2023 91 Songs
Landon writes in his notebook when Hope and Alaric to arrive; a priest tries to exorcise a young man turning into a werewolf.
Lizzie uses her telekinetic powers to smash dishes in the kitchen.
Josie uses her powers to summon Landon from his cell to a party; Rafael shows Landon around the party, then Landon sneaks off while he's occupied.
Josie and Penelope exchange looks at the party; MG rants about the Twilight series ruining vampire myths; Rafael tells Josie about his life before his girlfriend died.
Penelope offers her blood to MG, but Josie interrupts them.
Josie goes to Lizzie's room and tells her about seeing MG and Penelope together; Hope creates a night sky on the ceiling of Landon's cell, then he kisses her.
'Comic-Con 2018' trailer.
Series Premiere trailer #2.
Josie and Lizzie show Rafael the Wickery field, the school's alternative to Quidditch.
The Salvatore School for the Gifted Stallions vs. the Mystic Falls Timberwolves.
The Salvatore Stallions use their powers against the Timberwolves.
Hope and Rafael team up to defeat the dragon.
Josie casts a spell causing Kaleb to miss the football as the Stallions attempt one last attempt to win the game.
Hope leaves to woods, Ric tells her that Landon and Rafael are gone and hands her a note from Landon; Hope reads Landon's letter; Landon and Rafael hitchhike; Josie tries to explain her and Josie's actions to Ric but he just hugs them; Hope continues reading the letter in her room.
The Salvatore students from the football team and Hope arrive into town for their punishment to clean up the town; Lizzie gets into a fight with Josie then makes her stance against cleaning.
Landon and Rafael work a crowd for money using Rafael's werewolf abilities; Someone watches Landon and Rafael then texting someone he's found them.
Landon and Rafael hug it out; Hope, Alaric and Josie with weapons head to fight to Gargoyle; (continues) the three fight the Gargoyle then Hope and Josie combine their powers to destroy the Gargoyle.
Alaric makes a speech to the school about mystical creatures and protecting one another; Alaric sends Dorian off to hide the knife; MG brings Lizzie brownies; Josie and Hope smile at one another; Hope spots Landon arrive back at the school.
Sasha and Dana wait in a car outside the school for Conner to join them for some vandalism; Sasha wanders outside to search for a phone signal, then a scream is heard.
Ep 104 'Hope Is Not The Goal' promo.
The Salvatore students arrive at Mystic Falls High School for the exchange program mission.
Hope and Landon find Kaleb about to bite a teenage girl.
Rafael, Landon and MG bring Sasha's body out as Hope, Lizzie, and Josie join them outside after defeating the Arachne.
Hope joins Landon by the lake, where he confesses to not knowing why he was drawn to the knife or why the mystical creatures are showing up, then tells her she's been normal the whole day by picking on him and distrusting him.
Ep 105 'Malivore' promo.
Dorian captures a Dryad in a magical trap.
Lizzie tries on various outfits for when she wins the Witch seat on the council.
Rafael challenges his Alpha; MG hands out campaign buttons; Josie makes a deal to help Lizzie.
The Dryad tells Dorian about Malivore; Dorian watches as a tree emerges from the spot where the Dryad died.
Hope and Landon have a goodbye kiss; Lizzie expresses regret to Rafael over his losing the vote on Landon, then she kisses him; Landon looks at a photo of his mom as he takes a bus out of town.
Lizzie arrives at the party.
Lizzie's favorite song starts to play as she dances with MG.
MG shows off his dance moves, then pulls Lizzie onto the dance floor; Penelope asks her friend if she's seen Josie.
Lizzie and MG continue dancing.
As a slow dance starts, Rafael finally arrives at the dance and takes over as Lizzie's dance partner; [0:44] continues as Rafael tells Lizzie they don't have a future together.
Penelope kisses Josie; Rafael tells Hope that he came clean to Lizzie, then he asks Hope to dance.
Josie says goodbye to her daughters and Alaric; Josie and Lizzie siphon their mom's powers, causing her to disappear; Alaric visits Josie's grave.
Ep 107 'Death Keeps Knocking On My Door' promo.
