Deadly Class Season 1 Soundtrack
Deadly Class Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Reagan Youth
San Fransisco, 1987 - Yesterday - Saya watches from a rooftop as Marcus walks down the street, avoiding the cops; montage of Marcus living on the street.
Marcus runs from the cops, then Saya offers him a ride on her motorcycle.
Marcus is welcomed into Kings Dominion.
Marcus cleans up, gets dressed for school and is equiped with school supplies.
Marcus walks through the school cafeteria and is joined by Billy.
Billy takes Marcus to 'The Graveyard'.
Billy changes the music; Lex offers Marcus a joint; Petra asks Marcus what inspires him; [1:09] repeats during end credits.
Willie drives Marcus around while talking about the girls at school.
Willie and Marcus burn Rory's body in a dumpster; Marcus admits he has nowhere to go except Kings Dominion.
Master Lin tells Saya that Marcus is her next assignment; Marcus joins the others for a party in The Graveyard.
S1:EP2 Noise, Noise, Noise
Maria comments on Saya's closeness to Marcus, then Saya brings up the secrets that Maria is keeping.
Shabnam freaks out about the destruction the students have wreaked on the house; Willie tells Marcus he looks like a fool for listen to music on headphones while at a party.
Lex starts insulting people just as Billy tries to talk to Petra; Marcus tells off Lex.
Dwight offers Marcus a joint; Shabnam reveals the truth about Lex's father.
S1:EP3 Snake Pit
Maria listens to music in her room, as Chico knocks on the door.
Lex delivers packages via skateboard; montage of dye packs exploding in students' faces.
Students dance and get their photo taken at the Legacy Party; Viktor leads Petra onto the dancefloor.
Billy and Marcus hangout in The Graveyard, then are joined by Lex, who attempts to set off fireworks.
Chico shows up at the dance as Maria and Saya are dancing; Chico tells Saya that Maria is playing her; Viktor leads Petra to Brandy and her girls; Brandy shows off the re-made Petra.
Billy puts on a song and slow dances with Petra.
S1:EP4 Mirror People
Dwight dances around in his underwear, then lies down on the floor.
Master Lin walks through the Smile... Diner, eyeing the customers' weapons.
Chico turns on a stereo; the students are attacked by a pair of sword-wielding masked men.
The students try to fight off the masked men, then make a run for it.
S1:EP5 Saudade
Maria and Saya do snort cocaine off a bathroom counter, then join the guys in the bar; Saya takes Marcus to task for getting his own drugs; Marcus fails to purchase some drinks, then takes seven hits of acid.
The group looks around as they drive through Las Vegas; a still tripping Marcus is entranced by the city lights; the group arrives at the Big Top casino.
Marcus watches his past reality projected onto his current reality in the form of a 60s tv show.
Chico chases Marcus through the hotel hallways and into a convenience store.
Chico goes to shoot Marcus in the head, then Maria steps in and slices his throat with her fan; the group runs off, then Chester finds Chico's body.
The group drives back to Kings Dominion in silence; end credits.
S1:EP6 Stigmata Martyr
Marcus' voice over about what's happened since their trip to Las Vegas and how he's worried about how Maria is coping with the pressure.
Marcus making mix tape for Maria. Honestly, doesn't sound like this song, but Shabnam mentions it by name when discussing the mix tape.
Saya and Petra discuss the Voltron anime, until they're interrupted by Billy; a giddy Maria joins Marcus on the roof and asks him to dance.
Maria puts on a tape in her room and ends up looking through a photo album of her family.
Maria pleads with Marcus to forgive him, then they end up having sex in The Graveyard.
S1:EP7 Rise Above
Maria slashes Yukio's thoart in the bathroom of a club.
S1:EP8 The Clampdown
Lex breathes in crazy glue fumes while ranting about how everyone are idiots; Petra turns down Lex's advances.
Petra starts taking off her clothes after Billy and Lex agree to a threesome, then almost immediately Lin knocks on the door announcing the lock down is over.
Marcus tells Maria he got caught trying to sneak out and see her; Saya reminds Marcus that people are out to help themselves; Willie tells Saya he's taking her advice about being more honest; Marcus tells the group he considers them his family, then admits to the truth about the boys home and Chester.
S1:EP9 Kids of the Black Hole
Billy sings while standing outside a club with Lex and Petra as they wait for Saya and Marcus.
Saya convinces Marcus to stay and listen to the band perform, then he follows her into the dance mob.
As they smoke cigarettes after the concert, Marcus asks Saya to talk about herself, then she kisses him.
Marcus craps his pants while working at the comic book store, then runs in the back to clean himself up.
S1:EP10 Sink With California
Lin makes a run for it with his daughter as a pair of cars pull up shooting at them.
Lex is snagged and pulled away from Billy; Saya and Marcus take on members of Chester's group; Lex is chased by a guy wielding a chainsaw.
The group continues to fight Chester's hillbill henchmen; Diablo's man sets Lin's jacket on fire; Marcus searches for Chester.
Chester talks about society's love of monsters on his 'talk show'.
Chester talks about society's love of monsters on his "talk show".
Master Gao tells Lin she's taking Nahia to the Temple for The Exam; Marcus apologizes to Maria for sleeping with Saya.