#1La La Land
2016 77 Songs
In the town square, Josie and Finch meet up after a heavy day where they discuss the emotional turmoil that Finch has been feeling since gaining knowledge of the Gemini curse/merger, the discuss results in the two end their relationship.
Josie and Finch have a romantic interlude after saving the day together.
Hope dances with a woman at a bar and prepares to feed on her when Rebekah arrives.
Rebekah attempts to prove that she's not an "old" by having a "drink" with Hope; Ethan works out at the school gym when his new powers begins to fritz off and on causing him to loss control of the barbell only to be saved by Finch.
Back inside of Alaric's mind, Lizzie and MG manage to finally find Alaric inside the memory of Lizzie and Josie's birth at Whitmore Hospital.
Cleo and Kaleb finally trail Hope to the bar where they find the chard remains of the bartender; finishing up their investigation, Cleo and Kaleb have a drink together.
(Fayetteville, Georgia) Trudy makes a celebratory cake for her boyfriends two-week anniversary; Clarke's finishes dressing him finding Trudy in the kitchen baking where gives him a key to her home when Hope Mikaelson.
As Josie and MG watch and control the course the rest of the Super Squad of Jed, Kaleb, Ethan and Wade attempt to work on their teamwork and their abilities to that they can beat Hope; Kaleb runs off in an attempt to be the leader of the Squad in Hope absence.
Finch comes to a brooding Josie and attempts to help her with her own issues while Lizzie is away in the therapy box.
Finding her resolution within the walls of the Therapy Box, Lizzie leaves with her promise to up an end to Hope reign of terror and her life; Hope finally trumping her friends and forcing them to give her the Alaric's hunting weapons leaves the Salvatore school in search of the Tribrid faction.
[inside the Therapy Box] Josie and Finch make out in a storage closet at the Mikaelson Memorial Hospital then stop after Josie's is page to work; as Josie exist the storage closet, MG, Lizzie and Ethan exit the adjacent closet from their own make out session.
The witch of the Tribrid faction enjoys and afternoon poolside when its interrupted by Hope.
Hope arrives at a wolf den's bar in search of the Alpha Werewolf of the Tribrid faction.
[inside the Therapy Box] Finch arrives back to the hospital where she finds Josie there and finally able to make it for their date; Josie decides to leave the box with the boxes exit word 'Solus'; Josie wakes from the box with Finch by her side who embraces her.
S4E9 [Mid-season finale] "I Can't Be the One to Stop You" Promo
At the bus stop outside the Salvatore School, Finch assures Josie that the therapy box was that she needs to go if she believes that it will help her and the others but that she needs to stay for herself and pack, they kiss goodbye as the Josie bus arrives.
As she rides the bus out of town, Josie is visited by Lizzie through their mental bond to assure her that nothing is wrong with her and asks her to continue on her mission as she will do the same as they've both made chooses they need to follow through with chooses then reminds her that no matter what that she is loved.
At a diner, Aurora burns through stolen inspiration from Cleo researching the Gods when a waitress asks her to make an order which she replies by attempting to drink from her.
Alaric and Ted wildly drink and dance at Zeid's bar in Limbo ramping up the place and its patrons onto the dance floor to dance with them while Landon drinks alone.
In the Underworld bar, Ted, Alaric, and Landon talk to Zied about their next wish.
Landon, Alaric and Ted discuss plan their next wish by planning how to defeat Zeid; Alaric takes time to drink by himself to brood over the event that have presided since his coma when Zeid offers him a stronger drink.
Landon and Ted return to Alaric after gathering intel from conversations with the bars' other patrons about Zeid and their own experiences with his wishes.
Returning the diner, Lizzie apologizes to Aurora for judging her because of her mental conditions without knowing the true causes then offers her a plan to fix the past.
Hope lazily walks down a road when a man stops his car before almost hitting her; Hope finds herself have a shade of emotions again which leads her to wax philosophical to the man before prompting with a question about murderous intent before feeding on him; After feeding on the man, Hope continues onward into Mystic Falls.
Reeling from his encounter with the venom of the Clown monster, Jed, find resolve in his visions enough to confess not only how he activated his werewolf curse and his childhood romantic feelings for his best-friend, Trey, but his growing feelings for Ben which he informs Ben of then kisses him; Hope finds Alaric in his office pouring himself a drink, breaking his sobriety promise earlier made.
Cleo gifts Kaleb with the knowledge to trust not only in himself but her as well then asks for him not stand in front of her to protect but by her side to fight with her; Hope broods in room while in bed after her attack by the monster Clown and her encounter with the monsters' venom's tortuous visions when MG knocks on her rooms' door.
At the Old Mill, Jed and Ben have drinks together after the day of battle simulations with the Super Squad; the boys discuss the revelations they had during practice for the coming battle; Jed promises a refill on drink before leaving to check in on Finch.
S04E15 'Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found' trailer
In Kaleb's hometown of Atlanta, Kaleb has his first official date with Cleo then informs her that he's brought her to his hometown to meet with someone who can help with her powers.
As Hope attempts to get away from her aunt Rebekah she is stopped by a passing parade; Rebekah informs Hope that the parade is for her fathers, Niklaus, funeral celebration.
At the Torch N Toke, Jen finishes up work on a new bong when Lizzie arrives and tells her of her partnership breakup with Aurora then offers her her extra ticket to Monstruckpocalypse.
Lizzie returns to the Salvatore School with Jen; MG and Alaric embrace Lizzie, stopping her from leaving again; Ben arrives at a distant location in a semi-truck with the God coffins, stopping he opens up one with Jen's skeleton key; Hope awakens in the transition space with her humanity on once again but also finds her darker self still alive in her mind.
Kaleb returns to his and Cleo's table at the Mystic Grill with drinks and reports of a tow truck to pick up his car; a fearful Cleo shows Kaleb her sketched out visions of the future vision.
MG and Lizzie.
Ethan boards the bus out of town after he and MG stay their goodbyes; (continues) Hope and Lizzie confirm the plan then find that Alaric has gathered the last of the school students for a party to create memories.
Alaric asks Lizzie to have the future father-daughter dance he'll know they'll have together at her bug ostentatious wedding in the future, he pulls her into a dance.
Landon acceptance his role as ferryman of the afterlife just as Ethan arrives at the bar.
Hope uses a summoning spell to summon the ferryman of the Dead; (repeats) [0:10] Landon disappears as talks with Ethan about the afterlife appearing before Hope at the school.
Ethan and Landon talk and drink when Landon is summoned away.
Jed and Ben kiss as they celebration their plan on finding out who they are now that their curses are gone; Hope attempts to spread her fathers ashes lakeside when Landon appears and takes her away; MG seeks out a plan to save the school when Lizzie comes to talk.
End montage.
Michael Suby
The CW
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