Hope talks about the tradition of writing letters to dead loved ones; Raf's resurrected girlfriend, Cassie, walks into the school.
Hope goes into The Necomancer's mind, where he's taken her to a familiar bar in New Orleans.
While in his mind, The Necromancer takes Hope to a Day of the Dead celebration.
Cassie tells Raf she forgives him for causing the car accident that killed her.
Hope writes a letter to her father; montage of people leaving their letters in the graveyard; Raf asks Alaric to help him become a better man; Hope apologizes to Raf for not being there for him.
Lawrence, KS - Two weeks ago - Landon introduces himself to his mom.
Alaric quizzes Hope while they follow the magical compass to Landon.
Hope tells Landon he's one of the strongest people she knows; Landon tells Hope about the letters he wrote to her, then they kiss.
Alaric drives Landon and Hope back to The Salavator School; Hope drops by Landon's room.
Hope and Rafael spar in the gym.
Alaric drives the urn out of Mystic Falls.
Hope fights the Dream Demon, then they end up in the gym with Landon, Rafael, MG and Alaric.
Alaric watches as the students walk away from the gym after defeating the demon.
Landon tells Hope she can keep her secrets, but he won't be afraid of losing her anymore; they kiss.
Montage of Lizzie and Josie sparring with Alaric.
As they arrive at the school dance, Lizzie tries to stop Josie from going through with her plan with Connor.
Hope and her team arrive at the dance to cover up Lizzie's music use, then Hope announces she's there for Alaric.
Lizzie leads the witches in rehearsal for the talent show.
Kaleb sings and plays piano at the school talent show, then is joined by a group of werewolf dancers.
Emma starts a game of 'Truth or Shot' with Alaric, then later admits she's seeing someone.
Alaric sits in amazement at Emma's karaoke performance.
Alaric and Emma perform a karaoke duet, then he gets a call and pulls Emma off the stage.
A pair of students do a juggling act for the talent show.
Josie sings as the rest of the witches do a dance routine around her.
Alaric and a group of students head off to hunt monsters; Hope and Liz bicker.
The road trip continues as the girls complain about the temperature; snacks are passed around; Josie gets car sick.
Alaric tries to distract the kids with a song.
The group leaves Maple Hollows; Hope tells Liz she would never make fun of her, then discovers that Josie was the one that accused her; Kaleb tells Alaric that the students need full access to their powers.
Hope feeds MG some of her blood; Rafael and Hope find Landon's body.
Alaric, Kaleb and MG join Rafael and Hope by Landon's body; Hope stops Rafael from going after MG.
The contestants rehearse a dance for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant.
The dance rehearsal continues as Landon questions Hope's ability to forgive Roman for her mother's death.
The contestants and their escorts are introduced; Josie is forced to accept Penelope as her escort; Penelope encourages Josie to try to win, then Josie intentionally trips at the bottom of the staircase.
The contestants dance with their partners; Josie tells Lizzie she just found out that Penelope is leaving the school, then realizes that Lizzie doesn't care about anyone else's feelings; Hope asks Roman to listen in on Josie and Lizzie's conversation; Hope is announced as the pageant winner.
Josie asks Penelope to stay, but Penelope responds by saying she's only been given more reasons to leave; Penelope gives Josie a record of what her spelled pens recorded and tells her to look into what Alaric wrote about 'the merge'.
Alaric tells Josie and Lizzie he has something to tell them; Hope returns to the Landon-illusion and apologizes for lying, then confesses she loves him.
Alaric tells Lizzie and Josie about Gemini Twins and The Merge, then explains why he didn't tell them sooner.
Veronica is told that Landon and Ryan got away; Dorian agrees to Alaric request for his help.
The students work together to take down the Triad men.
Lizzie brushes Josie's hair, then Josie shows her a device she found related to The Merge; Alaric admits to his students that he's responsible for the device that blocked their powers, then says they can decide whether he will remain as headmaster.
Alaric burns all evidence of Hope; Josie and Rafael try to figure out who the fifth voting tile is for; Landon regenerates and gets a call from Alaric.
Michael Suby
The CW
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