark! The herald angels sing
Hereford Cathedral Choir, directed by Roy Massey & Huw Williams & organist
Bing hides behind a chair in his basement as his stereo turns on and the lights flicker, announcing Manx's arrival.
Vic takes Maggie to Willa's party and gulps back two drinks; Willa sits down with Maggie, as Vic joins Drew.
S1:EP6 The Dark Tunnels
Saugus, MA 1954 - Jolene takes a break from her diner job to talk with Manx; Jolene's co-workers watch as she turns down his proposal; [0:19] repeats as Jolene gestures for Vic to come closer to her bed; [0:25] Manx awakens in his car as the stereo turns on; [0:34] Vic returns Jolene to her room and turns on the radio; [0:43] Vic dumps her pills in the sink.
Vic returns to her hospital room to find an orderly changing Jolene's sheets; [0:18] repeats as Jolene asks Vic to get her 'skates' so they can leave.
S1:EP7 Scissors For The Drifter
Vic receives a call from Haley.
Vic and her dad wander around the motorcycle show.
Vic returns to the table and finds Craig sitting with her dad, then she confronts Chris about the real reason behind him buying Big Red.
Craig follows Vic as she storms off after the confrontation with her father, then asks if she's okay.
Maggie finds a note on Joe's police car window; Manx and Bing arrive at the entrance to Christmasland.
Manx releases Joe from The Wraith's trunk.
Manx honks The Wraith's horn to call the children.
S1:EP8 Parnassus
Chris arrives at the party and announces he quit drinking.
A jukebox starts to go static-y as Manx approaches the bar.
The music changes and customers flee as Manx walks through the bar.
Manx tells Abe about Vic, then Abe advises him to kill her.
S1:EP9 Sleigh House
Craig arrives at Bing's house and attacks him with a baseball bat.
Vic enters the Sleigh House and searches for the keys to The Wraith.
S1:EP10 Gunbarrel
Vic takes a motorcyle and drives to where the covered bridge used to stand; Maggie joins Vic at the river.
Vic hears Haley and Millie singing as she picks up one of the Christmas ornaments near the Sleigh House.